
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Haṭhayoga texts prescribe various methods for the internal purification of the body that help in maintaining good health. The Saṭkarma-s or six practices are an important prescription given by them and the Kapālabhāti[1] is the last of these the Saṭkarma-s. It is further of three kinds:

  1. Vātakrama - also referred as ‘vāma-krama’, performed by drawing air through the left nostril and expelling it through the right and vice-versa
  2. Vyutkrama - In this the yogi draws water through both the nostrils and expels it through the mouth slowly
  3. Śītkrama - This is the reverse of the Vyutkrama, viz., drawing water through the mouth and then expelling through the nostrils


  1. Gheranda Samhitā 1.56-59
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore