Banaa rahe Darbar,

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Banaa raha darbar mayyaa thera,
There paavan dhar pe aake mayyaa,
Ho sabkaa udhaar mayyaa,
Bana rahe Darbar

Oh mother your royal court is in session,
The royal court of your is in session, Oh mother,
After coming near your place oh mother,
Progress of all people take place, oh mother

Prem ka Deepak, jnan ki bhathi,
Man mandhir mein jale dhin raath mayya,
Mit jaaye andhakar mayya,
Banaa Rahe Darbar

The lamp of love, the flame of wisdom,
Are there in the temple of the mind day and night
And there is no darkness mother,
Your royal court is in session,

Gahari nadhiyaa, naav puraani,
Jeevan kee yah ADhak kahani,
Thoo hee sevan haar Mayya,
Banaa raha darbar

Deep rivers, and boat is old,
Is the incomplete story of our life,
Oh Mother you are the one who does service,
Your royal court is in session

Jo bhi dhar pe aayaa Mayya
Man vanchith phal uske paayaa mayya,
There dhayaa hain apaar mayya,
Banaa rahe darbar

Whoever comes to your place oh mother,
Oh Mother he will get all desired results,
Your mercy is without limit oh mother,
Your royal court is in session.

मैया तेरा बना रहे दरबार
बना रहे दरबार मैया तेरा
तेरे पावन दर पे आके मैया
हो सबका उद्धार मैया
बना रहे दरबार

प्रेम का दीपक ज्ञान की बाती
मन मन्दिर में जले दिन राती मैया
मिट जाये अंधकार मैया
बना रहे दरबार

गहरी नदिया, नाव पुरानी
जीवन की यह अथक कहानी
तू ही खेवनहार मैया
बना रहे दरबार

जो भी तेरे दर पे आया मैया
मनवांछित फल उसने पाया मैया
तेरी दया है अपार मैया
बना रहे दरबार