Skanda Sthavam

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Sri Skanda Sthava¬
(prayer to Lord Skandha) ¬
Sage Vamadeva¬
Translated by¬
(“This following is a rare hymn on Lord Skanda in Shiva Purana (Kailasa Samhita,¬
Chatper 11 titled Vamadeva Brahma Varnanam) created by Sri Vamadeva.-“K.Muralidharan. I have attempted to translate in to English)¬
Sri Vama deva Uvacha:-¬
1.Om nama pranavarthaya pravartha vidhayine,¬
Pranavakshara bheejaaya pranavaya namo nama.¬
Om Salutations to God who is the meaning of Pranava(Om),¬
To the one who explained the meaning of Pranava ,¬
To the one who is the root of the letters of Pranava ,¬
Salutations and salutations to the Pranava (Om).¬
2.Vedanthartha swaroopaya , vedanthartha Vidhayine,¬
Vedanthartha vidhe nithyam vidhithaaya namo nama.¬
Salutations to God who is the meaning of Vedantha (Philosophy),¬
To the one who caused Vedantha , Who follows Vedantha ,¬
Salutation and salutations to one who daily understands it.¬
3.Namo Guhaya bhoothaanaam , guhasu nihithaya cha,¬
Guhyaya guhya roopaya Guyagama vidhe nama.¬
Salutations to Guha among all beings ,¬
Who emerged himself from the cave,¬
Who has form which is hidden and secret of secrets,¬
And who was the one who explained the hidden Vedas
4.Anor aniyase thubhyam mahathopi maheeyase,¬
Nama paravarajnaya Paramathma swaroopine.¬
Oh smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest,¬
Salutations to him who is known to all and who has the form of divine soul.¬
5.Skandaya , Skanda roopaya mihiraruna thejase ,¬
Namo mandara malodhyan mukutadhi bruthe sadaa.¬
Oh Skanda who has the form of a king , who shines like the sun at dawn,¬
Salutations to him who wears garland of Mandhara flowers ,¬
And who also wears crown and other ornaments always.¬
6.Shiva sishyaya puthraaya shivasya shiva Dhayine ,¬
Shiva priyaya shivayor Ananda Nidhaye Nama,¬
Disciple of Shiva , son of Shiva , One who gave peace to Lord Shiva
Darling of Shiva , salutation to the treasure of joy of Lord shiva
7.Gangeyaya Namasthubhyam Karthikeyaya dheemathe,¬
Uma puthraya mahathe sarrakanana Saayine,¬
Salutations to son of Ganga , the very wise Karthikeya,¬
Son of Parvathi , the great one who rested after removing head of Brahma
8.Shadakshara sareeraaya shadvidhatha vidhayine ,¬
Shadvatheetha roopaaya Shan mukhaya namo nama.¬
Oh Good whose body is made of six letters, OH God who brought six type of arrangements,¬
Oh God who was born in six forms , salutations to the six faced one.¬
9.Dwadasayath nethraya Dwadsodhyath baahave ,¬
Dwadasayudha dharaya dwadasathman namosthuthe.¬
Oh God with twelve eyes, Oh God with twelve great hands,¬
Oh God who carries twelve weapons , Salutations to the one who has twelve forms.¬
10.Chathurbujaya shanthaaya , sakthi kukkuda dharine,¬
Varadaaya vihasthaya namo asura Vidharine.¬
Oh God with four hands, Oh God who carries a cock as well as Shakthi,¬
Oh God who blesses, Oh learned God , salutations to the killer of asuras
11.Gaja valli kuchaliptha kumkumangitha vakshase,¬
Namo gajaan Ananda mahimaa nandithathmane¬
Oh God who joined with Valli due to an elephant , Oh God with saffron coated chest ,¬
Salutations to him who is the soul of joy and fame to the elephant.¬
12,Brahmadhi deva muni kinnara geeyamaana,¬
Gaadhaa visesham suchi chinthitha Keerthi dhaamne,¬
Vrundarakamala kireeta vibhooshana sthrak,¬
Poojyaabhirama pada pankaja they namosthu.¬
Oh God who is sung about by Brahma, devas , sages and Kinnaras,¬
Oh God who asuras fame to those who greatly think of your stories,¬
Who decorates himself with groups of lotus as his crown,¬
We salute your lotus like feet which are worshipful and pretty.¬
Phala Sruthi¬
13. Ithi Skanda sthavam divyam Vamadeva bhashitham,¬
Ya paden srunuyaad vaapi sa yathi paramaam gathim.¬
If this holy prayer to Skanda composed by Vamadeva ,¬
Is either read or heard then they would attain the ultimate way.¬
14.Mahapragnascha karam hyothach cchiva bhakthi vivardhanam ,¬
AAyur aarogya dhana kruth sarva kama pradam Sadaa.¬
It would lead to great wisdom , devotion to Lord Shiva
Long healthy life and wealth and fulfill all your desires.¬