Balarama Sthava Raja

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Balarama Sthava Raja

Translated by

(The stotra is taken from Garga Samhitha and is addressed to Balarama incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Balarama was the Guru of Duryodhana. The stotra in DEvanagari is available in I have already translated a Balarama Kavacham , which is available in

Duryodhana Uvacha:-
Stotram Baladevasya prangvipaka maha mune,
Vadha maam krupayaa Saakshaath sarva sidhi pradaayakam

Duryodhana said:-
Oh great sage Prangvipaka , please tell me the prayer addressed to Balarama,
Which really leads us truly to realization of all powers.

Prangvipaka Uvacha:-
Sthavarajam thu Ramasya Veda Vyasa krutham Shubham,
SArva sidhi pradham rajagna srunu kaivalyadhaam nrunaam.

Prangavipaka said:-
The king of prayers addressed to Balarama whivh was composed by Veda Vyasa,
Would get you all occult powers and so king hear that so that you get salvation at the end.

1.DEvadhi deva bhagavan kamapala namosthuthe,
Namo ananthaya seshaya sakshad Ramaya they nama.

1.Salutations to the god of gods who fulfills our wishes ,
Salutations to Anantha and Adhi seasha who , salutations to Balarama himself.

2.Dharadharaya poornaaya swadhamne seera paanaye,
SAhasra sirase nithyam nama sankarshanaaya they

I salute you daily Oh SAnkarshana , who lifts the earth ,who is complete
Who is self powered , who holds a plough and has thousand heads.

3.Revathi Ramana thwam Baladevaa achyuthaagraja,
Halayudha pralambhagna pahi maam Purushothama

Please protect me Oh Purushothama, who is darling of Revathi.
You are Baladeva , elder brother of Krishna , holder of plough and killer of Pralambha.

4.Balaya bala bhadraya thalaangaya namo nama,
Neelambaraya gouraya Rouhineyaya they nama

Salutations to the strong one , Balarama, and one having auspicious marks,
Salutations to the white coloured one who wears blue cloths and one born in star Rohini.

5.Dhenukarir srushtikari kutarir balvalanthaka ,
Rugmayari koopakarnari Khumbandaris thvameva hi
You are the enemy of Dhenuka , the creator, one who holds an axe and killer of Balwala,
You are the killer of Rugmi , Koopakarna and Khumbanda.

6.Kalindhi bhedanosi thwam Hasthinapura karshaka,
Dhavividharir Yadhavendro Vruja mandala mandana

You are the one who caused flow of river Yamuna and one who vexed Hasthinapura,
You are the killer of Dwividha , king of Yadavas , one who shined in the land of Vruja

7.Kamsa brathrur prahanthosi Theertha yathra kara Prabhu,
Duryuodhana guru saakshath pahi pahi prabho thwatha.

You are the killer of brother of Kamsa , and the lord who goes to Pilgrimages,
You are the Guru of Duryodhana and so please protectme.

8.Jaya jayachyutha deva parathpara –swayam anantha digantha gatha srutha,
Sura muneendra phaneendra varaya they –musaline baline halane nama.

Hail , hail The God Achyutha who is divine among divines ,
Who is well known and famous all over the world as Anantha,
The devas and great sages are your devotees, oh king of snakes,
Salutations to him who holds a club , who is strong and holds a plough

Phala Sruthi
Ya padeth sathatham sthavanam nara –sa thu hare paramam padamaavrajeth,
Jagadhi sarva balam thwari mardanam –bhavathi thasya dhanam swajanam dhanam

Ithi Sri Garga samhithaayaam Bala Badra khande Bala Bhadra sthava raja sampoornam.

Results of reading it
If man reads this always ,
He would march towards the feet of Lord Hari,
He would get all strength in the world to fight with his enemies,
He would have all the wealth of his people as his.

Thus ends the king of prayers addressed to Bala Rama ,
Which occurs in Garga Samhitha in the chapter on Bala Bhadra.