Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp

In this book, we analyze the psycho-social consequences faced by Indian American children after exposure to the school textbook discourse on Hinduism and ancient India. We demonstrate that there is an intimate connection—an almost exact correspondence—between James Mill’s colonial-racist discourse (Mill was the head of the British East India Company) and the current school textbook discourse. This racist discourse, camouflaged under the cover of political correctness, produces the same psychological impacts on Indian American children that racism typically causes: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a phenomenon akin to racelessness, where children dissociate from the traditions and culture of their ancestors.

This book is the result of four years of rigorous research and academic peer-review, reflecting our ongoing commitment at Hindupedia to challenge the representation of Hindu Dharma within academia.

Hum Kahann Chupe Bhagwan

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Thum kahan chupe bhagwan, karo math deri,
Dukh haro dwaraki nath Saran mein theri
Dukh haro dwaraki nath Saran mein their

Oh God where are you hiding, Please do not be late,
Destroy my sorrows, Oh Lord of Dwaraka, I surrender to you
Destroy my sorrows, Oh Lord of Dwaraka, I surrender to you

Yahee sunaa ghai Dheena bandhu, thum sabkaa Dukh har lethe,
Jo niras hai unki joli Aasa se bhar dethe,
Agar Sudhamaa hothaa mein tho doud Dwarakaa Aathaa,
Paav aasuvon se dho kar mein man kaa aag bhujathaa,
Thum bhano nahin anjaan, suno bhagwan, karo math deri,
Dukh haro Dwarakaa nath Saran mein theri

I have heard oh friend of the suffering, that you remove the sorrows of all,
To him who is frustrated, you would fill his back with desire,
Suppose I were Sudhamaa, I would have come running to Dwaraka,
And wash t your feet with my tears and put out the fire that burns in my mind,
Please do not act as if you do not know anything, Oh God hear me, do not be late,
Oh God where are you hiding, Please do not be late,
Destroy my sorrows, Oh Lord of Dwaraka, I surrender to you

Jo bhi saran thumhari aathaa, usko dheer bandhathe,
Nahin doobne dhethi dhathaa, Naiya paar lagaathe,
Thum na sunoge tho, kisko mein apni vyadhaa sunavoon,
Dwar thumhara chod ke bhagwan aur kahan mein javun,
Prabhu knb se rahaa pukaar, Mein their dwaar, Karo math deri,
Dukh haro dwarakhanath, Saran mein their

When some one comes to surrender to you, make him courageous,
The giver to all never allows them to drown and provides them a boat to cross,
If you are not hearing, To whom shall I tell about my sufferings,
Leaving out your door, where shall I go,
Oh Lord, since when I am calling you, I am near your gate, do not be late
Destroy my sorrows, Oh Lord of Dwaraka, I surrender to you

तुम कहाँ छुपे भगवान करो मत देरी |
दुःख हरो द्वारकानाथ शरण मैं तेरी ||
दुख हरो द्वारिकानाथ शरण मैं तेरी ||

यही सुना है दीनबन्धु तुम सबका दुख हर लेते |
जो निराश हैं उनकी झोली आशा से भर देते ||
अगर सुदामा होता मैं तो दौड़ द्वारका आता |
पाँव आँसुओं से धो कर मैं मन की आग बुझाता ||
तुम बनो नहीं अनजान, सुनो भगवान, करो मत देरी |
दुख हरो द्वारकानाथ शरण मैं तेरी ||

जो भी शरण तुम्हारी आता, उसको धीर बंधाते |
नहीं डूबने देते दाता, नैया पार लगाते ||
तुम न सुनोगे तो किसको मैं अपनी व्यथा सुनाऊँ |
द्वार तुम्हारा छोड़ के भगवन और कहाँ मैं जाऊँ ||
प्रभु कब से रहा पुकार, मैं तेरे द्वार, करो मत देरी |
दुख हरो द्वारकानाथ शरण मैं तेरी ||