
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Bhutajaya literally means ‘conquest of the elements’.

The Yogasutras of Patañjali (200 B.C.) is an accredited work on the philosophy and practice of Yoga. The third chapter of this work designated as Vibhuti-pāda (the section dealing with supernatural powers) gives an account of many yogic powers and the means of attaining them. One such power mentioned there is ‘bhutajaya.’[1]

Bhutas are consisted of the five elements:

  1. Pṛthvi or earth
  2. Ap or water
  3. Tejas or fire
  4. Vāyu or air
  5. Ākāśa or ether

When a yogi practices saiyama on them, he conquers them. Saiyama is the technical name given to the trio mentioned :

  1. Dhāraṇā - Fixing the mind on the object of concentration
  2. Dhyāna - Meditation
  3. Samādhi - Superconscious revelation

If saiyama is achieved on the bhuta, pṛthvī or earth, he conquers it. As a result, the solidity of the earth will not be an obstacle to his free movement. Similarly the conquest of the bhuta water gives him immunity against wetness and fire, immunity against burning and so on.


  1. Vibhuti-pāda 3.44 and 45
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore