
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Sāvitripraveśa literally means ‘entering into the Sāvitri Gāyatrī mantra’.

Significance of Sāvitri Gāyatrī mantra[edit]

Most of the dharmaśāstras have ruled that sanyāsa[1] is permitted only to the brāhmaṇas. A brāhmaṇa householder is expected to keep the śikhā[2] and the yajñopavīta[3] which makes him eligible for the performance of Vedic and other rituals.

However, when he wishes to embrace sanyāsa, he will have to give up all the ritualistic actions of the previous stages of life. This includes the giving up of the śikhā, the yajñopavīta and also the sandhyā ritual along with the Sāvitri Gāyatrī mantra.

Definition of Sāvitrīpraveśa[edit]

The sāvitrīpraveśa is one of the steps in this process, wherein the Sāvitrī[4] mantra is internalized. This is done by repeating the Omkāra, the vyāhṛtis and the Sāvitrī mantra thus:

Om bhuh, sāvitrim praviśāmi, tat saviturvarenyam;

Om bhuvah, sāvitrim praviśāmi, bhargo devasya dhimahi; Om svah, sāvitrim praviśāmi, dhiyo yo nah pracodayāt;

Om bhurbhuvassuvah sāvitrim praviśāmi, tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah pracodayāt II


  1. Sanyāsa means monastic life.
  2. Śikhā means tuft of hair.
  3. Yajñopavīta means the sacred thread.
  4. Sāvitrī means Gāyatrī.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore