
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Brāhmi-sthiti literally means ‘the state of being established in Brahman’.

Brahman is the Absolute from which this universe has evolved, in which it lives and to which it returns at the end of a cycle of creation. It is described as ‘sat-cit-ānanda,’ which means existence-knowledge-bliss absolute.

When a person, through appropriate sādhanās or spiritual practices, realizes about Brahman in the inmost depths of his being, his life undergoes a dramatic change reflecting this inner experience in every action. Such a person is called as ‘sthitaprajña’ or ‘a man of steady wisdom’. He always maintains an equanimous attitude towards all the situations of life.

This inner state of mystical experience resulting from realizing Brahman and expressing itself outwardly as equanimity has been called as ‘brāhmī-sthiti’ by the Bhagavadgītā.[1] Once this state is attained it will continue till the last moment of one’s life.


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore