
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Kulaparvata literally means ‘a mountain that demarcates’.

Purānic geography of the world mentions seven dvipas.[1] Each of these dvipas has seven Kulaparvatas. These Kulaparvatas are the mountains that demarcate the lands in the above mentioned island-continents. Bhāratavarṣa[2] is a part of the Jambudvīpa. Its Kulaparvatas are:

  1. Mahendra
  2. Malaya
  3. Sahya
  4. Saktimān
  5. Rkṣa
  6. Vindhya
  7. Pāriyātra

Similarly there are Kulaparvatas in other dvīpas also. For instance:

  • Gomoda in Plakṣadvīpa
  • Kumuda in Sālmali
  • Vidruma in Kuśadvipa
  • Vāmana in Krauñcadvīpa
  • Raivataka in Sākadvipa
  • Mānasottara in Puṣkaradvīpa


  1. Dvipas means island continents.
  2. Bhāratavarṣa means the Indian Subcontinent.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore