
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Dhātuprasāda literally means ‘by the grace of dhātu’. While describing the nature of the ātman (the Self), Yama declares that he is smaller than the smallest and greater than the greatest. He is established in the cave of the heart of all the living beings. One who realizes him and his greatness, becomes free from all the sorrows and sufferings. This is preceded by two conditions:

  1. To be akratu
  2. To receive dhātuprasāda

To become an akratu or free from volition, the aspirant should avoid all the desires and desire-motivated actions. One should not be agitated by desires, mind and senses, which are called dhātu. These dhātus support the living beings and become favorable to him. This is dhātuprasāda.

Dhātuprasāda as per Vedānta School[edit]

According to this school, ‘dhātu-prasādāt’ word can be interpreted as ‘by the grace of Paramātman or God’. Hence the jīva or the individual soul is able to understand the greatness of God through his grace and thus transcends all sorrow.

Textual Reference[edit]

  • Dhātuprasāda is a technical term that appears in the Kathā Upaniṣad.[1]
  • This word ‘dhātu-prasādāt’ is also repeated in the Śvetā-śvatara Upaniṣad[2] and Mahānārāyana Upaniṣad.[3] also.


  1. Kathā Upaniṣad 1.2.20.
  2. Śvetā-śvatara Upaniṣad 3.20
  3. Mahānārāyana Upaniṣad 8.3
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore