
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Jammalamadaka Srinivas

In Sanātana tradition, Bhojanam or consuming food has a particular way. Various Smṛtis have a detailed manual on how to eat. Bhojanam is considered as agnihotram. Because it is believed that there is Agni in stomach which is called as Udaryāgni[1]. Hence the food which is consumed is believed as āhuti or offering to the agnideva that is present in stomach. The smṛtis describe in detail on what to eat, when to eat, how to eat and etc.

When to eat?[edit]

tasmāt dviranho manuṣyebhya upahriyate[2]

  1. bhuktasya pariṇāmaheturudaryaṃ, Tarkasangraha
  2. taittirīya samhita - 1-4-9