From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
By Swami Harshananda
Prakāra literally means ‘mode’.
This is a technical term used in some philosophical works of Nyāya[1] and Mīmānsā.[2] A prakāra is that which distinguishes something from the common group. For instance, dravya or a substance is stated to be of nine types. Pṛthvi,[3] one of them is a prakāra or mode of that dravya. In the phrase ‘daṇḍavān puruṣah’[4] daṇḍa or stick is the prakāra or mode that distinguishes him from others. Implication and similarity are other senses in which the word is used.
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore