From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
By Swami Harshananda
Haviryajña literally means ‘a sacrifice in which havis, uncooked oblatory material, is used’.
Classification of Yajñas[edit]
Vedic sacrifices called yajñas or yāgas are an ancient religious institution. They have exercised a tremendous influence on the society over the millennia. They are generally classified into three groups:
- Pākayajñas
- Haviryajñas
- Somayāgas
Classification of Haviryajñas[edit]
Though the word ‘havis’ means any oblatory material, it generally refers to uncooked materials like barley, rice, milk or ghee. Seven haviryajñas are mentioned in the śrautasutra literature. They are:
- Agnyādheya
- Agnihotra
- Darśapurṇamāsa
- Cāturmāsya
- Āgrayaṇa
- Nirṅḍhapaśubandha
- Sautrāmaṇī
Classification of Vedic Fires[edit]
All these are performed in the three Vedic fires. They are:
- Gārhapatya
- Dakṣiṇā
- Āhavanīya
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore