From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
By Swami Harshananda
Apaciti literally means ‘paying respect’.
The dharmaśāstras, treatises on law and code of conduct, specify that six types of people should be shown due honor and respect, by a householder. They are mentioned below :
- Ācārya - Teacher
- Rtvik - Officiating priest
- Rājan - The king
- Snātaka - One who has just finished Vedic studies
- Śvaśura - Father-in- law
- Pitṛvya - Paternal uncle
- Mātula - Maternal uncle
The reception given in their honor is called ‘apaciti’ or ‘argha’. It consists of
- Offering a seat to sit on
- Pādya - Water for washing feet
- Arghya - Water for washing hands
- Ācamana - Water for rinsing mouth
- Madhuparka - A preparation of honey and other ingredients
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore