
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

After Śiva reduced Manmatha (Cupid) to ashes, Citrakarma (an attendant of Siva) gathered the ashes and shaped it into a human form. When Śiva opened his eyes after a long meditation, his eyes fell upon this image which immediately came to life.

This person worshiped Śiva himself and secured several boons. He came to be known as Bhaṇḍāsura. Strengthened by these boons which conferred a long life and immense power along with immunity against several weapons, Bhaṇḍāsura started harassing Indra and other gods. Then Indra performed a sacrifice in honor of the Parāśakti or the Divine Mother. Pleased by it, she rose out of the sacrificial fire as Lalitā-Parameśvarī and killed Bhaṇḍāsura.


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore