
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Bhadrāsana literally means ‘the auspicious posture,’ or ‘the auspicious seat’.

Āsanas or yogāsanas are the various postures of the body aimed to free the body from diseases and improve its health, energy and stamina. Bhadrāsana is one of the 32 āsanas practiced most commonly.

In this posture, one has to sit on one’s knees, allowing the calf-muscles touch the thighs. Hands should be taken to the back and catch hold of the toes with the fingers. This should be followed by Jālandhara-bandha, wherein the gaze is fixed on the tip on the nose.

In another variety, the hands have to cross each other. The right hand should hold the left toe and the left in the right toe. This āsana is said to cure the stiffness of bones and rigidity of ligaments.

In iconographical works, it represents a golden throne with cushions.


  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore