
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Origin of Nāradīyā-purāṇa[edit]

Though the religious purāṇas are sometimes described as ‘Cock-and-bull-stories’, their main purpose is to inform and inspire the common masses to better and ethically purer ways of life, both at the personal and at the social levels. There are two purāṇas, both belonging to the Upapurāṇa group which are attributed to the divine sage Nārada:

  1. The Brhan-nāradīyapurāṇa
  2. The Nāradīyā-purāṇa which is also spelt as Nāradapurāṇa

Significance of Nāradīyā-purāṇa[edit]

The work which is available now may not be the same as the one referred to in the Matsya, the Skanda or the Agni purāṇas. Scholars generally assign it to the period A. D. 700-1000. The first part which is also called as purvabhāga has 125 chapters in four pādas or quarters. The second part known as uttarabhāga has 82 chapters.

Content of Nāradīyā-purāṇa[edit]

The first part is sometimes identified with the Brhan-nāradiya-purāna. The contents in brief are as follows:

The story of the king Rukmāṅgada, who was a great devotee of Viṣṇu and who meticulously observed the ekādaśī vrata, has been delineated in detail.


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore