
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Samjñā was the daughter of Viśvakarma, the architect of the Gods. She was also known as Sureṇu. Married to Surya[1] she bore him two sons named Vaivasvāta and Yama. They also had a daughter named Yamunā. Unable to bear the brilliance of Surya, she one day left him, after leaving her shadow-goddess called Chāyādevī in her place. Chāyādevī bore Surya two sons named Sāvarṇi-manu and Sanaiścara. When Surya discovered the truth he went in search of her and found her roaming about as a mare. The two Aśvins were born to them by their union. He brought her back after pacifying her.[2] As a general word samjñā means a symbol of consciousness.


  1. Surya means the Sun-god.
  2. Harivanśa 1.9
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore