Jai Janani Jai

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Hear this bhajan http://ia902605.us.archive.org/6/items/AratiGeetMala/AGMJagJananiJayJay.mp3

Jai Janani jai, maan jai janani jai jai,
Bhayahaarini, bhavatharini bhava bhamini Jai Jai Jaga Janani

Victory, mother vctory, Victory to mother, Oh mother victory, victory,
Destroyer of fear, One who makes cross Samsara, Oh pretty lady of the universe

Thu hi sath chith sukha mai, shudha Brahma roopaa,
Sathya sanathan sundar para shiva bhoopaa

You are filled with divinity, joy and pleasure and have the form of pure Brahman,
You are truly without beginning, You are pretty and ty=he consort of Paramashiva

Aadhi anadhi anaamai athibhal, avinaasi,
Amal, ananth, agochar, aj aanandarasi

You are primeval, do not have beginning, very strong, do not have have death,
Very pure, without end, Cannot be seen, You are not born and personification of joy

Avikaari, aghahaari, akal kaladhari,
Kartha, vidhi, bharthaa hari har samharakari

You are beyond emotions, destroyer of suffering, One without time and one who wears the crescent
You are Brahma creator, Hari who looks after, and the destroyer

Thoo Vidhi vadhu, remaa, thoo umaa Mahamaya.
Mool prakruthi, Vidhyaa thoo Janani jaayaa

You are consort of Brahma, Goddess Lekshmi, Uma the enchanter,
You are the basic nature, You are education, You are the mother the creator.

Ram Krishn thoo, Sitha Vruja Rani Radha,
Thoo Vaanchaa kalpa dhrum, harini sab bhagaa

You are Rama and Krishna, You are Sita, You are Radha the queen of Vruj,
You are the wish fulfilling tree, you are the deer and all the tigers.

Dasa vidhyaa, nava durgaa, Naanaa sasthra karaa,
Ashta mathrukaa, yogini, nava, nava roop dharaa

You are the ten Vidhyas, nine durgas, one who is armed with various weapons,
You are the eight Mathrukas, You are one who sits in Yoga and one who takes newer and newer forms.

Thu para dhama nivasini, mahaa vilasini thoo,
Thoo smasan viharini thandava lasini thoo.

You are the one who stays in divine world, You are the greatly charming lady,
You are the one who wanders in cremation ground, you are an expert in male and female dances.

Sura muni mohini, saumyaa, thoo Shbohaa dharaa,
Vivasan vikat saroopaa, pralayamayi dharaa

You are one who attracts sages and devas, you are peaceful,, you are lustrous,
You have a peculiar form with cloths and you take care of the deluge

THoo hi sneha sudhaa mayi, thoo athi garalmanaa,
Rathna vibhooshith thoo hi thoo hi asthi thanaa

You are filled with nectar of love, you are the one who is very poisonous,
You are one decorating herself with Rathnas and you are one who has a form of skeleton.

Moolaadhar nivasini, iha para sidhi pradhe,
Kalatheethaa Kali, Kamala thoo varadhe

Ypu are the one who lives in Mooladhara, You are one who gives strength in this and other worlds,
You are Kali who is beyond time, You are Goddess Lakshmi who blesses.

SAkthi Sakthi dhar thoo hi, nithya abhedha mayi,
Bedha pradarsini Vani, Vimala Veda thrayi

You are the power and giver of power, You are the one who is never divisible,
You are SAraswathi who shows differences m You are pure and you are three Vedas.

Hum athi dheen dukhee maam, vipath jaal ghere,
Hai kapooth athi kapati, par balak there.

Oh mother I am greatly sorrowing and suffering, I have fallen in deep danger,
I am bad son who is deceitful, but I am your son.

Nija swabhava vas janani Dhaya drushti keejai,
Karuna kar karunaa mayi, Charan Saran dheejai

Oh mother as I am caught in the real character, please give me a look of mercy,
Oh Goddess full of merct, please show mercy on me, Please give me protection of your feet

जगजननी जय! जय! माँ! जगजननी जय! जय!
भयहारिणी, भवतारिणी, भवभामिनि जय जय। जगजननी..

तू ही सत्-चित्-सुखमय, शुद्ध ब्रह्मरूपा।
सत्य सनातन, सुन्दर, पर-शिव सुर-भूपा॥ जगजननी..

आदि अनादि, अनामय, अविचल, अविनाशी।
अमल, अनन्त, अगोचर, अज आनन्दराशी॥ जगजननी..

अविकारी, अघहारी, अकल कलाधारी।
कर्ता विधि, भर्ता हरि, हर संहारकारी॥ जगजननी..

तू विधिवधू, रमा, तू उमा महामाया।
मूल प्रकृति, विद्या तू, तू जननी जाया॥ जगजननी..

राम, कृष्ण तू, सीता, ब्रजरानी राधा।
तू वाँछाकल्पद्रुम, हारिणि सब बाघा॥ जगजननी..

दश विद्या, नव दुर्गा नाना शस्त्रकरा।
अष्टमातृका, योगिनि, नव-नव रूप धरा॥ जगजननी..

तू परधामनिवासिनि, महाविलासिनि तू।
तू ही श्मशानविहारिणि, ताण्डवलासिनि तू॥ जगजननी..

सुर-मुनि मोहिनि सौम्या, तू शोभाधारा।
विवसन विकट सरुपा, प्रलयमयी, धारा॥ जगजननी..

तू ही स्नेहसुधामयी, तू अति गरलमना।
रत्नविभूषित तू ही, तू ही अस्थि तना॥ जगजननी..

मूलाधार निवासिनि, इह-पर सिद्धिप्रदे।
कालातीता काली, कमला तू वरदे॥ जगजननी..

शक्ति शक्तिधर तू ही, नित्य अभेदमयी।

भेद प्रदर्शिनि वाणी विमले! वेदत्रयी॥ जगजननी..

हम अति दीन दु:खी माँ! विपत जाल घेरे।
हैं कपूत अति कपटी, पर बालक तेरे॥ जगजननी..

निज स्वभाववश जननी! दयादृष्टि कीजै।
करुणा कर करुणामयी! चरण शरण दीजै॥ जगजननी.. (2)