From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
By Small Harshananda
One of the well-known polemical writers of Advaita metaphysics, Ānanda-bodha (11th cent. A.D.) (also called Ananda- bodhācārya and Anandabodha Bhattārakā-cārya) a disciple of Vimuktātman of the Istisiddhi fame (10th cent. A. D.) has four works to his credit:
- Nyāyamakaranda
- Nyāyadīpāvalī
- Pramānamālā
- Sabda- nirnaya Vyākhyā
The first of these is the most celebrated and has been commented upon by Citsukha (13th cent. A. D.).
The special features of these works are:
- Refutation of the Sāñkhyan theory of multiplicity of selves and the apparent difference of objective entities
- The theory that everything other than Brahman is mithyā (false) since it is dṛśya (perceived)
- A new definition of mithyātva (falsity) viz., sadbhin-natvam mithyātvam (falsity is being different from the real)
- Avidyā is positive in the sense
- Cessation of avidyā is an entity of a fifth category different from sat (real), asat (unreal), sad-asat (real-unreal) and anirvacanīya (indefinable).
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore