
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Jit Majumdar

  1. the bliss of Brahman; the bliss that Brahman embodies
  2. the state of perfect and infinite bliss that is sought to be achieved as the ultimate goal of spirituality and religion, which comes with the realization of one’s self as an integral part of and identical in essence with the Brahman.
  3. (i) Brahmānanda Sarasvatī: (1870 – 1953 CE) born as Rājārām in the north-Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, was the Śańkarācārya (head abbot) of Jyotirmaţh , one of the four cardinal insitutes and monasteries, and the northern among them, established by Ādi Śańkarācārya for his monastic order and philosophical tradition; (ii) Swāmi Brahmānanda: (1863 – 1922) born as Rākhāl Chandra Ghosh, in the state of Bengal, was one of the direct monastic disciples of Śrī Rāmākŗşņa, one of the brother disciples of Swāmi Vivekānanda, and the first abbot and president of the Ramakrishna Math And Mission.