Aarthi Ma Sarada ki

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Hey Sarade ma, Hey Sarade ma, Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma
Thoo swar ki devi hain, sangeeth thujse,
Har sabdh thera hain, har geeth thujse,
Hum hain akele, him hain adhoore,
Their saran hum, Hamen pyar dhe ma

Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother Sarada. Oh mother, help us to come out of ignorance.
You are the Goddess of musical notes and so all music is from you,
Every word is yours and every song is from you.
We are all alone, we are incomplete,
WE have surrendered to you, Oh mother please give us love.

Hey Sarade ma, Hey Sarade ma, Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma
Muniyom ne samjhi, guniyom ne jaani,
Vedon ki bhasha, Puranon ke Bani,
Hum bhi tho samje, hum bhi tho jaane,
Vidhyaa ka humko adhikar they ma.

Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother Sarada. Oh mother, help us to come out of ignorance.
The sages understood and the good people came to know,
The language of the Vedas, the sayings of the epics,
Make us also understand, Make us also know,
Oh mother give us the right to knowledge.

Hey Sarade ma, Hey Sarade ma, Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma,
Thu swetha bvarni, Kamal pe viraje,
Hathom may veenna, mukut sar pe saje,
Man se hamare mita dhe andhere,
Hum ko ujalon ka samsar dhe ma,
Hey Sarade ma, Hey Sarade ma, Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma.

Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother Sarada. Oh mother, help us to come out of ignorance.
You are sitting on a lotus of white colour,
You have Veena in your hand and you are keeping the crown on your head,
Please remove all darkness from our mind,
And Oh mother grant us the life of brightness,
Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother Sarada. Oh mother, help us to come out of ignorance.