
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Sadāśiva literally means ‘the Ever Auspicious One’.

As per General Description[edit]

Sadāśiva is one of the aspects and names of god Śiva. He is described as having five heads and ten arms, and is seated in baddha-padmāsana.[1] The heads are adorned with matted hair. The ten hands hold:

  1. Śakti - spear with a triangular tip
  2. Triśula - trident
  3. Khaṭvāṅga - magic wand
  4. Abhayamudrā - gesture of protection
  5. Varadamudrā - gestures of boon-giving
  6. Serpent
  7. Snake
  8. Ḍamaru - hand-drum
  9. Nīlotpala - blue-lotus
  10. Bījāpura - pomegranate fruit

Alternately, he may be shown as having a single face with three eyes, with a crescent moon adorned on the head. His consort is Manonmaṇi.

As per Other Description[edit]

In another description he is pictured as saumya.[2] He has four arms, two carrying purṇāmṛta-kumbhas[3] and the other two carrying one more pot and a rosary.

As per Śaivasiddhānta[edit]

In Śaivasiddhānta, Sadāśiva is the Supreme God-head but absolutely formless. He is all-pervading, extremely subtle and incomprehensible.


  1. Baddha-padmāsana means bound lotus posture.
  2. Saumya means pleasant and peaceful.
  3. Purṇāmṛta-kumbhas means pots filled with nectar.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore