Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp
We examine the impact of the current colonial-racist discourse around Hindu Dharma on Indians across the world and prove that this discourse causes psychological effects similar to those caused by racism: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a detachment from our cultural heritage.


From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
(Redirected from Dvarakadhisa)

By Jit Majumdar

  1. lord or ruler of Dvārakā
  2. another name for Ugrasena, the chief of Dvārakā, and Kŗşņa (though Ugrasena was officially the chief of the Yādava oligarchy and hence technically the equivalent of a ruler, Kŗşņa is traditionally and in literature the holder of this title since he was the foremost leader, and the most respected and eminent personality of the Yādavas and the person responsible for thinking and planning the establishment of Dvārakā).