Bega Baro

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Bega baro


Vadhiraja Theertha

Translated by


Raga Ananda Bhairavi
Tala aadi


Bega baro , Bega baro , neela megha varna,
Bega baro, Bega baro, Velapurada chenna


1.Indira Ramana Govinda , bega baro,
Nandana kanda Mukunda , bega baro

2.Dhiri udhara gambheera , bega baro,
Hara alankara raghu veera, bega baro,

3.Ranga uthunga nrusinga bega baro,
Gangeya padedha Panduranga , bega baro

4.Sidha samrudha aniruddha bega baro,
Hattaneridha presidha , bega baro

5.Havya vijaya sahaya , bega baro,
Uragadrivasa haya vadana , bega baro

English translation


Come quickly, Come quickly, Oh God of the colour of blue cloud,
Come quickly, Come quickly, Oh dear one from Vela pura


1. Come quickly Govinda who makes Lakshmi happy,
Come quickly Mukunda, the son of Nanda

2. Come quickly the majestic one who lifted the mountain,
Come quickly the great Rama who was decorated in green.

3. Come quickly The Narasimha who was energized by war,
Come quickly Pandu Ranga who did not touch Ganges

4. Come quickly the powerful Anirudha who has plenty,
Come quickly the famous one who threw *****

5. Come quickly the one who helped Arjuna
Come quickly the horse faced one who lived on snake mountain*
**** Meaning not clear * reference not clear