
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Tulasivivaha literally ‘marriage of Tulasī with Hari or Viṣṇu’.

Kārttika-śukla-dvādaśī[1] is known as Utthānadvādaśī. On this day Tulasi or Vṛndā was married to Hari or Viṣṇu. Hence this day is also called Tulasivivāha day.

On this day ceremonial marriage of the Tulasī plant[2] with Lord Hari is performed. In some homes, images of Hari and Tulasi are kept from the navamī to ekādaśi[3] and ceremonially married on the 12th.


  1. It is the twelfth day in the bright fortnight of the month Kārttika or October/November
  2. It is the hole basil.
  3. It is the 9th day to 11th day.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore