Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp

In this book, we analyze the psycho-social consequences faced by Indian American children after exposure to the school textbook discourse on Hinduism and ancient India. We demonstrate that there is an intimate connection—an almost exact correspondence—between James Mill’s colonial-racist discourse (Mill was the head of the British East India Company) and the current school textbook discourse. This racist discourse, camouflaged under the cover of political correctness, produces the same psychological impacts on Indian American children that racism typically causes: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a phenomenon akin to racelessness, where children dissociate from the traditions and culture of their ancestors.

This book is the result of four years of rigorous research and academic peer-review, reflecting our ongoing commitment at Hindupedia to challenge the representation of Hindu Dharma within academia.

Ab saump Dhiya Main ne

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Ab Soump Diya Is Jivan ka,
Sab bhaar tumhaare haathon men,
Sab bhaar tumhaare haathon men
Har jeet tumhaare haathon men,
Aur haar tumhaare haathon men,
Aur haar tumhaare haathon men

I have given you, Oh God,
All the burden of this life in your hands,
All the burden in your hands,
The victory is in your hands,
And the failure is in your hands,
And the failure is in your hands.

Mera nischay bas ek yahi,
Ek baar tumhe paa jaavun mein,
Ek baar tumhe paa jaavun mein,
Arpan kardun duniya bhar ka,
Sab pyaar tumhaare haathon men,
Sab pyaar tumhaare haathon men

I have but only one decision,
If once I get you in my hands,
If once I get you in my hands,
I would dedicate a world full of
Love in your hands,
Love in your hands.

Jo jagme rahun tho aise rahun,
Jo jal men kamalka phool rahe,
Jo jal men kamalka phool rahe
Mere sab guna dosh samarpit ho,
Karthar tumhaare haathon mein,
Saakar thumhaare haathon mein,
Bhagawan tumhaare haathon mein

In the world where I live, I will live,
Like a lotus flower, which is in water,
Like a lotus flower, which is in water,
Dedicating all the good and bad in me,
With responsibility of all the acts in your hands,
With responsibility of all the good in your hands,
Oh God in your hands.

Yadi manush ka mujhe Janma mile,
Tho tav charano ka pujari banu,
Tav charano ka pujari banu
Is pujak ki ek ek rag ka,
Ho taar tumhaare haathon men,
Ho taar tumhaare haathon men

If I get to be born as a human being,
I would become the worshipper of your feet,
Worshipper of your feet,
And each nerve of this worshipper,
Would be controlled by your hands,
Would be controlled by your hands.

Jab jab sansar ka kaidi banu,
Nishkaam bhaavse karma karun,
Nishkaam bhaavse karma karun
Phir anth samay men praan tajun,
Sakar tumhaare haathon men
Niraakaar tumhaare haathon men

When ever I became a prisoner of this life,
Without desire I would do my job,
Without desire I would do my job,
And at the end I would give away my soul,
For success of action is in your hands,
And failure of action is in your hands.

Mujh mein, thuj mein bhas bhed yahi,
Main nar hoon, thum narayan ho,
Main nar hoon, thum narayan ho,
Main hoon samsaar ke hathon mein,
Samsar thumhare hathon mein,
Samsar thumhare hathon mein

Between me and you, the difference is only that,
I am a man and you are Lord Narayana,
I am a man and you are Lord Narayana,
I am in the hands of this world,
But the world is within your hands,
World is within your hands.

Udhar pathan sab mera hain,
Sarthaj thumhara hathon mein,
Sarthaj thumhara hathon mein,
Miltha hai sacha sukh keval,
Hey Ram thumharen charanom mein,
Hey Sham thumharen charanom mein

Progress and downfall all are mine,
But the crown is in your hands,
The crown is in your hands,
The real and true pleasure is only got,
Hey Rama, at your feet,
Hey Krishna, at your feet.

Vinthi hain yahi pal-pal, chin-chin,
Rahe dhyan thumhare charanom mein,
Rahe dhyan thumhare charanom mein,
Miltha hain sacha such keval,
Bhagawan thumhare charanon mein,
Mahadev thumhare charanon mein

The only request that I have,
Is that every moment and in every action,
My thought should be at your feet,
My thought should be at your feet,
For the real truth is got only,
At your holy feet, Oh God,
Oh great God, at your holy feet.

Vinthi hain yahi pal-pal, kshan-kshan,
Rahe dhyan thumhare charanom mein,
Rahe dhyan thumhare charanom mein,
Ab Soump Diya Is Jivan ka, Sab bhaar tumhaare haathon men,
Sab bhaar tumhaare haathon mein,
Har jeet tumhaare haathon men,
Aur haar tumhaare haathon men,
Aur haar tumhaare haathon men

The only request that I have again and again,
Is that every moment and in every action,
My thought should be at your feet,
My thought should be at your feet,
I have given you, Oh God,
All the burden of this life in your hands,
All the burden of this life in your hands,
The victory is in your hands,
And the failure is in your hands,
And the failure is in your hands