Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp

In this book, we analyze the psycho-social consequences faced by Indian American children after exposure to the school textbook discourse on Hinduism and ancient India. We demonstrate that there is an intimate connection—an almost exact correspondence—between James Mill’s colonial-racist discourse (Mill was the head of the British East India Company) and the current school textbook discourse. This racist discourse, camouflaged under the cover of political correctness, produces the same psychological impacts on Indian American children that racism typically causes: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a phenomenon akin to racelessness, where children dissociate from the traditions and culture of their ancestors.

This book is the result of four years of rigorous research and academic peer-review, reflecting our ongoing commitment at Hindupedia to challenge the representation of Hindu Dharma within academia.

Jai Ambe Gauri Maiyaa

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri
Nishdin tumko dhyaavat, Hari Brahmaa Shivji,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,
Night and day Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva meditate on you,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Maang sindur biraajat, tiko mrigmadko,
Ujjvalse do naina, chandravadan niko,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

On Your forehead shines the Tilak made oF kumkum,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Kanak saman kalevar, raktaambar raje,
Raktapushp galmaala, kanth haar saje,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

Your body is of the colour of gold and you shine in cloths of blood red colour,
You wear the garland of red flowers on your neck and you are also wear a necklace,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Kehari vaahan rajat, khadg khappar dhari
sur nar munijan sevat, tinke dukhahaari,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

You regally ride on a lion holding a sword and a skull,
You are served by devas, humans and sages, whose sorrow you destroy,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Kaanan kundal shobhit, naasagre moti
Kotik chandra divaakar, samraajat jyoti,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

You shine with studs worn on your ears and with pearl on the nose,
And your luster is like one crore suns and moons shining,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Shumbh- nishumbh vidaare, MahishaaSur ghatia
Dhumra-vilochan naina, nishdin madmati
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

You are the destroyer of Shumbh and Nishumbh and the slayer of Mahishasur,
And in the battle with Dhoomra Lochana, day and night your eyes shone with fury,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Brahmaani, Rudraani tum Kamalaa Raani,
Agam-nigam bakhaani. tum Shiv patraani,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

You are the power of Brahma, power of Rudhra and the queen of the lotus,
And the Vedas and Shastras describe you as queen consort of Lord Shiva,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Chaunsath yogini gaavat, nritya karat Bhairon,
Baajat tab mridanga, aur bajat damru,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

Sixty four Yoginis sing before you and Bhairava dances before you,
And the Mridangam as well drums are also played,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Tum ho jag ki maataa, tum hi ho bhartaa,
Bhaktan ki dukh hartaa, sukh sampati kartaa,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

You are the mother of the universe and you only nurture it,
You destroy the sorrow of your devotees and also give them pleasures and wealth.
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Bhujaa char ati shobhit, var mudraa dhaari,
Manva anchhit phal paavat, sevak nar naari,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

You shine with your four hands and show the sign of boon by one of them,
And humans get their desires fulfilled and your servants are men and women,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,

Kanchan thaal virajat, agaru kapur baati
BHalketu men rajat, kotiratan jyoti,
Jai Ambe Gauri maiyaa, jai Shyaama Gauri

When Camphor and aloe are placed on a golden plate and lighted,
Your forehead shines giving out the k light of one crore gems,
Victory to mother Gauri, Victory to the dusk coloured Gauri,