Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp

In this book, we analyze the psycho-social consequences faced by Indian American children after exposure to the school textbook discourse on Hinduism and ancient India. We demonstrate that there is an intimate connection—an almost exact correspondence—between James Mill’s colonial-racist discourse (Mill was the head of the British East India Company) and the current school textbook discourse. This racist discourse, camouflaged under the cover of political correctness, produces the same psychological impacts on Indian American children that racism typically causes: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a phenomenon akin to racelessness, where children dissociate from the traditions and culture of their ancestors.

This book is the result of four years of rigorous research and academic peer-review, reflecting our ongoing commitment at Hindupedia to challenge the representation of Hindu Dharma within academia.

Surya Dev Aarti

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Om JaiKashyap Nandan,Om Prabhu jai Aditi nandan,
Tribhuvantimin nikandan bhakthridaychandan.
Om JaiKashyap Nandan...

Om Victory to son of Kashyapa, Om Victory to the Lord who is son of Adithi,
Oh Lord who destroys darkness of three worlds, who is cooling sandal to heart of devotees.

Saptashvarath raajit ek chakradhar,
Dukhaharsukhkar, maanasmalhaar.
Om JaiKashyap Nandan...

Destroyer of sorrow, one who grants pleasure, who removes the dirt of the mind

Sur-muni-bhoosur-vandin, vimal vibhavashaal,
Agh-dal-dalan divaakar divya kiran maal.
Om Jai-Kashyap Nandan...

Oh Lord who tears away dangers with his divine material with rays.

Sakal-sukarma-prasavitaa savita shubhkaar,
Vishva-vilochan mochan bhav bandhan bhaar.
Om Jai-Kashyap Nandan...

Oh Lord Sun who generates all good activities, do good,
Oh Lord who sees everything, Make us cross the ocean of Samsara

Kamal-samooh vikasak nashak tray tapa,
Sevat sahaj harat ati manasij santapa.
Om Jai-Kashyap Nandan...

Oh Lord who opens up all group of lotus flowers, please destroy your heat,
Oh Lord who serves every one destroy the sufferings of every one.

Netra-vyadhi-har suravar bhu peeda haar,
Vrishti-vimochan santat parahit-vratadhar.
Om Jai-Kashyap Nandan...

Cure the disease of our eye, Destroy great sufferings,
Oh Lord who has taken penance of serving others, always cause rain.

Suryadev karunakar ab karuna kije,
Har agyan-moh sab sattvagyan dijai.
Om Jai-Kashyap Nandan...

Oh God Sun who shows mercy, please show your mercy now,
Destroy all ignorance and passion and give us true wisdom.

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