Jagajanani jai jai ma

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Hear it voice of Anuradha Podval https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2Se1IDXqSo

Jagajanani jai jai ma,
Jagajanani jai jai
Bhayahaarini, bhava tharini,
Bhavabhamini jai jai

Oh Mother of universe victory, victory, oh mother,
Oh Mother of universe victory, victory,
Destroyer of d fear, helper to cross Samsara,
Mistress of welfare, victory, victory,

Thu hi sath chith sukhamai,
Shudha Brahma roopa,
Sathya sanathan sundar,
Para Shiva sura bhoopaa (jaga janani..)

You are the one pervaded with true divine pleasre
You have the form of pure Brahmam,
You truth, pretty and without roots,
You are the mistress of divine Shiva and Devas.

AAdhi anadhi anamay,
Avichal avinasi,
Amal, ananth, agochar,
Aja aanandhrasi (Jagat Janani..)

You are the beginning and without beginning, free from defects,
You are stable, you do not have an end,
You are pure, endless, invisible,
Without birth and a treasure of joy

Avikari, aghahari,
Akal kaladhari,
Kartha vidhi bhartha hari,
Har samharakari (jagatjanani..)

You are without emotions, destroyer of evil,
You wear the moon without blemishes,
You are the one who makes Brahma, your husband and Vishnu to act,
And you are the one who destroys along with Shiva

Thu Vidhi vadhu Ramaa,
Thu UMa mahamayaa,
Moola prakruthi vidhyaa thu,
Thu janani jaya

You are wife of Brahma, Lakshmi,
You are Parvathi the great Mayaa,
You are the innate nature, you are learning,
You are the mother and the wife.

Ram, Krishn, thu sitha,
Vruj rani Radhaa,
Thu vaancha Kalpa drum,
Haarini SArva Badhaa ( Jagat Janani…)

You are Rama, Krishna, You are Sita,
You are Radha, the queen of Vruj des,
You are the wish giving Kalpaka tree,
You are the destroyer of all tri oubles,

Dasa Vidhyaa, Nav durgaa,
Nana sasthrakaraa,
Ashtamathruka, yogini,
Nav nav roopa dharaa(Jagat Janani..)

You are the ten vidhyas, nine durgas,
You hold different weapons,
You are eight mothers, eight Yoginis,
And you are one who take different different forms.

Thu para dham nivasini,
Maha vilasini thu,
Thu hi smasan Viharini,
Thandav lasini thu. (Jagat janani…)

You are the one who lives in divine world,
You are the great mistress,
You are the one who lives in cremation ground,
You are the one who is an expert in male and female dances.

Sura muni mohini Somya,
Thu shhobha dharaa,
Vivasan vikat saroopaa,
Pralayamayi dharaa

You are pleasant one who attracts devas and sages,
You are the stream of light,
You are the unclothed gruesome form,
You are the stream of deluge

Thu hi sneha sudha mayi,
Thu athi gharalamanaa,
Rathna vibhoshit thu hi,
Thu hi asthi thanaa

You the one pervaded by nectar of love,
You are the poisonous snake,
You ony are decorated by gems,
And you are the one with body of bones.

Moolaadhar nivasini,
Ihapara sidhi pradhe,
Kalatheetha Kali,
Kamala thu var dhe. (Jagat Janani)

You live in Mooladhara,
And one who give power in this and b next world
You are Kali, the timeless one,
You are Goddess Lakshmi, give me boon.

SAkthi sakthi dhar thu hi,
Nithya abhedha mayi,
Bedha pradarsini Vani,
Vimale veda thrayi. (Jagat Janani..)

You are the power and the one who has power,
You are the one who always is undivided,
You are Goddess Saraswathi who exhibits divisions,
Oh pure one, you are the three Vedas

Hum athi dheen dukhi ma,
Vipat jaal ghere,
Hai kapooth athi kapati,

Par Balak there,

I amgreatly didtressed and sad mother,
Caught in the deer net of dangers,
I am undutiful son who is a fraud,
But I am your son.

Nij swabhava vas janani,
Dhaya drushti keejai,
Karunaa kar karunaa mayi,
Chara n saran dheejai.

Oh mother who has natural conduct,
Please see me with mercy.
Show me mercy, Oh Goddess pervaded with mercy,
Please give me protection of your feet.

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