Jai Bhagawad Gita

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

जय भगवद् गीते,
जय भगवद् गीते ।
सुन्दर सुपुनीते ॥

Jaya Bhagawad Githe,
Jaya Bhagawad githe,
Hari hiya kamala Viharini,
Sundara supunithe

Hail song of God,
Hail song of God,
She who lives in the lotus like heart of Hari
Oh very pure and pretty one

कामासक्तिहरा ।
विद्या ब्रह्म परा ॥
॥ जय भगवद् गीते...॥

Karma sumarma prakasini,
Kamasakthi haraa,
Thathwa jnana vilasini,
Vidhyaa Brahma paraa (jaya Bhagawad Githe)

Oh book that throws light on secrets of actions,
Which destroys desire for passion,
Which clearly explains the knowledge of Philosophy,
Which is far beyond knowledge of Brahma (Hail song of God)

निर्मल मलहारी ।
सब विधि सुखकारी ॥
॥ जय भगवद् गीते...॥

Nischala Bhathi vidhayini,
Nirmala mala haari,
Sarana sahasya pradhaayini,
Sab vidhi sukh kaari ( Jaya bhagawd githe…)

The book who gives very stable devotion,
Who destroys all evils affecting pure things,
Who gives mighty protection,
And who follows all rules and leads to pleasure (Hail song of God)

कारिणि मोद सदा ।
तारिणि परमानन्दप्रदा ॥
॥ जय भगवद् गीते...॥

Raga dwesh vidharini,
Karini modha sadhaa,
Bhava BHaya Harini,
Tharini parmanandapradha (Jaya Bhagawad Githe,,)

She who removes desire and hateread,
Who grants happiness always,
Who destroys fear of Samsara,
Who helps to cross and grants us great joy (Hail song of the lord)

नाशिनि तम रजनी ।
दैवी सद् गुणदायिनि,
हरि-रसिका सजनी ॥
॥ जय भगवद् गीते...॥

Aasura bhava vinasini,
Nasini thama Rajani,
Devi sad guna dhayini,
Hari rasika sajani (Jaya Bhagawad githe..)

Oh destroyer of Asura traits,
Oh destroyer of night like darkness,
Oh book who grants good character,
And one who makes good people like Lord Hari ( Hail ssong of lord)

समता, त्याग सिखावनि,
हरि-मुख की बानी ।
सकल शास्त्र की स्वामिनी,
श्रुतियों की रानी ॥
॥ जय भगवद् गीते...॥

Samatha thyag sikhvani,
Hari Mukh ki bhani,
Sakala Sasthra ki swamini,
Sruthiyom ki Raani (Jaya Bhagwad geethe..)

She who teaches equality and sacrifice,
The voice from the face of God Hari,
Lord of all sastras,
The queen of the Vedas, (Hail Song of lord..)

दया-सुधा बरसावनि,
मातु! कृपा कीजै ।
हरिपद-प्रेम दान कर,
अपनो कर लीजै ॥
॥ जय भगवद् गीते...॥

Dhayaa sudhaa bharsaavani,
Mathru krupaa keejai,
Hari Padh, prem dhan kar,
Apne kar leeje, (jaya Bhagwad geethe..)

The book who makes kindness and nectar rain,
The victory of mother’s kindness
Give us feet of Hari and love,
Make us yours (Hail song of lord..)

जय भगवद् गीते,
जय भगवद् गीते ।
सुन्दर सुपुनीते ॥

Jaya bhagawad Geethe,
Jaya Bhagawad Geethe,
Hari hiya kamal viharini,
Sundar supunithe

Hail Song of the lord,
Hail song of the lord,
She who lives in the lotus like heart of Hari,
Which is pretty and greatly pure one
Aarthi sri Narasimh Bhagawan ki

॥ आरती श्री नरसिंह भगवान की ॥