Sri Saraswathi aarthi (Hindi)

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Sri Saraswathi Aarthi
(Prayer to Saraswathi)

Translated by

1.Sharadhe jaya hamsa vahini,
Jayathi veena vaadhni

Victory to Shardha who rides on a swan,
Victory to the one who plays the Veena.

2.Jaya Saraswathi Jnana dhayini,
Kamala Hamsa virajini.

Victory to Saraswathi who gives wisdom,
And who shines on lotus and the swan.

3.Sharadhe jaya hamsa vahini,
Ridhi sidhi sukha dhayini,
Kumathi soola vinasini,

Victory to Shardha who rides on a swan,
Who gives wealth power and pleasure.
Who destroys bad people with trident

5.Devi manda suhasa varshini.
Hrudaya hamsa virajini

The Goddess showers a pretty slow smile,
And lives in the swan like heart of ours.

6.Sharadhe jaya hamsa vahini,
Madhura kaavya kala,
Pranava nadha vikasini.

Victory to Shardha who rides on a swan,
Who is the crescent of a sweet literature,
And who is the one who broadens the sound of “Om

7.Bhagawathi Sangeetha var de,
Bhuvana manasa vasini

Oh Goddess, give me the boon of music,
Oh Goddess who lives in the mind of the universe.

8.Sharadhe jaya hamsa vahini,
Jayathi veena vaadhni

Victory to Shardha who rides on a swan,
Victory to the one who plays the Veena.

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