
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Akiñcana-bhakti literally means ‘devotion that does not ask for anything else’.

The scriptures have two main currents of thought. These are:

The schools of devotion advocate that bhakti is a direct means to mokṣa and state that it is much easier than jñāna.

A devotee of God can cultivate bhakti for several reasons :

  • To get over his troubles
  • To get wealth, position or pleasures of life
  • To realize God

It is the last category that is bhakti in the real sense, the others being just trading in religion. A true devotee of God, called ekāntin, wants Him and Him alone and nothing else. Such a devotion is designated ‘akiñcana-bhakti,’ a devotion that does not want anything else in return from Him.


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore

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