
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Kāmyesṭi literally means ‘desire-motivated sacrifice’. The word can be split and explained as kāmya means desired object and iṣti means sacrifice. Kāmyeṣtis are the special sacrifices provided by the Vedic sages, for the purpose of fulfilling desires that cannot be fulfilled by human resources and efforts alone.

These sacrifices are performed either on the new-moon or full-moon days. All these sacrifices are the variants of Darśa sacrifice.

Classification of Kāmyesṭi Sacrifices[edit]

A very short list of such sacrifices is denoted here to examplify, though the list is endless. They are :

  • Annakāmeṣti for plenty of food
  • Ayuṣkāmeṣṭi for long life
  • Darśapurṇamāsa for attaining heaven
  • Kārīrīṣṭi for getting rains
  • Pavamāneṣṭi for the cure of chronic diseases
  • Putrakāmeṣṭi for begetting worthy sons
  • Vasukāmeṣṭi for attaining wealth


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore