
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Viśokā literally means ‘without sorrow’.

The mind is constantly rising in the form of vṛttis or waves of thoughts and emotions and hence difficult to control. Patañjali[1] in his monumental work the Yogasutras, gives a few methods called parikarmas, in seven sutras[2] which helps in controlling the mind. One of them is indicated by this sutra:

Viśokā vā jyotismatī.[3]

When the mind is directed towards the suṣumnānāḍi which is in the middle of the spinal column but extends right up to suryamanḍala,[4] one is able to get a knowledge of one’s own citta or mind. This knowledge resembles light and results in freedom from sorrow.[5]


  1. He lived in 200 B. C.
  2. Yogasutras 1.33 to 39.
  3. Yogasutras 1.36
  4. Suryamanḍala means the orb of the sun.
  5. It is called as viśokā.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore