Ennakka manasuku Rani

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Ennaka manasuku rani

Saint Thyagraja

Translated by


Raga Neelambhari
Thala Aadhi

Ennaka manasuku rani,
Pannaga sayi sogusu
Pannuga kanu konani kannulele
Kannulele kanti minnulele


1.Mohamutho neelavaari,
Vaha kanthi nigerina,
Sri Harini kattu konani deha mele,
Deha mele ee gehamele

2. Sarasija malle Thulasi
Viruvaji pari Jatha pu
Virulache poojinchini karamulele,
Karamulele ee kapurmulele

3.Malimitho Thyagraju
Nelina ramamurthini
Lalinchi pogatani nalikele,
Nalikele suthra malikele

English translation


What is the use of having such eyes,
Which are not becoming happy,
On seeing the Lord sleeping on Adhisesha,
Which is beyond our mind ,after great thought ,
What is the use of having such eyes.


1.What is the use of the body that does not,
Embrace Krishna who is like a blue cloud,
With great affection, what is the use of that body.

2.What is the use of hands that does not offer,
Flowers like Lotus, Jasmine, Thulasi, parijatham,
To the God, What is the use of that hands.

3.What is the use of that toungue that does not sing,
About that Rama who saved this Thyagraja,
What is the use of that toungue or the chain of beads.