Thulsi aarthi (Hindi)

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Sri Thulasi ji ki aarthi
(Prayer to Thulsi )

Translated by P.R.Ramachander

(Thulasi(ocimum sanctum) is a plant venerated by all Hindus. She is considered by many as the consort of Lord Vishnu. This prayer is taken from

1.Thulasi maharani , namo nama,.
Hari ki patrani namo nama,
Dhan Thulasi poorna thap keeno,
Shaligram bani patrani,
Jake pathra manjar komal ,
Sri pathi kamala charan laptani.

Salutations and salutations to queen Thulsi,
Salutations and salutations to chief queen of Vishnu,
Money can only buy Thulasi ,
And Shaligram became the chief queen,
But not being soft like a bunch of leaves,
It hurt the lotus like feet of Vishnu.

2.Dhoop dheep naivedhy , aarthi,
Pushpan ki varsha barsani.
Chappan bhog chatheso vyanjan,
Bin Thulasi hari yek na mani.

Any of Incense , lamps , food offering, light offering,
Pouring flowers like a rain,
Fifty six types of food and ,
And thirty six types of minor offerings ,
Were not accepted by Vishnu ,Without Thulasi

3.Sabhi sakhi maiya thero yas ghave ,
Bhakthi dhaan dheejai maharani,
Namo nama thulsi Maharani,
Namo nama thulsi maharani.

Mother, all lady friends sing your fame,
Oh queen give us the charity of devotion,
Salutations to queen Thulasi
Salutations to queen Thulasi

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