
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Dharmameghasamādhi literally means ‘samādhi of the cloud of dharma’.

The Yogasutras of Patañjali (200 B. C.) is a well-known ancient treatise that deals with the art and science of concentration. The word ‘dharmameghasamādhi’ is a technical term used in the Yogasutras.[1]

Viveka[2] and vairāgya[3] are the two basic disciplines that ultimately lead to the purification of the mind. This purification of mind leads to pure consciousness. On achievement of pure consciousness through samādhi or perfect concentration, all the of old sanskāras or tendencies that might disturb the mind are completely transcended.

The experience of prasaṅkhyāna or knowledge, that one is the conscious spirit separate and different from the prakṛti, may sometimes produce an attachment to that state itself. It also produces the psychic powers resulting from it. One should overcome that state of attachment even if it is highly elevated. The yogi who is not attracted even by this, attains ‘dharmameghasamādhi’.

The state in which yogi's vivekakhyāti[4] is constant, continuous and permanent is called as ‘dharmameghasamādhi’. It is termed so, because it ‘rains’ on the yogi like the rain-bearing cloud (= megha). The ‘dharma’ or the special quality is not affected by any type of karma. He is a liberated person now. His karma is termed as aśukla-kṛṣṇa, which means that neither white (good) nor black (bad) karma would produce any fruits.


  1. Yogasutra 4.29
  2. Viveka refers to the discrimination that the puruṣa or the soul, who is of the nature of consciousness, is separate and distinct from the prakrti or insentient nature
  3. Vairāgya means dispassion towards prakṛti and its products
  4. Vivekakhyāti means knowledge or experience of his separateness from the insentient prakṛti.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore