Kundan Singh

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

Dr. Kundan Singh is a Professor of Transpersonal Psychology.

He is faculty at Sofia University and was Core Doctoral Faculty for almost a decade. A scholar-practitioner of Integral Yoga and the darshana of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, he has taught in the areas of Integral Philosophy and Psychology, Contemporary and Traditional Vedanta, Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, Postmodern Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Epistemology, Critical Thought and Deconstruction, Postcolonial Studies and Psychology, Cultural and Cross-cultural Psychology, Indian Psychology, Yogic Psychology, and Transpersonal Psychology among a few others.

He is a Senior Fellow at Hindupedia where he focuses on research related to Hinduphobia and Hindumisia, its psychological impact on kids and correction of how Hindu dharma is portrayed in instructional materials.

He is a member of the Core Doctoral Faculty at Hindu University of America.

He is the Vice President of the Cultural Integration Fellowship, an institution in San Francisco inspired by the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He has also taught as a Visiting Faculty and Adjunct Faculty at the Graduate Theological Union and the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Dr. Kundan Singh holds a doctorate in Humanities with a Concentration in East-West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, California. Earlier he obtained an M.A. in Applied Psychology with a Concentration in Social Psychology from the University of Delhi, India.

Published Academic Books / Peer Reviewed Articles[edit]

Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp
  1. Singh, Kundan, and Krishna Maheshwari. Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children. Springer, 2024. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-57627-0.
  2. Singh, K. (2023). Indianizing Psychology: Continuing the Legacy of Durganand Sinha. Psychological Studies.
  3. Singh, K. (2022). There isn’t only cultural blindness in psychology; psychology is culture blind. In Robert W. Hood, Jr. & Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor (Eds.), Research in the social scientific study of religion, volume 32 (pp. 399-426). Boston, MA: Brill.
  4. Singh, K. (2021). Colonial roots of Aryan invasion theory. In Himanshu Roy (Ed.), Political Thought in Indic Civilization (pp. 227-254). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/03769836211052101
  5. Singh, K. (2021). Colonial roots of the Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory and the contemporary archaeological evidence in western sources. Indian Historical Review, 48(2), 251-272.
  6. Singh, K. (2020). Sri Aurobindo’s invalidation of the Aryan Invasion Theory and the contemporary western archeological evidence. In Debidatta Aurobinda Mahapatra (Ed.), The philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: Indian philosophy and yoga in the contemporary world (pp. 53-73). London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury.
  7. Singh, K. (2014). Beyond mind: The future of psychology as a science. In R. M. M. Cornellisen, G. Misra & S. Varma (Eds.), Foundations and applications of Indian psychology (pp. 40-52). Delhi, India: Pearson.
  8. Singh, K. (2014). Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo: A comparison. Śraddha: A Quarterly Devoted to an Exposition of the Teachings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, 5(3, 4), 74-84 & 121-131.
  9. Singh, K. (2011). Beyond mind: The future of psychology as a science. In R. M. M. Cornellisen, G. Misra & S. Varma (Eds.), Foundations of Indian psychology: Concepts and theories (pp. 86-102). Delhi, India: Pearson.
  10. Singh, K. (2008). The evolution of Integral Yoga: Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramakrishna, and Swami Vivekananda. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag. https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Integral-Yoga-Ramakrishna-Vivekananda/dp/3639086953
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  11. Singh, K. (2004). Relativism and its relevance for psychology. In K. Joshi & M. Cornellisen (Eds.), History of science, philosophy, and culture in Indian civilization: Volume X1 part 3: Consciousness, Indian psychology and yoga. New Delhi, India: Center for Studies in Civilizations.
  12. Singh, K. (2010). Laying the foundations of Indian psychology. Śraddha: A Quarterly Devoted to an Exposition of the Teachings of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, 1 & 2(4, 1), 108-123 & 128-141.
  13. Singh, K. (2006). Sri Ramakrishna: The initiator of Integral Yoga. Journal of Consciousness Evolution, 2(1). Retrieved from http://www.cejournal.org/GRD/Ramakrishna.htm
  14. Singh, K. (2003). Relativism, self-referentiality and beyond mind. In C. Chakroborti, M. K. Mandal & R. B. Chatterjee (Eds.), On mind and consciousness: Selected papers from the MiCon 2002 conference. Kharagpur, India: Indian Institute of Technology.
  15. Singh, K. (2001). Beyond postmodernism: Towards a future psychology. In M. Cornellisen (Ed.), Consciousness and its transformation. Pondicherry, India: Sri Aurobindo Ashram.
  16. Kundan & Varma, S. (1999). Postmodernism and beyond: The meeting of East and West. Indian Psychological Review, 52 & 53(3, 4), 58-72.
  17. Kundan. (1997). Critical issues in basic and applied psychology: An overview. Unpublished Masters Thesis. Delhi, India: University of Delhi.

Other Books[edit]

Making Children Hinduphobic Book Cover.jpg

Singh, Kundan, and Krishna Maheshwari. Making Children Hinduphobic: A Critical Review of McGraw Hill’s World History Textbooks. Infinity Foundation India, 2018. https://www.amazon.com/Making-Children-Hinduphobic-Critical-textbooks-ebook/dp/B07G4MW869.

Academic Forums[edit]

Lectures, Seminars, and Conferences[edit]

  1. Singh, K. (2022a). Invitational Plenary Presentation: The Legacy of Orientalism in School Textbooks. International Seminar on Revisiting the Ideas of India from Swaraj to New India, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi. Delhi, India.
  2. Singh, K. (2022b). Keynote Presentation: Understanding Indian Political Thought. Center for Global Studies, University of Delhi. Delhi, India.
  3. Singh, K. (2022c). Keynote Presentation: Indian Epistemology in Sri Aurobindo’s Life Divine. National Seminar on Sri Aurobindo: The Herald of the Life Divine, Rishihood University. Sonipat, India.
  4. Singh, K. (2022d). Keynote Presentation: Theorems on Binaries and Sri Aurobindo. Annual Symposium on Indian Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS). Bangalore, India.
  5. Singh, K. (2022e). Invitational Lecture: Transpersonal Epistemology. Fall 2022 Intensive and Seminar, Sofia University. Costa Mesa, California.
  6. Singh, K. (2022f). Invitational Presentation: A Talk on my Upcoming Book. Understanding Hinduphobia 2022. Briarcliff Manor, New York.
  7. Singh, K. (2021e). Decolonizing India Studies and Sri Aurobindo. International Seminar on Sri Aurobindo and Indian Renaissance, Indian Institute of Advanced Study. Shimla, India.
  8. Singh, K. (2021f). Indian Psychology is as Legitimate as Western Psychology. International Conference on Indian Psychology, Indic Academy. Singapore.
  9. Singh, K. (2021g). Colonial Discourse and Distortions on Buddhism. International Conference on Western Buddhism, Indic Academy. Singapore.
  10. Singh, K. (2021h). Invitational Lecture: Colonial Discourse and Varna. Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Rishihood University. Sonipat, India.
  11. Singh, K. (2021i). Invitational Lecture: Colonial Discourse, Ancient Hindu Polity, and Sri Aurobindo. Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Rishihood University. Sonipat, India.
  12. Singh, K. (2021j). Invitational Lecture: The Divine Mother and Revival of India. Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Rishihood University. Sonipat, India.
  13. Singh, K. (2021k). Faculty Development Workshop: Colonial Discourse and Guru Śiṣya Paramparā (Guru-disciple tradition). India’s Knowledge Systems (IKS): Sources, Theories, Concepts and Practices, Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Sonipat, in collaboration with Center for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE) at the University Grants Commission, Human Resource Development Center (UGC-HRDC), New Delhi, and the Indian Knowledge Systems Division of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, at All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), and with Center of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems (CoEIKS) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. India.
  14. Singh, K. (2021l). Faculty Development Workshop: Indian Knowledge Systems: Challenges and Possibilities: Systemic, Methodological, and Pedagogical. India’s Knowledge Systems (IKS): Sources, Theories, Concepts and Practices. Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Sonipat, in collaboration with Center for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE) at the University Grants Commission, Human Resource Development Center (UGC-HRDC), New Delhi, and the Indian Knowledge Systems Division of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, at All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), and with Center of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems (CoEIKS) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. India.
  15. Singh, K. (2019a). The Use and Misuse of Color: The Colonial Roots of Modern Interpretations of Hindu India. Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies: Crossing Borders, El Colegio de Mexico. Mexico City, Mexico.
  16. Singh, K. (2019b). Presentation for Panel Discussion Reimagining Asia: Innovation and Reflection: Reimagining India: Breaking the Orientalist and Colonial Definitions of Hinduism and India. Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) Conference, St. Mary's College. Moraga, California.
  17. Singh, K. (2019c). The Problem of Mind-Body Medicine from the Perspective of Classical Indian Cosmology. New Frontiers in Sanskrit and Indic Knowledge, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth. Kochi, India.
  18. Singh, K. (2019e). Invitational Presentation: Colonialism, Misrepresentation, and its Continuing Legacy in American Schoolbooks on India and Hinduism. Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage. Delhi, India.
  19. Singh, K. (2018a). Presentation for Panel Discussion Controversy in California Textbooks: India and Hinduism before the Education Board: The Colonial Discourse of James Mill and the Oppression of Women in Hinduism. Western Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, Soka University of America. Aliso Viejo, California.
  20. Singh, K. (2018d). Presentation for Panel Discussion Distortions on Hinduism, Indian Culture, and Indian History in California Textbooks: Strategies for Correcting the Discourse: California Textbook Controversy and Violation of Education Codes. 13th World Association of Vedic Studies (WAVES) Conference, Brookhaven College. Dallas, Texas.
  21. Singh, K. (2018e). Distortion of History in California Textbooks and the Colonial Discourse. International Conference on the Growth and Development of Indian Culture: Historical and Literary Perspectives. Dr. S. R. Rao Memorial Foundation for Indian Archaeology, Art, and Culture. Bangalore, India.
  22. Singh, K. (2018f). Presentation for Panel Discussion Silencing the Voice of the Indigenous: The Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory: Critical Thought and the Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory. The World History Association Conference. University of Wisconsin. Milwaukee.
  23. Singh, K. (2018j). The Operation of Binaries in Western Cosmology and Its Relevance for Indian Thought. Swadeshi Indology Conference Series on Indian Mind Sciences: Indian Culture and Psychology: A Consciousness Perspective, University of Delhi. Delhi, India.
  24. Singh, K. (2017a). Presentation for Roundtable Discussion India in World Civilization: Problems of Interpretation and the Reconstruction of an Authentic Narrative: Colonialism and the Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory. The World History Association Conference. Northeastern University. Boston, Massachusetts.
  25. Singh, K. (2017b). Sri Aurobindo’s Invalidation of the Aryan Invasion Theory and the Contemporary Western Archaeological Evidence. Relevance of Sri Aurobindo and the Grand Visions of the Ancient Indian Wisdom, Hindu University of America. Orlando, Florida.
  26. Singh, K. (2016d). Addressing Postcolonial Studies from the Framework of Integral Studies. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2016: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders, California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  27. Singh, K. (2016e). Presentation for Panel Discussion Excavating our Traditions: The Meaning of Work: The Meaning of Work from the Perspective of Bhagavada Gita. Conference: The New Story of Work: Politics, Spirituality, and Labor, Pacific School of Religion. Berkeley, California.
  28. Singh, K. (2015a). Weekly Two-hour Lecture for Faculty Education for the Month of August: Understanding Indian Cosmology and Culture for the Transformation of Indian Academia. Auro University. Surat, India.
  29. Singh, K. (2015c). Lecture on the Independence Day of India: Sri Aurobindo: The Freedom Fighter. Auro University. Surat, India.
  30. Singh, K. (2015d). Lecture: History of International Business in Southern India: Auro University. Surat, India.
  31. Singh, K. (2015e). Lecture: Understanding Communication from Spiritual Perspective. Auro University. Surat, India.
  32. Singh, K. (2015f). Lecture: Introducing Integral Education. Auro University. Surat, India.
  33. Singh, K. (2015g). Five-day Faculty Development Workshop: Decolonizing the Indian Mind for India’s Revival as Envisioned by Sri Aurobindo. Auro University. Surat, India.
  34. Singh, K. (2014a). Five-day Faculty Development Workshop: Philosophy of Science and Indian Cosmology. Auro University. Surat, India.
  35. Singh, K. (2014b). Transformation of Earth and Body in Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Vision through Conscious and Collaborative Participation with the Divine Mother. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2014: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  36. Singh, K. (2014c). Lecture: Taking a Critical Look at the Transpersonal Culture through the Operation of Binaries. March Seminar: Global PhD Program. Presentation Center. Los Gatos, California.
  37. Singh, K. (2013a). The Importance of Transcendence and Integration of Binaries in the Understanding of Indian Psychology. XXIII Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP). Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology. Rourkela, India.
  38. Singh, K. (2013b). The Importance of Transcendence and Integration of Binaries in the Understanding of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Worldview. Journey to Wholeness: Self, Person, Cosmos, God, and Other in Indic Yoga: Traditions and the Transformational Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  39. Singh, K. (2012a). Integral Epistemology and Methodology for Indic Studies in Western Academia. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2012: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  40. Singh, K. (2012b). Moderator: Integral Scholarship. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2012: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  41. Singh, K. (2011a). Some Reflections on Introducing Dharma-based Study Abroad Program in India. Uberoi Foundation for Religious Studies: In Our Own Voices—Dharma Education in North America. Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles, California.
  42. Singh, K. (2010b). Paul Hacker’s Erroneous Conclusions on European Influence on Swami Vivekananda. The Fourth Annual South Asian Studies Association Conference: South Asia and the West—Entwined, Entangled, and Engaged, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, California.
  43. Singh, K. (2010c). Chair: Cultures, Hegemonies, and Identity Politics. The Fourth Annual South Asian Studies Association Conference: South Asia and the West—Entwined, Entangled, and Engaged, University of Southern California. Los Angeles, California.
  44. Singh, K. (2010d). A Map of Transformation in Integral Psychology. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2010: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders, California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  45. Singh, K. (2011d). The Universal Religion of Swami Vivekananda. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2011: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  46. Singh, K. (2010a). Lecture: Buddha’s Insights as a Window to Understanding Indian Social and Spiritual Psychology. University of Delhi. Delhi, India.
  47. Singh, K. (2009c). Paul Hacker’s Neo-colonial Construction of Neo-Hinduism. Eighteenth International Conference of Vedanta, University of Massachusetts. Dartmouth, Massachusetts.
  48. Singh, K. (2009d). Paul Hacker’s Neo-colonial Construction of Neo-Hinduism. 43rd Annual Conference on Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC), Soka University of America. Aliso Viejo, California.
  49. Singh, K. (2009e). Postmodernism, Integral Philosophy, and the Transformation of Mind. Symposium on Integral Consciousness, California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  50. Singh, K. (2008). Rambachan and the Limits of Social Constructivist Thinking in the Analysis of the Thoughts of Swami Vivekananda. Seventh International World Association of Vedic Studies Conference. University of Central Florida. Orlando, Florida.
  51. Singh, K. (2007a). Lecture: Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA). Bangalore, India.
  52. Singh, K. (2007b). A Rishi’s Advice for the Introduction of Indian Psychology in Indian Universities. National Seminar on Indian Psychology: Theories and Models. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA). Bangalore, India.
  53. Singh, K. (2007c). Indian Psychology and the Evolution of Integral Consciousness. National Seminar on Indian Psychology: Theories and Models. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA). Bangalore, India.
  54. Singh, K. (2007d). A Three-prong Approach for the Formulation of Indian Psychology Curriculum. Meeting to Discuss Curriculum in Indian Psychology. SVYASA. Bangalore, India.
  55. Singh, K. (2007e). Guest lecture for the course “Cross Cultural Psychology” taught by Antonio Ramirez Hernandez: India and the USA: A Cross Cultural Comparison. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  56. Singh, K. (2007f). Guest lecture for the course “Integral Psychology” taught by Brant Cortright: The Mother as a Divine Principle of Transformation. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  57. Singh, K. (2006a). Guest lecture for the course “Transpersonal Theory and Research in the MA Residential program” taught by Chandra Alexandre: Integral Yoga. Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Palo Alto, California.
  58. Singh, K. (2006c). Influence of Swami Vivekananda on Sri Aurobindo: All USA Meeting & Integral Psychology Conference. Menla Mountain Retreat. Menla, New York.
  59. Singh, K. (2006d). Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations of the Vedas and Its Implications for the Academia. World Association of Vedic Studies Conference on Vedic Ideas for Global Harmony and Peace in the Modern Context. University of Houston. Houston, Texas.
  60. Singh, K. (2005a). Guest lecture for the Course “Integral Psychology” taught by Brant Cortright: On the Mother of Integral Yoga. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  61. Singh, K. (2005b). Relativism and its Relevance for Integral Methodology. International Conference on Integral Psychology and Transformation. Auroville, India.
  62. Singh, K. (2004a). Moral Relativism and the Practice of Integral Yoga. National Conference on Indian Psychology, Yoga and Consciousness. Pondicherry, India.
  63. Singh, K. (2004b). Guest Lecture for the Course “Integral Psychology” taught by Brant Cortright: Integral Yoga and the Mother. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  64. Singh, K. (2003b). Coordinator: The Third International Conference on Integral Psychology and Yoga: California Institute of Integral Studies and Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  65. Singh, K. (2003c). Guest Lecture for the Course “The Evolution of Consciousness” taught by Sean Kelly: The Life of the Mother. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  66. Singh, K. (2002a). Relativism and its Relevance for Indian Psychology. National Conference on Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology. Pondicherry, India.
  67. Singh, K. (2002c). Relativism, Self-Referentiality and Beyond Mind. International Conference on Mind and Consciousness. Indian Institute of Technology. Kharagpur, India.
  68. Singh, K. (2001a). Panel Discussion: The Future of Integral Psychology. Cultural Integration Fellowship Golden Jubilee Celebration. San Francisco, California.
  69. Singh, K. (2001b). Beyond Postmodernism: Towards a Future Psychology. Second International Conference on Integral Psychology. Pondicherry, India.

Other Forums[edit]

Lectures, Seminars, and Conferences[edit]

  1. Singh, K. (2022g). Invitational Presentation: Sri Aurobindo’s Contributions to India’s Independence. India American Cultural Association. Atlanta, Georgia.
  2. Singh, K. (2022h). Lecture: Sri Aurobindo’s Contributions to India’s Independence. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  3. Singh, K. (2022i). Lecture: Health and Healing as per the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  4. Singh, K. (2022j). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 9. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  5. Singh, K. (2022k). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 8. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  6. Singh, K. (2022l). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 9. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  7. Singh, K. (2021a). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 8. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  8. Singh, K. (2021b). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 7. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  9. Singh, K. (2021c). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 7. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  10. Singh, K. (2021d). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 6. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  11. Singh, K. (2020a). Invitational Presentation: Varna System in the Light of Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Society. Pondicherry, India.
  12. Singh, K. (2020b). Presentation for Panel Discussion India’s Spiritual Destiny, Human Unity, and Geo-political Harmony. Sri Aurobindo Society. Pondicherry, India.
  13. Singh, K. (2020c). Moderator: Celebrating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo Society. Pondicherry, India.
  14. Singh, K. (2020d). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 6. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  15. Singh, K. (2020e). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 5. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  16. Singh, K. (2019d). Invitational Presentation: Sri Aurobindo and Renaissance in India. Sri Aurobindo Society. Pondicherry, India.
  17. Singh, K. (2019f). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 5. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  18. Singh, K. (2019g). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 4. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  19. Singh, K. (2018b). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 4. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  20. Singh, K. (2018c). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 3. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  21. Singh, K. (2018g). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri: Part 2. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  22. Singh, K. (2018h). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 3. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  23. Singh, K. (2018i). Lecture: The Ultimate Goal: The Yoga Beyond the Mat. Sunnyvale Hindu Temple. California.
  24. Singh, K. (2017c). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Part 2. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  25. Singh, K. (2016a). Lecture: Sri Aurobindo in Baroda. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  26. Singh, K. (2016b). Lecture: Integral Yoga and Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  27. Singh, K. (2016c). Lecture: Decolonizing the Indian Mind for the Study of Dharma. Vichar Manthan. Fremont Hindu Temple. Fremont, California.
  28. Singh, K. (2016f). Lecture: The Life and Legacy of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  29. Singh, K. (2015b). Lecture: Sri Arvind aur Bhartiya Shiksha Pranali. Sri Aurobindo Niwas, Baroda, India.
  30. Singh, K. (2015h). Lecture: Divine Mother and the Transformation of Mind. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  31. Singh, K. (2014d). Lecture: The Importance of Values in the Practice of Mother’s Yoga. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  32. Singh, K. (2013c). Lecture: Sri Ramakrishna and the Evolution of Integral Yoga. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  33. Singh, K. (2012c). Lecture: Deepening the Relationship with the Divine Mother. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  34. Singh, K. (2012d). Lecture: The Mother: The Font of Transformation. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  35. Singh, K. (2011b). Lecture: The Evolution of Integral Yoga. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  36. Singh, K. (2011c). Chief Guest Address: Sri Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda. Independence Day Celebration. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana. Bangalore, India.
  37. Singh, K. (2011e). Moderator: Community Forum. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2011: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders, California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  38. Singh, K. (2010e). Moderator: Yoga and Integral Psychology. Symposium on Integral Consciousness 2010: Dedicated to the Pioneering Work of CIIS Founders. California Institute of Integral Studies. San Francisco, California.
  39. Singh, K. (2009a). Lecture: The Advantages, Limitations, and Transformation of Mind in the Light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Jaipuria Institute of Management. Noida, India.
  40. Singh, K. (2009b). Lecture: The Teachings of Raman Maharshi. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  41. Singh, K. (2009f). Lecture: The Mother and the Transformation of Vital. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  42. Singh, K. (2006b). Lecture: The Mother on the Synthesis of Yoga. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  43. Singh, K. (2003a). Lecture: The Four Aids in Integral Yoga. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  44. Singh, K. (2002b). Lecture: The Mother of Integral Yoga. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.
  45. Singh, K. (2000). Lecture: Ramakrishna and Integral Yoga. Cultural Integration Fellowship. San Francisco, California.

Published Articles in Popular Media[edit]

  1. Singh, K. (2020a). Know who the real fascists are: The Harsha Mander video. Indiafacts: Truth be told. Retrieved from http://indiafacts.org/author/kundan-singh/
  2. Singh, K. (2020b). India as India has existed since antiquity in Greek and Roman accounts. Indiafacts: Truth be told. Retrieved from http://indiafacts.org/author/kundan-singh/
  3. Singh, K. (2016a). The confluence of Marxist and Fascist ideologies. Indiafacts: Truth be told. Retrieved from http://indiafacts.org/author/kundan-singh/
  4. Singh, K. (2016b). Opposing the left is not “right”: Part I: A letter to students. Indiafacts: Truth be told. Retrieved from http://indiafacts.org/author/kundan-singh/
  5. Singh, K. (2016c). Opposing the left is not “right”: Part II: More to Mahisasura. Indiafacts: Truth be told. Retrieved from http://indiafacts.org/author/kundan-singh/
  6. Singh, K. (2016d). Opposing the left is not “right”: Part III: The debate. Indiafacts: Truth be told. Retrieved from http://indiafacts.org/author/kundan-singh/

Recorded Presentations & Interviews[edit]


  1. Colonial Discourse in History NCERT Textbook, originally delivered at the International Seminar on Revisiting the Ideas of India from Swaraj to New India, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94ufNMDVIaE
  2. Understanding Indian Political thought in light of Colonial Discourse, originally delivered at the Center for Global Studies, University of Delhi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUxpDKjbyEY&list=PLRw1gqWr_0Tgh8lH4ixXb8r-WMIaCkM2d&index=2&t=175s
  3. The Colonial Eclipse on the Indian Knowledge Systems, originally delivered as an introduction to the afore-mentioned Faculty Development Workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnkaumwrqCg&list=PLRw1gqWr_0Tgh8lH4ixXb8r-WMIaCkM2d&index=4&t=39s


  1. Decolonizing India Studies and Sri Aurobindo: Part 2, originally delivered at the International Conference on Sri Aurobindo and India’s Renaissance, organized by the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrbZ96Hx3S4&t=1349s
  2. Indian Psychology is as Legitimate as Western Psychology, originally delivered at the Conference on Hinduism and Modern Psychology, organized by Indic Academy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erdQyc5ZzAk&t=1062s
  3. Colonial Discourse and Distortions on Buddhism, originally delivered at the Conference on Western Buddhism, organized by Indic Academy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0PiYqv5PJ8&t=812s
  4. Colonial Discourse and Varna at Sangam Talks, originally delivered for the Rashtram School of Public Leadership: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Al8XAP1ZNU0&t=327s
  5. Colonial Discourse, Ancient Hindu Polity, and Sri Aurobindo at Sangam Talks, originally delivered for the Rashtram School of Public Leadership: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBCsEVpiyBY&t=3442s
  6. Colonial Discourse and History of India at Sangam Talks, originally delivered for AHAD and DCF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlKtSPAB7Yw&t=1278s
  7. The Divine Mother and Revival of India at Sangam Talks, originally delivered for the Rashtram School of Public Leadership: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvPdaVrCqOA&t=1686s
  8. Colonial Discourse and Guru Śiṣya Paramparā, originally delivered for the Faculty Development Program (FDP) 2021 on the theme of India’s Knowledge Systems (IKS): Sources, Theories, Concepts and Practices at the Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Sonipat, in collaboration with Center for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE) at the University Grants Commission, Human Resource Development Center (UGC-HRDC), New Delhi, and the Indian Knowledge Systems Division of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, at All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), and with Center of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems (CoEIKS) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. India: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMXJKCiTlyE&list=PLRw1gqWr_0Tgh8lH4ixXb8r-WMIaCkM2d&index=5&t=337s
  9. Jñāna Samudra Manthana: IKS - Challenges & Possibilities: Systemic, Methodological, Pedagogical, Competencies: a workshop originally conducted at the Rashtram School of Public Leadership, Sonipat, in collaboration with Center for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE) at the University Grants Commission, Human Resource Development Center (UGC-HRDC), New Delhi, and the Indian Knowledge Systems Division of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, at All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), and with Center of Excellence for Indian Knowledge Systems (CoEIKS) at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur. India.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aj8wnl6p-8&list=PLRw1gqWr_0Tgh8lH4ixXb8r-WMIaCkM2d&index=3&t=1469s


  1. Colonial Discourse on India and Hinduism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF-sHNrh97Q
  2. Colonial Discourse on India and Hinduism, and Its Continuing Legacy in American School Textbooks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yvfelLNA9U
  3. Colonial Discourse on India and Hinduism: A Conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nOhzvfgFFw
  4. Varna in the Light of Sri Aurobindo, originally delivered for the Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSO4EJe_cCM&list=PLRw1gqWr_0Tgh8lH4ixXb8r-WMIaCkM2d&index=15&t=336s
  5. Decolonizing India Studies and Sri Aurobindo: Part 1, originally delivered at the Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wwfm5MET4qA