Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp

In this book, we analyze the psycho-social consequences faced by Indian American children after exposure to the school textbook discourse on Hinduism and ancient India. We demonstrate that there is an intimate connection—an almost exact correspondence—between James Mill’s colonial-racist discourse (Mill was the head of the British East India Company) and the current school textbook discourse. This racist discourse, camouflaged under the cover of political correctness, produces the same psychological impacts on Indian American children that racism typically causes: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a phenomenon akin to racelessness, where children dissociate from the traditions and culture of their ancestors.

This book is the result of four years of rigorous research and academic peer-review, reflecting our ongoing commitment at Hindupedia to challenge the representation of Hindu Dharma within academia.


From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Mānasa-sarovara literally means ‘lake that emerged out of Brahmā’s mind or heart’.

One of the most sacred places of pilgrimage for a devotee is the mount Kailāsa and the lake Mānasa-sarovara. The four-faced Brahmā while doing penance in the Himalayas is said to have created it out of his mind (or heart) and hence it is named so.

Geographical Significance of Mānasa-sarovara[edit]

  • It is in Tibet at a distance of 32 km (20 miles) from the mount Kailāsa.
  • Several rivers like the Sindhu (Indus), Sutlej and Brahmaputra originate from here.
  • Its water is crystal clear and very cold.
  • It is 90 meters (300 ft.) deep.
  • It abounds in swans and ducks.
  • There are eight maṭhas or monasteries on its banks.
  • Some of the monasteries contain the images of gods like Kālī.
  • It is situated at a height of 4500 meters (15,000 ft.) above the sea-level.

Worship of Mānasa-sarovara[edit]

  • A bath in it is considered to be highly meritorious.
  • Its actual circumference is 89 km (55 miles). However, the route of circumambulation is 113 km (70 miles).
  • Those who visit this lake, often undertake the circumambulation of the mount Kailāsa also, which takes about 2 to 3 days.
  • There is a twin lake called Rākṣasatāl, where Rāvaṇa is said to have performed tapas (austerity) to please Lord Śiva.


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore