Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia:About

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Hindupedia is devoted to educating the public about all aspects of Hinduism ranging from history and philosophy to current events that impact Hindus. We will strive to hold ourselves to the highest level of integrity and provide a factual and neutral perspective on all topics. On contentious issues, we will strive to present the information from all sides and provide the reader with a holistic view of the issue. This includes our philosophy of Pan-Hinduism, wherein we promote the Hinduism of all sects.

We are the only online Hindu encyclopedia that provides the public with a Hindu perspective on our Dharma.

Administratively, we are a non-profit organization (501(c)3) registered in the US.

How to Interact with Hindupedia[edit]

This site, is the primary repository of the Encyclopedia. If you are interested in joining the Hindupedia team, please email us at support@hindupedia.com.

We are looking for assistance in the following four areas:

  1. Content development
  2. Editing (language, grammar, formatting, etc)
  3. Marketing & Outreach
  4. Web Development

If you are interested in receiving daily quotes / new articles, please follow us on Twitter. If you would like to do the above in addition to interacting with the team or have questions you would like directly answered, please Find us on Facebook.

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Advisory Board[edit]

Former members[edit]

Late Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Editorial Board[edit]

Dr. David Frawley (Pundit Vamadeva Shastri)
Swamini Sadvidyananda Saraswati

Every member of the Hindupedia team will, to the best of his/her ability, strive to maintain the high standards required of this type of effort and ensure that Hindupedia continues to be the best source of unbiased information on Hinduism.

Core Team[edit]

Authors Area of Focus
Krishna Maheshwari Founder. Involved across all areas
Shankara Bharadwaj Khandavalli Core Concepts
P.R.Ramachander Stotra, Temples of Kerala, Puranas
Ramesh Krishnamurthy Philosophy, Stotra
Jit Majumdar
Editors Area of Focus
K. Ravindranath Grammar, style
Vishal J Mehta Grammar, style
Subramanyan Koduvayur Ramakrishnan Content Import
Marketing Area of Focus
Yashesh Shroff Twitter
Yogesh Joshi Twitter, Facebook

Reviewers & Other Contributors

Former Team Members[edit]

Editors Area of Focus When they left
Michael Shepherd Content correctness, spelling Passed away in 2010


Uk hindu council logo.jpg UK Hindu Council Voted in February 2011 to endorse Hindupedia

Content Partners[edit]


Every editor of Hindupedia will to the best of his/her ability strive to maintain the high standards required of this type of effort and ensure that Hindupedia continues to be the best source of unbiased information on Hinduism. We will strive to hold ourselves to the highest level of integrity and provide a factual and neutral perspective on all topics. On contentious issues, we will strive to present the information from all sides and provide the reader with a holistic view of the issue.

Editorial Review[edit]

All articles are reviewed by a board of editors prior to being posted to ensure high quality standards.


There are 11,272 articles on Hindupedia.

Contribute an Article[edit]

If you are interesting in contributing an article, please submit it to ContributeArticle@hindupedia.com. It will be reviewed by the Hindupedia team prior to publishing as part of the encyclopedia.

Contribute Money[edit]

Hindupedia is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Tax I.D. 27-148-8493


We welcome inputs on the content, and suggestions about the site. Please post us your valuable opinions at support@hindupedia.com.