Pitu Matu Sahayak Swami Sakha
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
पितु मातु सहायक स्वामी सखा
तुम ही एक नाथ हमारे हो
जिन के कछु उर आधार नहीं
उन के तुम ही रखवारे हो
पितु मातु सहायक स्वामी सखा
pitu maatu sahaayak svaamii sakhaa tum hii ek naath hamaare ho jin ke kachhu ur aadhaar nahii.n un ke tum hii rakhavaare ho pitu maatu sahaayak svaamii sakhaa...
Oh Father, mother helper master and friend,
You are our only Lord,
Those who do not have any support,
To them you are the one who protects
Oh Father, mother helper master and friend,
सब भाँति सदा सुख दयक हो
दुःख दुर्दम नाशन हारे हो
प्रतिपाल करो सगरे जग को
अतिशय करुणा गुण धारे हो
पितु मातु सहायक स्वामी सखा
Sab bhaa.Nti sadaa sukh dayak ho duHkh du.rdam naashan haare ho pratipaal karo sagare jag ko atishay karuNaa guN dhaare ho pitu maatu sahaayak svaamii sakhaa...
Like every time you are one who grants pleasure always,
You are the Hari who destroys sorrow and suffering,
You look after the earth and the oceans,
And you wear a wonderful merciful character,
Oh Father, mother helper master and friend,
शुभ शाँति निकेतन प्रेम निकेत
मन मंदिर के उजियारे हो
इस जीवन के तुम जीवन हो
इन प्राणन के तुम प्यारे हो
shubh shaa.Nti niketan prem niket man ma.ndir ke ujiyaare ho is jiivan ke tum jiivan ho in praaNan ke tum pyaare ho
The store house of auspiciousness and peace
You are the flame of the temple of mind filled with love,
You are the soul of this life,
And you are the dearest of this soul
तुम तो प्रभु पाये प्रतप हरि
कहिये के अब और सहारे हो
पितु मातु सहायक स्वामी सखा
Tum to prabhu paaye pratap hari kahiye ke ab aur sahaare ho pitu maatu sahaayak svaamii sakhaa...
You are the Lord the famous Hari who has been got,
And you are now the help of every day.
Oh Father, mother helper master and friend,