From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
By M. A. Alwar
Origin of the Word Aṃśukam[edit]
The word aṃśukam derives from aṃśun. The suffix used here is ‘ka’. In the other word aṃśubhiḥ the suffix used is ḍa.
Aṃśukam as per Medinīkośa[edit]
The meanings according to Medinīkośa are:
- Cloth
- Thin cloth
- The cloth used as the upper garment
Aṃśukam as per Ramānātha[edit]
Ramānātha, a commentator on the Amarakośa, defines the word as a white cloth.
Aṃśukam as per Rājanighaṇṭu[edit]
The Rājanighaṇṭu denotes it to be ‘a lower garment’.
- Shabdakalpadrumah by Raja Radhakantdev, Varadaprasada Vasu, Haricarana Vasu