
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Dhenumudrā literally means ‘hand-pose resembling the udder of a cow’.This mudrā is also called ‘amṛtī-kar aṇamudrā’.

Mudras Definition[edit]


Mudrās are the poses of fingers or hands exhibited in ritualistic acts, especially during the worship of a deity. These mudrās give joy[1] to the deities who are being worshiped.

Formation of Dhenumudrā[edit]

The dhenumudrā is a pose of the fingers of both the hands, in the form of the udder of a cow. It is formed by crossing the fingers of the two hands in such a way that the tip of the little finger of one hand touches the tip of the ring finger of the other, and the tip of forefinger of one hand touches the tip of the middle finger of the other hand.

Usage of Dhenumudrā[edit]

This mudrā is used during the offering of food to the deity.


  1. Mud means joy & rā means to give.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore