Colonial Discourse and the Suffering of Indian American Children Book Cover.webp

In this book, we analyze the psycho-social consequences faced by Indian American children after exposure to the school textbook discourse on Hinduism and ancient India. We demonstrate that there is an intimate connection—an almost exact correspondence—between James Mill’s colonial-racist discourse (Mill was the head of the British East India Company) and the current school textbook discourse. This racist discourse, camouflaged under the cover of political correctness, produces the same psychological impacts on Indian American children that racism typically causes: shame, inferiority, embarrassment, identity confusion, assimilation, and a phenomenon akin to racelessness, where children dissociate from the traditions and culture of their ancestors.

This book is the result of four years of rigorous research and academic peer-review, reflecting our ongoing commitment at Hindupedia to challenge the representation of Hindu Dharma within academia.

Talk:7 Yojanas and 7 Yugas

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

7 Yojanas and 7 Yugas[edit]

Yojana originates from the verb Yujir which means "to add". These two forms yuga and yojana both unite in 7 ways.

Bhāskarāchārya-II has described two yojanas for 2 purposes. In Astronomy Earth is standard for all the calculations. Earth is also called as Siddhānta-śiromaņi. Calcultion is measured by the Equator situated on Earth.

  • Equator = 5000 yojanas
  • 1 yojana = 8 Kms.

For the easy human understanding it can be measured by finger width i.e. Līlāvatī-Angula (finger width) which is standard.

  • 1 Yojana = 32,000 hands
  • 32,000 hands = 16 Kms.

These measurements can also be done in human foot i.e.

  • 1 Foot = length of Human foot = 30.48 Cms.
  • 1 Nautical Mile= 6076.115 feet or 1852 meter.

According to Jain astronomy

  • 1 Pramāņa yojana = 500 Ātmā yojana
  • 500 Ātmā yojana=1000 Utsedha yojanas

Astronomical measurements are done in 3 ways : (1) Astronomical unit (AU) - This is semi major axis of earth's orbit = distance of Sun from Earth =1.496 x 10 Meters. (2) Persec (Pc) - This is the distance at which 1 AU makes angle of 1 sec

  • 1 Persec = 3.0856 x 10 meters = 3.26 Light years
  • 1Mega-persec (Mpc) = 10 Pc.

(3) Light year is the distance travelled by light in 1 tropical year = 9.4605 x 10 meter

In modern Physics the definitions of meter is quoted as

(a) 10 part of distance between equator and north pole along Paris.

(b) Distance between 2 marks on a rod at zero degree at Paris.

( c) 16,50,763,73 times wave-length of a radiation of Krypton 86.

(d) linked with second by speed of light-Light travels 2,99,792.458 Kms in 1 second.

Nara yojana[edit]

This yojana is also called as human measurement. Large measurement - 1 Angula (finger width) is standard.

  • 12 angula = 1 Vitasti (palm spread).
  • 2 Vitasti = 1 Hasta (hand) =45 Cm
  • 1 angula =1.875 Cm.
  • 1 Daņɖa = 4 hasta

It is also called Puruşa (man) - height with hands raised = fathom of 6 feet.

  • 4000 Daņɖa = 1 yojana
  • 1 yojana = 32000
  • 32000 hands =16 kms

Small measures- has been mentioned in Bŗhat-samhitā.[1]

  • 8 Paramāņu (atom) = 1 Raj or dust particle (Ratha-reņu as per Mānasāra)
  • 8 Raja = 1 Vālāgra (hair end)
  • 8 Vālāgra = 1 Likśā (lice)
  • 8 Likśā = 1 Yūka
  • 8 Yūka = 1 Yava (barley grain width)
  • 8 Yava = 1 Angula (finger width)
  • 1 Angula (finger width) = 1.875 cm.

Śrīpati calls it the size of dust particles seen in sun-rays.

Paramanu eq 1.png

This is Trasareņu which has 60 Aņus (atom) as per Āyurveda. Thus, 1 atom = 1.2 x10-7Cm.

Lalita-vistara tells Paramāņu-raja is equal to Angula x 7-10 = 0.6 x 10-7 Cm. This is actually the radius of Hydrogen atom. Trasareņu of Tiloya-pannati = 1 Angula x 8-9 = 1.4 x 10-8 Cm

Any measure is in general called Angula. Puruşa sūkta-1 tells the whole world as angula. When measure is only 1 angula, it is called Anguşţha. Bālakhilya planets are called of 1 Anguşţha. Here earth is Puruşa of 96 angulas.

Bhū-Yojana with Earth as the Standard[edit]

Sūrya-siddhānta (1/59)-Diameter = 1600 Yojana Pañcha-siddhāntikā (1/18) Circumference = 3200 yojana Āryabhaţīya (1/10) and Lalla- Diameter = 1050 Yojanas Siddhānta-śiromaņi, Golādhyāya, Bhuvana-koşa 52- Diameter = 1582 1/24 yojanas, Circumference =4967 Yojana

In space, earth has been called Padma (lotus) of 1000 petals[2] If we count atmosphere as a part of the earth, its 1000 part is equal to Āryabhaţa yojana.

Bhāgavata purāņa, part 5 calls planetary orbit up to Neptune as Disc - shaped earth of 100 Crore yojana diameter. Middle aged astronomers have multiplied it by 360 to make It Divya yojana as diameter of Brahmāņɖa (galaxy). Half part of that is loka that is (lighted) part of 50 crore yojanas, in which 7 dvīpa (continents) and samudra (ocean) are described as same names found on earth. Remaining part is Aloka (dark) region. Here, 1 yojana = 1000 part of earth diameter = 12.75628 Kms.

Dvīpas and Samudras of Bhāgavata Purāņa[edit]

Apparent rotation of a planet around earth or its orbit forms Dvīpa Inner radius=radius of earth orbit-planet Outer radius=sum of radii
Radius Breadth
(in 1,000 yojana)
50 50 Jambu-dvipa
150 100 Lavana (salt) samudra
350 200 Plaksa-dvipa
550 200 Iksu-rasa (sugar cane juice) samudra
950 400 Salmali-dvipa
1350 400 Madya (liquor) samudra
2150 800 Kusa-dvipa
2950 800 Ghrta (butter) samudra
4550 1600 Krauñcha-dvipa
6150 1600 Ksira (milk) sagara
9350 3200 Saka-dvipa
12,550 3200 Dadhi (curd) samudra
15,750 3200 Manasottara-parvata
18,950 3200 Puskara-dvipa
25,350 6400 Madhura-jala (sweet water) samudra
41,100 15,750 Loka-varsa (bright zone)
1,25,000 83,900 Hiranya-varsa
2,50,000 1,25,000 Aloka-varsa (dark zone)

Comparison of Dvīpa and Samudras with planetary orbits[edit]

Serial Planet Point Radius (1000 Yojana) Radius of Dvipa Error Name Of Region
1 Mercury Near 5976 6150 2.1 Kśīra-sāgara
2 Mercury Far 15701.1 15750 0.3 Mānasottara parvata
3 Venus Near 2851 2950 3.5 Ghŗta-sāgara
4 Venus Far 18813 18950 0.7 Puşkara-Dvīpa
5 Mars Near 4090 4550 11.2 Krauñcha-Dvīpa
6 Mars Far 25736.5 2535. -1.5 Jala-samudra
7 Jupiter Near 43422.8 41100 -5.3 Jana-sthāna
8 Saturn Far 121599.6 125000 2.8 Hiraņya-varşa
9 Sun Mean 10840.4 10950 1 Mean of Dadhi Samudra
10 Ceres* Near 16312.8 15750 -3.4 Mānasottara parvata
11 Ceres* Far 42683.2 41100 -3.7 Jana-sthāna
12 Uranus Far 229811 250000 8.8 Aloka-varşa


  • Ceres* is the main body in the asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter. Its orbit is calculated for figures of 2000 AD.
  • Jambū-Dvīpa of 50,000 yojana radius is extent of gravitational field of earth in which an object will be in orbit. Its axis is in direction of Earth's rotation in Meru of 1,00,000 yojanas.
  • Dadhi-samudra is solid planet zone. Its mean circle is orbit of Earth's largest solid planet.

Bha Yojana[edit]

Bha means Measurement from star.

In astronomy texts, value of yojana is determined by comparing the standard measures of Earth in diameter or circumference with modern measure in Kilometers(km). Without any reason, we assume that the same measure is used for distance of sun or star planets-which look like stars. There measure needs to be found by comparing sun diameter with current measures.

In Sūrya-siddhānta (1/59), diameter of earth = 1600 Yojana which is 12,756.28 Km. (equator) in modern measures.

  • calculation of this yojana = 12,756.28/ 1600 =7.9727 Km.

In Sūrya-siddhānta (4/17), diameter of Sun = 6500 Yojana which is 13,92,000 Km. in modern measures.

  • Calculation of this yojana= 13,92,000/ 6500 = 214.1538 Km.

Solar yojana/earth yojana =214.1538/7.9727 = 26.86 or 27 Km approximately.

These are small planets called Bālakhilyas, 60,000 in number rotating around the Sun. Their size in Anguşţha = 1 angula [3] Earth can be taken as a puruşa of 96 angula = 12,756.28 Km. So, Bālakhilya size is 12,756.28/96 = 135 km. NASA estimate of 2005 is that there are 70,000 Platonic bodies of more than 100 Km diameter at 44-65 AU distance.[4]

Bha means star which indicates number 27. So, measurement of sun (a star) and star-like planets can be called Bha-yojana which means star-measure or 27 (Bha) yojanas.

(1) Sun orbit=43,31,500 Yojana[5]

  • Diameter = 1.47 x 10 Kms.
  • Modern value = 1.50 x 10 Kms.

(2) Nakśatra Kakśā = Sun orbit x 60[6] This is obviously within solar system as size of Brahmāņɖa is much larger.

(3) Brahmāņɖa circumference = 1.87 x 10 Bha-yojana[7]

  • Diameter = 1.3 x 10 Light year

Dhāma yojana[edit]

Measurement of complete solar system is given in Ŗk veda.[8] For 30 Dhāma brightness is more, which is understood as Vāk. Vāk is the field of Patanga (Sun). Each Vasta (location) of Dyu (sky) is measured in Ahar. Ahar and Vasta both means day. Dhāma and yojana both words have been used in Řkveda for the measurement of Uşā (twilight).[9] These measurements of Uşā are same always. They spread towards place of Varuņa one by one. Dhāma of Varuņa are 30. They are ahead of Sun by 30 Yojanas.

Galaxy is in Varuna zone. Within that, there are 30 zones one after other where light of sun is more than the background of galaxy. Lightness of each zone is more than darkness. Sun itself has 30 levels of Uşā (twilight) in 30 zones called Dhāma. Measurement of Dhāma is not defined here.

Here measuring rod is earth itself as in Sūrya-siddhānta.[10] Measure of loka has started in Taittirīya upanişad (2/8) from Earth-called Manuşya-loka. It has been mentioned in Bŗhadāraņyaka upanişad that 32 ahar (Plural is aha̅ni) is measure of Deva ratha, its double in all directions is Pŗthivī (enclosure of solar system), that is surrounded all around by Samudra (ocean) of twice size.[11] Thus all measure starts from earth as measuring rod. But there are 3 Dhāmas within earth, so Dhāma 3 = earth. Distance from center of measure is equal to radius of earth. Radius of Dhāma 4 =2 x earth radius, Radius of Dhāma 5 = 4 x earth radius, and so on.

Ahargaŋa Scale[edit]

Ahargana scale.png

Link title==Kśara Dhāma==

Meaning of Dhāma on earth-Varuņa is lord of west direction. Uşā (twilight) goes up to 30 dhāmas in that direction ahead of place of sun rise. In India, it is taken as 15 degree west of sun-rise. This is called Sandhyā (joint) period and in Kali-yuga of 1200 years, 2 sandhyā are of 100 years each. Thus in a day of 24 hours, it will be of 1 hour each equal to 15 degree rotation of earth. In west, it is taken as 18 degree which is more correct for European latitudes.

Thus 1 Dhāma = ½ degree longitude. This will differ for each latitude circle, will decrease as we move away from equator. On equator, it is fixed and can be called a Dhāma-yojana, equal to half degree arc. Thus, 1 Dhāma-yojana = 40,000/720 = 55.5 kms.

Kaţha upanişad 1/3/1) gives measure of galaxy in that measure- ऋतं पिबन्तौ सुकृतस्य लोके गुहां प्रविष्टौ परमे परार्धे । छायातपौ ब्रह्मविदो वदन्ति पञ्चाग्नयो ये च त्रिणाचिकेताः ॥ (कठोपनिषद् १/३/१)

= Persons doing good finally enter the largest cave of size (circumference) of para̅rdha yojana (0.5 x 1017 x 55.5 kms.). Knowers of Brahma call it a combination of light and shadow having 5 Agnis (condensations) called (1) Svayambhu̅ (universe as collection of 1011 galaxies), (2) Parameşţhī maņɖala (galaxy with stars), (3) solar system of 30 dha̅mas (230 x earth size), (4) Cha̅ndra maņɖala (sphere containing orbit of moon), and (5) earth. Out of these, the last 3 are jointly influencing us-called 3 eyes of Śiva. Chiketa = distinct, Nāchiketa =indistinct, mixed. Here diameter of galaxy comes to 97000 LY, between 100000 and 95000 LY estimates of NASA in 1990 and 2005. Same measure is used in Ŗgveda (1/164/12) etc. where Brahmāņɖa has always been called Pura (structure) of Parārdha size. Yojaana has been used only once in Ŗgveda, so it can have only this meaning.

Earth to 17 ahargaņa[edit]

Earth to 17 ahargaņa Solar system Steps of Visnu

Zones of Solar system[edit]

Galaxy and its spiral arm

Vaşaţkāra-Vāk (field of Sun) is şaţ (6), so it is called Vaşaţkāra. These are zones of 3 to at intervals of 6 ahargaņa each. 3 ahargaņa =Earth itself. 9 ahargaņa = earth x 26 = earth x 64. Moon is at 61 radius distance. 15 ahargaņa = earth x 212 = earth radius x 2.6125 x 107 = Varāha zone. Difference between radii of Earth and venus orbits = (150-108) x 106 Km. Thus, Varāha zone = (26.125/42) x 100 = 62.2%. (d) 21 ahargaņa = earth x 218 = Radius of 1672 x 106 Km. Chakra of Ratha of sun has1000 yojana radius. Here, yojana =diameter of sun. So, radius is 13,92,000 x 1000 = 1392 x 106 Km. This is also called Sahasrākśa zone, where ākśa=sun. Thus 21 crosses ratha and is called Rathantara-sāma. (e) 27 ahargaņa = earth x 224 = Radius of 1.07 x 1011 Km. This is called Maitreya-maņɖala. In Vişņu purāņa (2/7) etc. it is stated of 105 yojana. Here, yojana is sun diameter. This is also called Sāvitrī =creative. It is 224 times earth and chhanda of 24 letters is called Gāyatrī . Gāyatrī also means Sāvitrī . (f) 33 ahargaņa = earth x 230= Radius of 6.848 x 1012 Km. Latest estimate of farthest objects is Oort cloud at distance between 75 to 150 thousand AU. Larger limit =1.5 x 108 x 1.5 x105 Km = 2.25 x1013 Km (g) 34 ahargaņa is of double size called Prajāpati. 2. Sun centric Trişţup chhanda- Trişţup chhanda has 4 parts of 11 letters each. 3 parts are 3 zones of solar system called 3 steps of Vişņu. Complete Chhanda is of 44 letters. That is measure of Maharloka. It is taken 43 only as Chhanda can be of 2 letters more or less. It is equal to width of spiral arm of galaxy, called Śeşa-nāga. It has about 1000 stars called 1000 heads of Śeşa. The 3 zones or steps of Vişņu are zones of heat, brightness and light. 3. Two parts-Planetary zone is called Bŗhaspati, the largest planet. Outer zone is after 1000 Sun-diameters = Sahasrākśa or Indra- शं नो इन्द्रो बृहस्पति शं नो विष्णुरुरुक्रमः।

Solar yojana[edit]

For measure of solar system, diameter of sun itself has been taken as a yojana. It can be also called Ātmā-yojana, as sun is ātmā (soul) of universe (Yajurveda 7/42 etc.) It is seen from Vāyu purāņa (6/12) where Varāha is stated 100 yojana high and 10 yojana wide. As it is description of solar system, height of from sun is 100 yojana and in its body of 10 yojana, earth is like a dot on its tooth. Thus earth is between 100 and110 yojanas from sun. Taking sun-diameter as unit, it is 108-109 diameters. Examples- Heat zone (Tāpa-kśetra)-Up to 100 yojanas from sun- शत योजने ह वा एष (आदित्य) इतस्तपति (कौषीतकि ब्राह्मण उपनिषद् ८/३) स एष (आदित्यः) एक शतविधस्तस्य रश्मयः । शतविधा एष एवैक शततमो य एष तपति (शतपथ ब्राह्मण १०/२/४/३) (2) Bright zone (Raśmi-kśetra)-Up to 1000 yojanas from sun-युक्ता ह्यस्य (इन्द्रस्य) हरयः शतादशेति । सहस्रं हैत आदित्यस्य रश्मयः (इन्द्रः=आदित्यः) जैमिनीय उपनिषद् ब्राह्मण १/४४/५) असौ यस्ताम्रो अरुण उत बभ्रुः सुमङ्गलः । ये चैनं रुद्रा अभितो दिक्षु श्रिताः सहस्रोऽवैषां हेड ईमहे ॥ (वा.यजु.१६/६) (3) Maitreya Maņɖala -1 lakh yojanas-Vişņu purāņa (2/8) Wheel of ratha-1000 yojana =zone of Indra (Sahasrākśa, akśa or chakśu = eye which is sun, Sahasra =1000)-This is grand cycle of planetary motions up to Saturn, so it is wheel. That Is basis of yugas in which revolution of planets are stated (Bhagaņopapatti) Ratha = Diameter 9000 yojana. Radius = 4500 yojana, up to orbit of Pluto. Īşā-daņɖa (axle rod)-Extent of solar wind up to 9000 yojana. Its middle zone is at 6750, Which is Nakśatra-kakśā (orbit of small bodies, Bālakhilya = small planets at end) at 60 AU i.e. 60 times distance of sun (Sūrya-siddhānta 12/80) Spread of Solar Ratha (=body)-157 lakh yojanas x 1392000 kms.= 2 LY diameter

Prakāśa Yojana-Length by Speed of Light[edit]

Truţi has been defined as time taken by a sharp needle to pierce a petal of rose. -Vaţeśvara-siddhānta, madhyamādhikāra,7; Siddhānta-śiromaņi, madhyamādhikāra, 26 But this is not a definition of unit-hardness and width of rose-petal, sharpness of needle and force applied to it are unspecified. Bhāgavata purāņa (3/11/5) defines it as time taken by light to cross 3 Trasareņu or 3 units larger than it which are missing- जालार्क रश्म्यवगतः खमेवानुपतन्नगात् । त्रसरेणु त्रिकं भुङ्कते यः कालः स त्रुटिः स्मृतः (भागवत पुराण ३/११/५) Both can be explained by the fact that earth is called a big lotus in space – पद्भ्यां भूमिः-पुरुष सूक्त, यजुर्वेद (३१/१३) Last step of creation is earth, so it is foot. It is base (foot, pada) of life, so it is padma (lotus). This is the lotus coming from navel of Sun as Vişņu. Seen from earth, it is at focus of the apparent orbit of sun. That focus is navel (nābhi). Truţi is 33750 parts of 1 second. It is time taken by light to cross a yojana, which may be 1000 or 1600 parts of its diameter. Examples- Radius of solar system is distance travelled by light in 1 year. That was the region whose material started creation of sun, so it is Āditya. Thus is called samvatsara (year)- संवत्सरः स्वर्गा (=सौरक्षेत्र) -कारः (तैत्तिरीय ब्राह्मण २/१/५/२) वाक् (=सौरक्षेत्र) संवत्सरः (ताण्ड्य महा ब्राह्मण १०/१२/७) Within this region, devas are created-प्रजापतिः (शतपथ ब्राह्मण १/६/३/३५, १०/२/६/१, ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण १/१, १३,२८,२/१७, ४/२५ आदि) संवत्सरो वैदेवानां जन्म (शतपथ ब्राह्मण ८/७/३/२१) After samvatsara is Varuņa region- संवत्सरो वरुणः (शतपथ ब्राह्मण ४/४/५/१८ आदि) (2) Tapah loka of Brahmā is the region which receives light (or heated) from other parts. It is Called visible universe in modern physics.ब्रह्मा तपसि (प्रतिष्ठितम्) ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण ३/६, गोपथ ब्राह्मण उत्तर३/२), तपोऽसि लोके श्रितम् । तेजसःप्रतिष्ठा। (तैत्तिरीय ब्राह्मण ३/११/१/२) (3) Vijñāna ātmā in heart region is connected up to Brahma-randhra by lanes in individual bodies. (Bŗhadāraņyaka upanişad 4/4/8,9; Chhāndogya upanişad 8/6/1,2,5; Brahma-sūtra 4/2/17-20) From that it goes to Sun at speed of light. Ŗgveda (3/53/8) tells that this link goes and returns 6 times in a muhūrtta (48 minutes). Light travels 3 lakh kms. In 1 second. It will take 500 seconds or 8 minutes to reach. It will go and return 3 times in 8 x 6= 48 minutes.- अथ या एता हृदयस्य नाड्यः…।१। तद्यथा महापथ …आदित्यात् प्रतायन्ते … नाड़ीभ्यः प्रतायन्ते ॥२॥ …रश्मिभिरूर्ध्वमाक्रामते …॥३ ॥ (छान्दोग्यउपनिषद् ८/६/१-३) त्रिर्यद्दिवःपरिमुहूर्त्तमागात् स्वैर्मन्त्रैरनृतुपा ऋतावा (ऋक् ३/५३/८)

Pramāņa Yojana[edit]

Jain Astronomy By S.S. Lishk-Vidyasagar Publication, Delhi-53, Pages 28,29- 1 Pramāņa yojana = 500 Ātmā yojana = 1000 Utsedha Yojana. Here Sun is ātmā of universe, so its diameter is ātmā-yojana. …… सूर्य आत्मा जगतस्थुषश्च (यजुर्वेद ७/४२) Each start of measure is earth, next loka is Pramā measured in Pramāņa yojana . Lower divisions of standard earth are utsedha yojana divided into 1000 parts. मा छन्दः, तत् पृथिवी…। प्रमा छन्दः, तदन्तरिक्षम् । (मैत्रायणी संहिता २/१४/९३, काठक संहिता ३९/३९) Bhāgavata purāņa, part 5, Vişņu purāņa 2/7 etc give the following measures of 7 lokas- Bhū-loka (Earth) 1000 yojana. In utsedha yojana = 1000 parts of earth. Bhuvar loka-1 lakh yojana. In earth yojanas, it is Varāha of 1000 times bigger spread. Svar loka-It is solar system whose ratha size is 157 lakh yojans = 157,00,000 x 1392000 kms = about 2 light years diameter. (4) Mahar loka is 1 crore yojana. It looks smaller than solar system of 1.57 crore size, but it is in Pramāņa yojana = sun diameter x 500) Thus, radius of mahar-loka =1 crore yojana = 107 x 500 sun diameters =6.96 x 1015 Kms. = 735 Light years. This is a sphere of width of spiral arm of galaxy near sun. (5) Janah loka-Radius is 2 crore yojanas in unit again bigger by 500 times. Thus it is 6.96 x 1018 Kms. =73,500 LY. (6) Tapah loka radius is 4 times bigger in unit 500 times bigger than that of mahar-loka. Radius is 14.7 crore LY, i.e. 45.1 Mpc which is distance of local super-clusture. (7) Satya-loka is 12 crore yojanas in still 500 times bigger unit. I.e. its radius =98 billion LY. Visible world (called Bhūmi) is of 1/10 size of Puruşa, as per in Puruşa-sūkta, 1 Visible world = 9.8 billion LY. Modern estimates range from 8 to 18 billion LY.

Reverse tree of World[edit]

Reverse tree of world. Here order of Svādhişţhāna and Maņipūra is reversed in order of creation, called sŗşţi-krama. That is in order of Māheśvara-sūtras-अइउण् । ऋऌक् ।….हयवरट् । लण् । It is in Saundarya-laharī-9. महीं मूलाधारे कमपि मणिपूरे हुतवहं, स्थितं स्वाधिष्ठाने हृदि मरुतमाकाशमुपरि । मनोऽपि भ्रूमध्ये सकलमपि भित्त्वा कुलपथं, सहस्रारे पद्मे रहसि सह पत्या विहरसि ॥९॥

Lokas and Viśva[edit]

Higher Lokas--

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bhū Bhuvar Syar Mahar Janah Tapah Satya
Earth Varāha Solar System Sphere Of Spiral Arm Width Galaxy Visible Universe Infinite Universe

All these higher lokas are called as Parama Dhāma. These Parama Dhāma can be further classified into four sections.

Trilokī(Dhama) Rodasī(avama) Krandasī(Madhyama) Sanyatī(Uttama)
Ocean Sāvitrī Sarasvatī Niyatī
Water Mara Ambha Ap=Rasa

Higher spheres are 4, successively bigger than man by 107 . Chāndra-maņɖala is affecting us, so that is also a world. Thus higher worlds are 5, given in World-tree-

  1. Svāyambhuva-maņɖala (Universe)
  2. Parameşţhī-maņɖala (Galaxy)
  3. Saura-maņɖala (Solar system)
  4. Chāndra-maņɖala (Sphere of moon orbit)
  5. Bhū-maņɖala (Earth)

Man is world no. 6. It's average of length, width and height is 1.28 meters which is equal to 107 parts of earth diameter. Lower Worlds are 7, successively smaller than man by 105.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Kalila Jīya Kuņɖalinī Jagat Deva-Dānava Pitara Ŗşi
Cell Atom Nucleus Moving Particles Quarks Proto-type Strings
10-5 meter 10-10 meter 10-15 meter 10-20 meter 10-25 meter 10-30 meter 10-35 meter

Total worlds are 13, so Viśva means 13. Viśva is any system which is closed, complete and independent.

Lower worlds[edit]

(१) कलिल-सर्व धातुं कलनीकृतः, अव्यक्त विग्रहः (तस्मात् कलिल) चरक संहिता, शरीरस्थान (४/९) In womb, cell starts collecting all materials, so it is called kalila. वालाग्रमात्रं हृदयस्य मध्ये विश्वं देवं जातरूपं वरेण्यं (अथर्वशिर उपनिषद् ५) अनाद्यनन्तं कलिलस्य मध्ये विश्वस्य स्रष्टारमनेकरूपम् । विश्वस्यैकं परिवेष्टितारं ज्ञात्वा देवं मुच्यते सर्व पाशैः ॥ (श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद्, ५/१३) A cell also is a Viśva, which is enclosed (pariveşţita). (२) वालाग्र शत साहस्रं तस्य भागस्य भागिनः ।तस्य भागस्य भागार्धं तत्क्षये तु निरञ्जनम् ॥ (ध्यानविन्दु उपनिषद् , ४) Starting from man, hair-end is first smaller Viśva 100 thousand times smaller. There are 6 more levels smaller by same ratio. Smallest is Nirañjana (not perceived by any instrument, or mind) (३) ऋषिभ्यः पितरो जाताः पितॄभ्यो देव दानवाः । देवेभ्यश्च जगत्सर्वं चरं स्थाण्वनुपूर्वशः॥ (मनुस्मृति, ३/२०१) From Ŗşis, pitars were born; then Deva-dānava. All jagat was from Deva only. Devas are 33, Asuras are 99, so created universe is one-fourth only (Puruşa-sūkta 3,4). Jagat= moving particles are of 3 types-Chara=lepton, Sthāņu=Baryon, Anu-pūrva =Mesonic link particles. (४) वालाग्र शत भागस्य शतधा कल्पितस्य च ॥ भागो जीवः स विज्ञेयः स चानन्त्याय कल्पते ॥ (श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद्, ५/९) Assume 100 parts of 100th part of hair end (micron size)= 10-10 Meter. That is Jīva, not destroyed in any chemical change-all Kalpa =or creation is recombination of atoms only. (५) षट्चक्र निरूपण, ७-एतस्या मध्यदेशे विलसति परमाऽपूर्वा निर्वाण शक्तिः कोट्यादित्य प्रकाशां त्रिभुवन-जननी कोटिभागैकरूपा । केशाग्रातिगुह्या निरवधि विलसत .. ।९। अत्रास्ते शिशु-सूर्यकला चन्द्रस्य षोडशी शुद्धा नीरज सूक्ष्म-तन्तु शतधा भागैक रूपा परा ।७। Central nerve is 107 parts of hair-end. Kuņɖalinī is still 100 times smaller, equal to nucleus of atom = 10-15 meters (६) असद्वा ऽइदमग्र ऽआसीत् । तदाहः – किं तदासीदिति । ऋषयो वाव तेऽग्रेऽसदासीत् । तदाहुः-के ते ऋषय इति । ते यत्पुराऽऽस्मात् सर्वस्मादिदमिच्छन्तः श्रमेण तपसारिषन्-तस्मादृषयः (शतपथ ब्राह्मण, ६/१/१/१) In beginning, it was Asat (invisible, beyond perception) only. That was Ŗşi. They pulled with force and energy, so they were called Ŗşi =Rassi in Hindi (String).

Higher Worlds[edit]

(3) The zone lighted by sun and moon is Pŗthivī (earth) and in all the earths-ocean, rivers and mountains are stated as on planet earth. (a) Planet earth-It is lighted by sun and moon both and it has all-ocean, rivers and mountains. (b) Maitreya-maņɖala-It is the zone exclusively lighted by sun. Zones formed by planetary orbits are described as continents and oceans of same name as on earth. (c) Galaxy-This is the last limit up to which sun can be seen as a point- Definition of Brahmāņɖa in Sūrya-siddhānta (12/90). In this earth also, central rotating disc is called a river-Ākāśa-gangā. (4) Whatever is the size of earth by diameter and circumference, the same is diameter and circumference of its sky, starting from earth.. Stated by Maitreya to Parāśara, addressed as Dvija (Brāhmaņa). Planet earth-Its measure should start from human size, which is implied but not stated. Earth is limit (Koţi) of world for man and its size is 107 times, so Koţi = 107 . For earth also, its Koţi of world is solar system which is its sky and is 107 times bigger. (b) For Maitreya-maņɖala, its sky or Koţi is galaxy and is 107 times bigger. ( c) For the largest earth galaxy, its sky is universe. This is infinite, but is taken in same ratio of Koţi = 107 . Thus the 5 levels of Viśva starting with man are successively 107 times bigger. 107 = 224 and 24 is number of letters in Gāyatrī chhanda, so it is said that is measure of all the Lokas.

इयमेव (पृथिवी) गायत्री-जैमिनीय उपनिषद् ब्राह्मण, १/५५/३, शतपथ ब्राह्मण, १/४/१/३४, ताण्ड्य महा ब्राह्मण, ७/३/११) गायत्र्या वै देवा इमान् लोकान् व्याप्नुवन् (ताण्ड्य महा ब्राह्मण, १६/१४/४)

Concept of Time[edit]

Time is perception of change of world. Change is of 3 types defining 3 types of time = Kāla. Nitya Kāla (Eternal time)-All physical bodies are always decaying. Changes are irreversible. Whatever has gone can not come back. So, it is also called Death (Mŗtyu). कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो (गीता ११/३२) (2) Janya Kāla (Creative time)-This is related to Yajña which is creation of useful things in a cycle. Measure of that cycle is unit of time. There are 9 cycles of creation called 9 sargas. In Bhāgavata Purāņa, 10 sargas are stated including Avyakta (abstract, formless). Time of that is Parātpara. सहयज्ञाः प्रजाः सृष्ट्वा पुरोवाच प्रजापतिः । अनेन प्रसविष्यध्वमेषवोऽस्त्विष्ट कामधुक् ॥१०॥ एवं प्रवर्तितं चक्रं नानुवर्तयतीह यः ….॥१६॥ (गीता, ३) कालः कलयतामहम् ॥(गीता, १०/३०) (3) Akśaya-kāla (conserved time)-This is time of a system which follows 5 types of conservation laws In physics-mass, momentum, energy, angular momentum, and parity or charge. अहमेवाक्षयः कालो (गीता, १०/३३) (4) Parātpara Kāla-This is time of abstract source of Universe, and is beyond any perception. It is described in Bhāgavata Purāņa (3/16). From this abstract 9 levels are created, when forms and changes are perceived. It is called Day of Brahmā. अव्यक्ताद्व्यक्तयः सर्वे प्रभवन्त्यहरागमे । रात्र्यागमे प्रलीयन्ते तत्रैवाव्यक्त संज्ञके ॥ (गीता, ८/१८) Time and Puruşa Puruşa also is of 4 types-(1) All bodies with form (boundary is called Chhanda) are constantly decaying. That is called Kśara. Despite decay, the functions of the body remain the same, called Akśara. It is known by same identity, which is invisible (Kūţastha). As a part of surrounding, it is constant, called Avyaya. At ultimate source, there is no difference-it is Parātpara.

Serial Puruṣa Time
1 Kśara Nitya
2 Akśara Janya
3 Avyaya Akśaya
4 Parātpara Parātpara

Measures of Time-Sūrya-siddhānta (14/1)[edit]

Brāhma - His day is time period of creation of 9 stages from formless stage.

  • 1 Yuga = 12, 000 Divya-year.
  • Divya year = 360 solar year
  • 1 day of Brahmā = 1000 yugas
  • 1000 yugas = 1000 x 12000 x 360 = 4,32,00,00,000 years.

One night period of Brāhma is the same as period of day. In modern terms, 1 day-night of 8.64 billion LY is the radius of visible universe and also cycle the of creation.

Prājāpatya - Prajāpati is the Creator. His work started with creation of galaxy. Axial rotation period of galaxy is called Manvantara. Galaxy element is called Manu. It has 1011 stars which is equal to the number of cells in human brain. So Brain element is called mana (mind).

  • 1 Manvantara = 71 yugas =30.68 crore years

Divya - 1 Divya year =360 solar years which can have 3 meanings as follows :

  • Rotation period of imaginary planet at distance of 60 AU[12]
  • In 1 day - night cycle, the sun makes a circle at horizon. Similarly cycle of north - south motion is taken as 1 Divya day, and 360 such days make divya - year.
  • This is the cycle of historic changes called Parivarta-yuga in Vāyu-purāņa in the list of 28 Vyāsas. It includes

current generation with past and next = 120 x 3 years.

  • Jupiter year - It is the period of 361.0486 days taken by jupiter with mean motion in 1 sign. In north India, this is

actual time in 1 sign.[13] In south India, solar year is taken as Jupiter year[14]

  • Solar year - 1 rotation of sun is 1 year. 12 part is 1 month. 30 part month is a day.
  • Lunar month is synodic rotation of moon in 29.5 days of 2 equal parts-new moon to full is bright half.
  • Pitara - They live on opposite side of moon. So, lunar month is 1 day of Pitaras. 30 days are 1 month and 12 such months are year.
  • Sāvana (Civil) - Sunrise to next sunrise is day. 30 days = 1 month. 12 months = 1 year.
  • Nākśatra (sidereal) - Axial rotation period of about 23 hrs 56 minutes is 1 day. Sunrise to next rise period is

bigger by 4 minutes as earth has to move 1 degree more covered by sun in annual motion.

7 Yugas-Smaller[edit]

(1) Sanskāra-yugas - This is period taken by a man in completing his education. This is of 5 types :

  • Gopada-yuga - Like 4 feet of a cow, it has 4 years. It starts with Godhūli, i.e. During sun set dust is raised due to cows feet when they return after grazing. Year 1 is Kali (start of count) which will end at midnight after 365 days. Hence Kali is called sleeping. Year 2 is Dvāpara (dvā = 2), which will end after 366 days at sunrise. Thus it is called awakening. Year 3 is Tretā (tri =3), which ends after 365 days at noon when people are standing. Cycle is completed in year 4, called Kŗta (=completed) again at sun-set.[15]
  • 5 year yuga - Yājuşa - jyotiṣa gives 5 year yuga. 5 such yugas have 6 omitted years, making a bigger yuga of 19 years.
  • 12 year yuga - It is a rotation period of Jupiter and is taken as a standard to teach Vedas.
  • 19 year yuga - Ŗk-jyotişa gives 19 year yuga with 7 extra lunar months which tallies with solar year within 2 hours.[16]
  • Eclipse yuga - This is by joint motion of sun and Rāhu in 18 years 10.5 days. Its half period of 3339 tithis is also cycle of eclipse indicated in Ŗk[17]

(2) Human yugas - This period consists of three denominations as follows :

  • Normal working period of life is 60 years. This is the cycle of Jupiter years in which Jupiter and Saturn make 5 and 2 revolutions. This is called Angirā period in Vedas.[18]
  • Century year is indicated by Saptarşi, which remains 100 years in one star. The line joining 2 eastern stars joins zodiac at the point whose location is star of Saptarşi . It moves back in 100 years. This is also obtained by combining yugas of Ŗk of 5 x 19 =95 years when moon comes in same nakśatra. Rājatarangiņī has called it Laukika era.
  • 120 years cycle is taken in cycle of periods of planets in astrology.

(3) Parivarta Yuga - It is Divya year of 360 years. Vāyu purāņa or Kūrma has called it parts of Dvāpara or Parivarta. Brahmāņɖa purāņa tells Yuga of 2600 years and calls the same as manvantara of 71 yugas where 1 yuga = 360 years. [19]

71 x 360 =25,560 or about 26,000 years.

(4) Sahasra yuga-

  • Bhāgavata purāņa tells a session (satra) of 1000 years by Śaunaka. Human life is only of 100 years, but standards of moral remain for thousand years, which is a satra of that period. 3000 years after that, Vikramāditya re-edited Purāņas which is continuing now for 2000 years. [20]
  • Saptarşi-vatsara is of 2700 divya (solar year) or 3030 Mānuşa years i.e. 12 revolutions of moon in 327 days[21]

Here , 2700 Divya years = 2700 x 365,25 days & 3030 Mānuşa years = 3030 x 327 days. Both are equal.

  • Romaka siddhānta has used a yuga of 2850 years which is 150 times Ŗk yuga of 19 years.

(5) Dhruva or Krauñcha yuga -

  • Dhruva samvatsara is of 9090 Mānuşa years or 8100 solar years.[22]. Vāyu purāņa has called it Krauñcha-samvatsara.
  • Jupiter Yuga - Jupiter years in north India follow Sūrya-siddhānta, chapter 4, where 361.0486 days is time taken by Jupiter in 1 sign by mean motion. In 85 solar years, there are 1 more i.e. 86 Jupiter years. In south India it is followed by Pitāmaha siddhānta, solar year is taken as Jupiter year. 60 years cycles in both systems will join in 60 x 85 =5100 solar years which makes 1 Jupiter Yuga. Rāma was born on 11-2-4433 BC at 10-47-48 LMT. Then it was Prabhava year in both systems[23]. 5100 years prior to that, Prabhava year was at the time of Matsya incarnation in 9533 BC. As per Iliad of Homer last island of Atlantis had submerged in 9564 BC. Persian tales tell it in 9844 BC. Glacial floods lasted about 1000 years.

(6) Ayana-yuga -

  • Manvantara of 26000 years is the precession cycle of earth’s axis in reverse direction. But historic cycle follows cycle of Glacial floods and ice eras. That is joint effect of rotation of Apogee in 1,00,000 years and precession in reverse direction in 26000 years.[24] When north pole is inclined away from sun, it gets less heat. Heat is further reduced when sun is farthest at apogee (mandoccha). That is the period of glacial ice. At perigee, when north pole is towards sun, it gets maximum heat and is Glacial floods. That is cycle of 21,600 years.
  • Middle value of 24,000 years is taken in India with 12000 years period of Avasarpiņī in order of Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara, Kali of 4,3,2,1 parts. Second half is Utsarpiṇī in reverse order of yugas. This is the cycle of correction taken from tradition by Brahmagupta[25]

(7) Astronomical yuga - It is of 12000 Divya years, each equal to 360 solar years. Hence it is of 43,20,000 years. It has 3 meanings :

  • Combined cycle of planets up to Saturn within the wheel of solar Ratha.
  • Cycle of change in eccentricity of earth orbit
  • Cycle of magnetic pole reversal.

Yuga Cycle[edit]

Cycle Order BC years of start Yuga Glacial Cycle (Modern Value)
Avasarpiņī (Descending)Dark era (first) 61902 Satya Glacial ice 69,200 (Tretā of previous cycle)
Avasarpiņī (Descending)Dark era (first) 57102 Tretā Glacial flood 58,100-Maņijā era
Avasarpiņī (Descending)Dark era (first) 53502 Dvāpara -
Avasarpiņī (Descending)Dark era (first) 51102 Kali -
Utsarpiņī (ascending) 49902 Kali -
Utsarpiņī (ascending) 48702 Dvāpara -
Utsarpiņī (ascending) 46302 Tretā Glacial ice 45500
Utsarpiņī (ascending) 42702 Satya -
Avasarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 37902 Satya -
Avasarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 33102 Tretā Glacial floods 31,200
Avasarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 29502 Dvāpara Adya Tretā Brahmā Varāha Kalp
Avasarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 27102 Kali 29102
Utsarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 25102 Kali 27376-Dhruva-0
Utsarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 24702 Dvāpara 43 x 360 = 16000
Utsarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 22302 Tretā Glacial ice 20000
Utsarpiņī Ādya-yuga (Brahma-Day 2) 18702 Satya 19276-Dhruv-1
Avasarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 13902 Satya 13102-Vaivasvata Manu
Avasarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 9102 Tretā Glacial Floods 9200 11176-Dhruv-2
Avasarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 5502 Dvāpara 28 x 360 = 10000 8476-Ikśvāku-1
Avasarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 3102 Kali 3102-Kali 5776-Saptarṣi-2
Utsarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 1902 Kali Mahāvira birth 1905, Buddha (18886-1805) 3076-Laukika-3
Utsarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 702 Dvāpara 756-Śūdraka, Śākambharī śaka -612, Śrī-Harşa-456
Utsarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 1699 AD Tretā 1700AD-Industrial revolution
Utsarpiņī Vaivasvata (Current-Day 3) 5299 AD Satya 2000 AD-End of Tretā-sandhyā-Information era

Parts of Yuga[edit]

Brahmāņɖa purāņa[26] tells that the current kalpa or day of Brahmā is called Varāhakalpa. Parts of yuga are counted only for this kalpa. In list of 28 Vyāsas, each part of a yuga has been called parivarta. Parivantana means change and Paridhi is the circumference divided into 3600

  • 1 parivarta = 360 years
  • 1 Tretā = 3600 years
  • 3600 years = 1 Parivarta Yuga.

Beginning of Tretā era was in 22,302 and in 9,102 BC. These had 10 +10 = 20 parivarta or parts. Even after second Tretā, which ended in 5,502 BC, this counting continued till age of Rāma[27] as era of advancement continued. Vāyu purāņa, chapters mentions these parts in 3rd Tretā. This count should start from 22,302 BC, but this yuga-system itself started after Vaivasvata Manu, hence it should more properly be counted 3600 years before 13,902 BC, i.e. from 17,502 BC.

Second Tretā will be completed in 16,802 BC and the third will continue till 16,442 BC. In this period of Bali, Vāmana had achieved supremacy of 3 lokas for Indra. But Asuras thought that they could have defeated Devas in war and continued attacks. Finally Kārttikeya defeated them convincingly. In his period, pole star had shifted from Abhijit to Dhanişţhā and in consultation with Brahmā, he started year with entry of sun in Dhanişţhā.[28] That should be in 16,000 BC. Bali period is 1 saptarşi that is 2700 years after completion of Dhruva cycle in 19,276 BC, i.e. after 16,576 BC when Asura empire based in Krauñcha Dvīpa which is presently North America was most powerful. Year started with Southward motion of sun, or varṣā (rains), so year itself was called varṣa.

Dattātreya was in 10thTretā. It appears to be in 9102 BC when second Tretā started after end of glacial floods. Māndhātā was in 15th Tretā which started in 9102-4 x 360 = 7,662 BC and continued till 7,302 BC. 18 generation after him was Bāhu, who had been defeated by Yavanas with the help of Haihaya, Tālajangha, Śaka, Pārada, Kāmboja, and Pahlavas. [29] Megasthenes, Arian, Solin and other Greek authors have given the date of this first Yavana attack by Dionysus (Bacchus) as 6451 years 3 months before Alexander, i.e. in 6,777 BC.

Paraśurāma was in 19th Tretā. It started in 5502 + 2 x 360 = 7222 BC. After his death, Kalamba (Kollam) samvat started in 6,177 BC which still continues in Kerala. As incarnation of Vişņu, he has been called Hercules (as sun or Vişņu, he holds the earth). He was 15 generations after Dionysus as per Greek writers. He destroyed kings (kingdoms) 21 times, which has been called republic era for 120 years by the Greeks. This should start 120 years before the death of Paraśurāma in 6297 BC, when he must have been about 30-35 years. Thus, he lived up to at least 155 years of age, so he is famous as long lived. Rāma was in 24th Tretā. This actually started 3 parivartas after the end of Tretā, i.e. 5502-3 x 360 = 4422 BC, i.e. when he was 11 years of age. Thus his most of the life was in 24th Tretā.

Saptarşi era and 7 Brahmās[edit]

Saptarşi era as per Rājatarangiņī,[30] Laukikābda started with death of Yudhişţhira in kali year 25, i.e. in 3076 BC when Saptarşis left Maghā after 100 years stay in that star. 3 Saptarşi cycles i.e. 8100 years are cycle of Dhruva starting after the death of King Dhruva, grandson of Svāyambhuva Manu, as per Bhāgavata purāņa. It was called Krauñcha year, when Asura kings up to Bali were supreme in that continent.

Brahmā : There were 7 human Brahmā as per Mahābhārata, śānti parva</ref>śānti parva (chapters 348, 349)</ref>

  1. Mukhya – From mukha (mouth) of Nārāyaņa or main Brahmā. He taught Vaikhānasa.
  2. From eyes - He was taught by Soma and himself taught Bālakhilyas.
  3. From Vāņī – He has been called Apantaratamā, son of Vāņī in Mahābhārata, śānti parva.
  4. From Ears - In ādi kŗta yuga[31] Brahmā was from ears.
  5. From Nose - In ādi kŗta yuga from nose of Nārāyaņa he taught Vīraņa, Raibhya Muni, and Kukśi[32]
  6. Aņɖaja Brahmā - He taught Barhişad Muni, Jyeşţha Sāmavratī and king Avikampana.
  7. Padmanābha Brahmā taught Dakśa, Vivasvāna, Ikśvāku.

This could not have been a single man from Vivasvān in 14000 BC to Ikśvāku in 8576 BC. This appears to be institution of Brahmā who was first consulted by Kārttikeya for new calendar. His tradition appears to have continued till 9,500 BC at time of Ŗşabhdevajī after glacial floods. He might have been in east Himalayas. Catchment of Brahmaputra river is called Brahma-viţapa in Trivişţapa (Tibet), or at Manipura which means navel (of Nārāyaņa) giving birth to Brahmā, adjacent country.

Kaśyapa, and Manus[edit]

According to astronomy, 7th Manu period is running and 7 more are yet to come. These are the periods of geological changes which has been also described in purāņas and Vedas. But in historic era, all 14 Manus have passed. There were 7 main Manus and their 7 cousins, called Sāvarņi in the same periods-

Srl. No. Main Manu Sāvarņi Manu
1 Svāyambhuva Meru Sāvarņi
2 Svārochişa Dakśa Sāvarņi
3 Uttama Brahma Sāvarņi (Kaśyapa)
4 Tāmasa Dharma Sāvarņi
5 Raivata Rudra Sāvarņi
6 Chākśuşa Rauchya
7 Vaivasvata Bhautya

Brahmāņɖa purāņa[33] tells that 4 Manus - Svārochişa, Uttama, Tāmas and Raivata were the descendants of Priyavrata, elder son of Svāyambhuva Manu. Mother of Svārochişa was Ākūti who was daughter of Svāyambhuva Manu and was married to Ruchi Prajāpati, father of Rauchya Manu. The other 3 were sons of Priyavrata. Brahmāņɖa purāņa (3/4/1/23-24) tells that the other 5 Sāvarņi Manus were sons of Priyā (Kriyā), daughter of Dakśa Prajāpati. Harivamśa purāņa (2/15) tells that Chākśuşa Manu was son of Ripu, grandson of King Dhruva. Almost same exists in Vāyu purāņa (4/100, 58/30). Prior to Vaivasvata Manu, list of kings is scanty. That gives 52 kings from Svāyambhuva to Chākśuşa and then 12 kings up to Vaivasvata Manu.

Kaśyapa influence is for 5 generations from Chākśuşa Manu to Pŗthu, between them came Vŗ, Anga, Vena. Svāyambhuva…………………………….. Chākśuşa……………………………. Vaivasvata 40 generations 12 generations

  • Period of Kaśyapa and Chākśuşa = 29102(Svāyambhuva) - 40 x 290 = 17,500 BC.
  • Pŗthu period = 17,500 – 5 x 290 = 16,050 BC.

Thus, Kaśyapa period is from 17,500 to 16,050 BC. It may be noted that all the Brahmā from Svāyambhuva Manu continued till glacial ice period in 20,000 BC. Then, it was revived by Kaśyapa. After that, period of each Vyāsa till Ŗşabhadeva can be taken as 2 parivarta = 720 years. In period of 6th Vaivasvata, Yama is taken as 4 parivarta which is 1440 years as there was deluge in his period. After Ŗşabhadeva, period of all Vyāsa is taken as 1 parivarta which is 360 years.

Birth Of Hindu Deities[edit]

Jain scriptures unanimously say that Mahāvīra was at the end of avasarpiņī , thus he has to be before 1902 BC. The horoscope given in astrology book tallies with the date 11-3-1905 BC which was Chaitra śukla 13th. Date of Siddhārtha Buddha is known more accurately. His birth is in 31-3-1886 BC, Vaiśākha śukla 15th, i.e. pūrņimā till 5-24 ghaţī. His departure for Kapilavastu was in 29-5-1859 BC, Sunday, āşāɖha śukla 15. His achieving Buddha stage was on 3-4-1851 BC, Vaiśākha pūrņimā till 11 ghaţī before sunrise. Death of his father Śuddhodana was on 25-6-1848, śrāvaņa pūrņimā, Saturday. Nirvāņa (death) of Buddha was on 27-3-1807, Tuesday, Vaiśākha pūrņimā, slightly before sunrise.

Rāma's birth at Ayodhyā was in 81024’ east, 26048’ north, on 11-2-4433 BC at local time 10-47-48 h/m/s, lagna-9000’1”, sun-900’0’’, moon-9000’1”, mars-29800’0”, mercury-2100’0”, Jupiter- 9000’1”, venus-35700’0”, Saturn-20000’0”, Rāhu-12004’26”.

Kŗşņa's birth at Mathurā was in 27025’ north, 77041’ east, on 17-7-3228 BC at midnight, Sun-139048’, moon-47042’, mars-9106’, mercury-152048’, Jupiter-148054’, venus-102054’, Saturn-224042’, rāhu 106024’, lagna-500.

Śankarāchārya's birth was in Kālaţī 10040’ north, 760 east, on 4-4-509 BC, Tuesday, 2252 hrs LMT, vaiśākha śukla 5 till 1132 hrs, punarvasu star from 4-4-509 BC -0139 hrs till 5-4-509, 0406 hrs. Lagna-261024’, sun-25038’, moon-90068’, mars-305019’, mercury-44034’, Jupiter-247045’, venus-67053’, Saturn-343022’, rāhu-31047’.

Mālava-gaņa-756-456 BC[edit]

Śūdraka was born as Indrāņīgupta in Brāhmaņa family and was king of Mālavā (Ujjain). He united 4 main royal families in a yajña at Abu (Arbuda parvata) performed by Vişņu incarnation Buddha born as son of Ajina in Kīkaţa (Magadha). Śūdraka-śaka was started in 756 BC on that occasion indicated in Jyotişa-darpaņa of Yallaya. For uniting 4 kings, he was called Śūdraka as honour and his era was called Kŗta (satya) yuga. These 4 families-Pratihāra, Paramāra (Pramara), Chālukya, Chāhamāna (Chauhāna) took lead in protecting the country against attack by Asuras (Assyria),so they were called of Agni-kula. Agni normally means fire, but Śatapatha Brāhmaņa (2/2/4/2) defines it as agni (agrī) =agraņī =leader. Pratihāra, and Paramāra stopped Asuras and Chālukya continued to block, but decisive victory was by king Chāhamāna who completely routed Asura capital Nineve in 612 BC. This has been indicated in Bible as final destruction of Asura empire by king of Medes east of Indus river (= Madhya-deśa between Gangā and Himālaya). Chāhamāna were devotees of Śākambharī whose blessing for destroying Asuras in Kali era is indicated in Durgā-saptaśatī (11/49). Era was started on that occasion has been indicated by Varāhamihira in Bŗhat-samhitā (13/3). After Chāhamāna, there was temporary incursion by Śakas of central Asia who were trounced by Śrī-Harşa of Mālavā, in 456 BC and set up a pillar (Vişņu-dhvaja = Kutub-minar), called pillar of Hercules by Megasthenes. It has also been indicated by Ibn-Batuta, traveler from Morocco in 13th century. This samvat has been mentioned by Al-Biruni and Abul-Fazal. The 300 year period of Mālava-gaņa has been stated by Greek writers like Megasthenes as 300 years of democracy.

28 Buddhas[edit]

28 Buddhas are listed in Bauddha text-Stūpa (Thūpa) vamśa. Vişņu incarnation Buddha was born as son of Ajina in Kīkaţa (Magadha) slightly before Śūdrala-śaka i.e. in about 800 BC. He was not among 28 Buddhas. Mañjuśrī Buddha was born in China-he might be among 7 Brahmā, and was called Fan. Kaśyapa Buddha was in 17,500 BC. Pūraņa Kaśyapa was in Kasap (Rohtas district in west Bihar) in time of Siddhārtha Buddha. Amitābha Buddha was in China at time of Rāma whose teaching to Rāvaņa is called Lankāvatāra sūtra. In Yoga-Vāsişţha, Nirvāņa khaņɖa, chapters 14-17, he has been called Kākabhuśuņɖi, who was north east from Meru, i.e. in China. Vasişţha had gone to him for learning. His views have been criticised in Vālmīki Rāmāyaņa, Ayodhyā kāņɖa, chapters 108-109. In verse (109/34) he has been called Budha, Buddha, Tathāgata, Śakyatama (Śākya). Sumedhā Buddha taught Paraśurāma after Dhanuşa yajña at Mithilā when Rāma was married. He lived at Mahendragiri where a place named Baudha still exists which is a district. His teaching to Paraśurām is called Tripurā-Rahasya. He is the same ŗşi who taught Durgā Māhātmya to king Suratha. His explanation of śakti as 10 Mahāvidyā is called 10 Prajñā-pāramitā in Baddha texts. Śākya sinmha Buddha had gone to Nepal just before Mahābhārata in time of king Jitedasti. Fahien has described times and places of 3 Buddhas just before Siddhārtha Budda. Krakucchanda, Kanakamuni and Kaśyapa. Stūpa of Kanakamuni had been doubled by king Ashok in14th year of his rule. After Siddhārtha, there were 3 Lokadhātu Buddhas, out of which 2 were in Kashmir-at time of Ashoka, 48 th king of Gonanda vamśa (1400 BC), and in time of 53 rd king Kanişka (1505 BC). Maitreya Buddha was in Dhānya-Kataka which is Cuttack in Orissa, a region of dhānya (paddy) with places as Chauliaganja, Dhānamandal, Salepur, etc. As per Fahien, he was about 300 years after death of Siddhārtha Budda (1807 BC) i.e in1500 BC. Dīpankara Buddha was after Sumedhā. Orissa king Indrabhūti was his disciple. His son Padmasambhava started Lama tradition in Tibet. Siddhārtha has named 3 more Buddhas whose teachings did not survive in absence of written text- Vipaśyī, Śikhi, Viśvabhū.

28 Vyāsa[edit]

Sri Kunvar Lal Jain “Vyāsa-śişya” books[34] has indicated period of 28 Vyāsas given in many purāņas (Vāyu, Brahmāņɖa, Kūrma etc). This is quoted by 18 Vol. Indian History by Śripad Kulkarni from Bhiṣhma, Thane, Mumbai-in vol. 4).

  • Svāyambhuva Manu (Brahmā)-(29,102-17,500 BC)-Svārochişa, Tāmasa, Raivata also were in this period.
  • Kaśyapa (Brahma-Sāvarņi Manu)-(17,500-16,050 BC)-Chākśuşa, and other Sāvarņi Manus. Pŗthu[35] was the most important king who did extensive mining all over the world-so earth was called Pŗthvī. Deva and Asuras joined for samudra-manthana which was world-wide joint exploration of minerals. Vena was father of Pŗthu and possibly a jaina Tīrthankara as he has been blamed as Jaina in many Purāņas.
  • Ūśanā Kāvya or Śukrāchārya (16,050-15,330 BC)-Son of Bhŗgu. Atharva-veda was by Bhŗgu-Angirā. Guru (Preceptor) of Asura, Daitya, Dānava. Treatises on Rājanīti (politics+economics), Dhanurveda, Āyurveda, Purāņas were written. Kārttikeya starts new calendar in 15,800 BC with year from entry of sun in Dhanişţhā star.
  • Bŗhaspati -(15,330-14,610 BC)-Complete form of Vedas. He explained grammar for each word separately is still used in China- where there is separate sign for each word.
  • Vivasvāna (Savitā)- (14,610-13,900 BC)-New calendar and yuga-system as per Sūrya-siddhānta. Year started from Āśvina month with entry of sun in meşa sign and crossing of equator in north motion of sun. Avasarpiņī yuga started with Satya yuga. Then Tretā, Dvāpara came and ended after (4800 +3600 +2400 years) in 3102 BC.
  • Vaivasvata-Yama (13,900-12,460 BC)-He was Ahur-Mazda (Asura-Mahādeva) of Zend-Avesta. Deluge in his period. He had explained the secrets of death to Nachiketā (Kaţhopanişad), so he is called Śrāddha-Deva also. He is called younger brother of Vaivasvata-Manu, but in action only.. His place was called Yama-loka, place of

dead with capital at Sanyamanī Purī. These are now called Yaman, Amman, Sana, Dead sea etc.

  • Indra-Śatakratu (12,460-11,740 BC)-Śata =100, Kratu = yajña = science of producing desired objects in cycles. There were many Indras in 3600 years supremacy of Devas, but 14 among them were important who ruled for 100 years each-and were called Śatakratu . Most of the sūktas of Vedas were written at time of 7th Indra-

Vaikunţha. Indra was Lokapāla (ruler) of east direction (from center of India). With assistance of Marut (Lokapāla of north-west) who was expert in science of sound-he made Deva-nāgarī script with 49 letters for 49Maruts-still used in north India from east (Indra) to West (Marut).

  • Vasişţha (11,740-11,020 BC)-He was son of Mitra (Sun-Iran)) and Varuņa (Ahur-Mazda in Arab) both-may be link between two regions. 8th maņɖala of Ŗk-veda is by him.
  • Apāntaratamā or Sārasvata (11,020-10,300 BC)-Son of Sarasvatī-Alambuşā in gotra (family) of Dadhyaņ-Atharvańa. He lived on banks of Gautamī (Godāvarī) where Brāhmī script is still current as Telugu and Kannaɖa.
  • Tridhāmā or Mārkaņɖeya (10,300-9,580 BC)-Dattātreya taught Yoga-tantra and Mārkaņɖeya taught purāņa.
  • Ŗşabha-deva ji (9,580-8,860 BC)-After deluge he brought back supremacy of Bhārata as its Chakravartī . Incarnation of of Vişņu). He was the first jaina-Tīrthankara of the current avasarpiņī. In name of his son Bharata, was called Bhārata. Earlier, it was named Ajanābha-varşa. In his period, Maya-Asura of Mexico revised Sūrya-siddhānta of Vivasvān which developed errors due to slowing down of axial rotation of earth in deluge. The international conference was at Romaka-pattana,900 west of Ujjain (Rabat in Morocco). Ŗşabha-deva ji restored the civilization started by Svāyambhuva Manu, so he is called his descendant. As teacher (Ŗşabha =source of knowledge), he was 9th Śiva (Kūrma-purāņa).
  • Atri (8,860-8,500 BC)-Bhauma-Atri (of India, Bhūmi or Bhūloka among 3 lokas of Indra) was āchārya (propounder) of āyurveda. He also made shorter method of solar eclipse. Sānkhya-Atri went to north-west direction where his Roman script has 25 (or 26 with extra-x) letters is still used, for 25 elements of Sānkhya.
  • Dharma or Nara-Nārāyaņa (8,500-8,140 BC) - He taught Vedas in Badarikāśrama. Guru tradition of Śankarāchārya starts with this Nārāyaņa. This is period of Kāņva-Medhātithi ŗşi and king Duşyanta and his son Bharata.
  • Suchkśaņa or Suchkśu[36] Period of Marutta, Avikśita, Karandhama and ŗşis Gautama, Vāmadeva.
  • Tryāruņa[37] which is the Period of king Māndhātā in line of Ikśvāku, and king Angāra of Gāndhāra.
  • Dhanañjaya (7,420-7,060 BC) Ŗşi Bharadvāja was contemporary-Dāśa-rāja war in about 7,200 BC. Attack by
  • Kŗtañjaya (7,060-6,700 BC) Gayāsura or Asita-Dhanvā on India in 6,777 BC- Dionysus, or Bacchus) as per
  • Ŗtañjaya (6,700-6,340 BC) Megasthenes.
  • Bharadvāja (6,340-5,980 BC)-Purohita (advisor) of emperor Chāyamāna (of Persia) and Divodāsa (of Kāśī)-both.
  • Gautama (5,980-5,620 BC)-He resided on banks of Gautamī (Godāvarī)-wrote sūtras of Nyāya-darśana. Period of Jamadagni, Hariśchandra. Paraśurāma, Kārttavīrya Arjuna.
  • Vāchaspati or Niryantara (5,620-5,260 BC)-Yavanas were expelled by king Sagara, supremacy on oceans. His grandson Bhagīratha brought down Gangā (some glaciers of Himālaya merged with it.
  • Sukalyāņa or Somaśuşņa (5,260-4,900 BC)-Ŗşis Pulastya and Viśravā. Institute of Paraśurāma ends with tretā.
  • Tŗņavindu (4,900-4,540 BC)-He was emperor. His daughter married to Pulastya, father of Rāvaņa, Kubera.
  • Vālmīki (4,540-4,180 BC)-Period of Rāma, son of Daśaratha (4433-4262 BC). Also of Rāvaņa, Hanumān.
  • Śakti-Vāsişţha (4,180-3,820 BC)-Method of Veda-pāţha (recitation).
  • Jātūkarņya (3,820-3,460 BC)-Student of Parāśara, but period is before him. Kaņāda wrote Vaiśeşika-sūtras.
  • Parāśara (3,460-3,100 BC)-Teacher of Vişņu-purāņa. Divided Purāņa-samhitā in 100 crore verses into 18 purāņas of 4 lakh verses. 2 streams of astronomy-of Āryabhaţa (Svāyambhuva or Pitāmaha) and Parāśara (Sūrya-siddhānta or Maitreya mentioned in Vişņu-purāņa).
  • Veda-Vyāsa (from 3,100 BC till today)-Son of Satyavatī (later on married to king Śantanu) and Parāśara-

Kŗşņa-Dvaipāyana. Wrote Bhāgavata purāņa, Brahma-sūtra, commentary on Yoga-sūtra of Patañjali. Divided Vedas into many branches to preserve the knowledge. There was no further Vyāsa , so it is still called 28th kali.


Sūrya-vanśa started with rule of Ikśvāku on 1-11-8576 BC. He has been called son of Vaivaśvata Manu[38] but could have been descendant, or he re-established his system of calendar and polity. In Kish-chronicle of Iraq, his son or descendant Vikukśi has been called Ukusi in 8,320 BC.

  1. Vaivasvata Manu (13902 BC)
  2. Ikśvāku (1-11-8576 BC)
  3. Vikukśi (Ukusi in 8320 BC)
  4. Purañjaya or Kakutstha also called Āɖībaka(hump of bull) Anenā
  5. Pŗthu-not the earlier king of Kaśyapa period
  6. Viśvagaśva
  7. Ārdra
  8. Yuvanāśva-1
  9. Śrāvasta (set up Śrāvastī town)
  10. Bŗhadaśva, attacked by Dhundu Asura
  11. Kuvalayāśva did the job so he was called Dhundhumāra.
  12. Dŗɖhāśva
  13. Pramoda
  14. Haryaśva-1
  15. Nikumbha
  16. Samhatāśva
  17. Kŗśāśva
  18. Prasenajita
  19. Yuvanāśva-2
  20. Māndhātā
  21. Purukutsa
  22. Trasadasyu
  23. Sambhūta
  24. Anaraņya
  25. Trasadaśva
  26. Haryaśva-2,
  27. Vasumāna
  28. Tridhanvā
  29. Tryāruņa
  30. Satyavrata or Triśanku-He was being set by yajña of Viśvāmitra to Svarga, but was stopped midway by Indra.
  31. Hariśchandra-He donated entire kingdom to Viśvāmitra and worked as chāņɖāla at Kāśī.
  32. Rohitāśva
  33. Harita
  34. Chañchu
  35. Vijaya
  36. Ruruka
  37. Vŗka
  38. Bāhu-He was defeated and killed in combined attack of Yavana, Kāmboja, etc in 6,777 BC.
  39. Sagara-He took back the whole empire and spread influence over seas due to which they were called sāgara.
  40. Asamañjasa was expelled
  41. Anśumāna-grandson of Sagara became king.
  42. Dilīpa
  43. Bhagīratha succeeded in bringing Gangā from Himālaya which was called Bhāgīrathī.
  44. Śruta
  45. Nābhāga-was a relation not son.
  46. Ambarīşa-2
  47. Sindhu
  48. Ayutāyu
  49. Ŗtuparņa
  50. Sarvakāma
  51. Sudāsa
  52. Kalmāşa pāda (His feet became black due to curse of Śakti, son of Vasişţha)
  53. Aśmaka
  54. Urukāma
  55. Mūlaka-He was at time of Paraśurāma and was hidden among women for saving him, so he was named Nārī-kavacha.
  56. Śataratha
  57. Iɖaviɖa
  58. Kŗśakarma
  59. Sarvakāma
  60. Anarāya (or Anaraņya)
  61. Nighna
  62. Anamitra or Raghu-1
  63. Dulīɖuha
  64. Viśvamahat
  65. Dilīpa
  66. Raghu-2-He is the hero of Raghuvamśa, epic of Kālidāsa.
  67. Aja
  68. Daśaratha
  69. Rāma was his most famous son (4433-4372 BC) who killed Rāvaņa and set up world empire. His rule is still considered standard for propriety.
  70. Kuśa
  71. Atithi
  72. Nişadha
  73. Nala[39]
  74. Nabha
  75. Puņɖarīka
  76. Kśemadhanvā
  77. Devānīka
  78. Ahinagu
  79. Ruru
  80. Pariyātra
  81. Śala
  82. Dala
  83. Bala
  84. Uktha
  85. Sahasrāśva
  86. Chandrāvaloka
  87. Tārāpīɖa
  88. Chandragiri
  89. Bhānuchandra or, Bhānumitra
  90. Śrutāyu
  91. Ulūka
  92. Unnābha
  93. Vajranābha
  94. Śankhana
  95. Vyuşitāśva
  96. Hiraņya-nābha-He learnt yoga from Yājñavalkya and spread it
  97. Kauśalya
  98. Brahmişţha
  99. Putra
  100. Puņya
  101. Arthasiddhi
  102. Sudarśana
  103. Agnivarņa
  104. Śīghraga
  105. Maru
  106. Prasuśruta
  107. Sandhi
  108. Pramarşaņa
  109. Mahasvān
  110. Sahasvān
  111. Viśvabhava
  112. Viśvasva
  113. Prasenajita
  114. Takśaka
  115. Bŗhadbala-He was killed in Mahābhārata war[40] by Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna.
  116. Bŗhatkśaņa
  117. Uruyakśa
  118. Vatsavyūha
  119. Prativyoma
  120. Divākara
  121. Sahadeva
  122. Bŗhadśva
  123. Bhānuratha
  124. Pratitasva
  125. Supratīka
  126. Marudeva
  127. Sunakśatra
  128. Kinnara
  129. Antarikśa
  130. Suparņa
  131. Amitrajita
  132. Bŗhadbhāja
  133. Dharmī
  134. Kŗtañjaya
  135. Raņañjaya
  136. Sañjaya
  137. Śākya
  138. Śuddhodana
  139. Siddhārtha -Gautama Buddha[41]
  140. Rāhula
  141. Prasenajita
  142. Kśudraka
  143. Kundaka
  144. Suratha
  145. Sumitra-ended in 1634 BC.

History of Chandra-Vamśa[edit]

Chandra also known as Soma was son of Atri. Budha was son of Soma.[42] Budha was married to Iļā, daughter of Vaivasvata-Manu. Son of Iļā was Aila Pururavā, first emperor in this line. His basic name was Puru. But being the son of Iļā, he was called as Aila. He started institution of yajña (3 agnis for that). He was like vŗşabha (bull) of yajña and was making rava (vibration). So, he was called ravā. This means that he was capable of production, hence ravā is still used as word for respect around Kashi. Āyu was his son who ruled after him. Nahuşa, his son, had held the post of Indra also for some period when Indra had to leave after Brahma-hatyā by killing of Vŗtra. Later on, he had to become serpent (a tribe of men where he ruled) by curse of a ŗşi. The first son of Nahuşa was Yati who became sanyāsī (renunciate), so second son Yayāti became the king. Yayāti's first wife Devayānī was daughter of Śukrāchārya (Kāvya in Kaaba, Arab) who had 2 sons- Yadu and Turvasu. Second wife Śarmişţhā was daughter of Asura (Dānava) king Vŗşa-parvā. She had 3 sons -Druhyu, Anu and Puru. Due to fraudulent second marriage, Śukrāchārya cursed Yayāti to become old. Then the youngest son Puru only agreed to take his old state, so he was given main kingdom, and in his name the clan was called Puru-vamśa. Yadu got north east part. Druhyu got west part, Anu got north (Ānava = yavana) and Turvasu got south-east. One branch of Yadu clan is stated to have gone under Egypt rule where they were called Yid=Yahud (Jew)-escaped to Israel. Puru was succeeded by Janamejaya-he did 3 Aśvamedha-yajña. His son Prāchīnavān or Aviddha was succeeded by Pravīra then by Manasyu or Namasyu. He ruled from Sindhu river to east ocean and Vindhya mountain to Himālaya. His successors were Abhayada or Subhrū who were succeeded by Subvanta or Dhundhu then Bahugva then Samyāti then Ahamyati and Raudrāśva. His son Rucheyu ruled the kingdom after him. One of his 10 sisters was married to Atri whose son was Svasti. He had 3 sons Soma (different from the first of Chandra line), Datta (Dattātreya), and Durvāsā. His daughter Apālā also was seer of mantra of Ŗgveda. Matināra then ruled the kingdom in the time of Māndhātā in about 7,300 BC. His son Apratīrtha gave his rule to his son ŗşi Kāņva Medhātithi who was seer of many mantras after him. Her sister Gaurī’s son was Māndhātā-famous world emperor of Sūrya-vamśa. Tamsu or Sumati, (22) Īlina, or Sudyumna , (23) Duşyanta-from his wife Śakuntalā was born famous emperor (24) Bharata- hero of Abhijñāna-śākuntalam-famous play of Kālidāsa. Ŗşis of his time were-Ŗchīka, Jamadagni, Viśvāmitra, and Bharadvāja. Bharata was married to Sunandā, daughter of Sarvasena, king of Kāśī. From her, a son (25)Bhūmanyu was born by niyoga (artificial birth) by Bharadvāja. (26) Bŗhatkśtra (27) Suhotra (28) Hasti made a town in his name- Hastināpura, As this became capital of kings of India, Chinese called this country as elephant (hasti) kingdom. East and south parts of India adjacent to China are in shape of elephant head, whose trunk (śuņɖa) has gone to the end of Indonesia after which there is strait of śuņɖā.. After Hasti, his son (29) Vikuņţhana became king. All his 3 sons- Ajamīɖha, Purumīɖha, Dvimīɖha-were brāhmaņas, but on order of sage Bharadvāja, eldest son (30) Ajamīɖha became king. He was contemporary to Sūrya-vamśa king Tridhanvā. After that, the list is in-complete.

Chandra-vamśa after Samvaraņa[edit]

List after Ajamīɖha is incomplete and different names are found in Purāņas. This line regained power with Samvaraņa and his wife Tapatī (4159-4071 BC). Their son was Kuru and his wife was Śubhāngī (4071-3999 BC). His descendants were in two lines : Hastināpura line - Abhisvān-9 kings as per Bhāgavata purāņa- Parīkśita-Janamejaya-Bhīmasena-Their periods are not known. Pratīpa (3370-3310 BC) was the first important king. His second son Śāntanu (3310-3251 BC) became king. Eldest son Devāpi went to Himalaya for Tapa and will re-start civilization after destruction by Kalki. Bāhlīka became king of west part - Balkha of Iran. Śāntanu had 2 wives-From first wife he had a son Devavrata, who took terrible oath of remaining unmarried and was given long life as per wish, so he was called Bhīşma (3238-3218 BC). Second wife Satyavatī had a son before marriage with sage Parāśara, called Kŗşņa - Dvaipāyana Vyāsa. After marriage Chitrāngada (3248 BC) and Vichitravīrya (up to 3238 BC) were born. His elder son was blind, so second son Pāņɖu (3218-3213 BC) ruled. After his death, again blind son Dhŗtarāşţra (3213-3174 BC) ruled and made his son Duryodhana (3174-3138 BC) a king. After Mahāhbhārata war, Dharmarāja Yudhişţhira (3138-3102 BC), son of Pāņɖu became king.

Kings after Dharmarāja Yudhişţhira in kali - All sons of Pāņɖavas were killed in Mahāhbhārata war. His younger brother Arjuna had a son from wife Subhadrā, sister of Kŗşņa, Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu also was killed, but his son in womb of Uttarā was miraculously made alive by Kŗşņa after he was killed by brahmāstra used by Aśvatthāmā after war. He became the first king after Kŗşņa left the world at the beginning of kali. (1) Parīkśita (3102-3041 BC)-he was son of Abhimanyu, He was killed by Takśaka, Nāga king, probably from Takśkaśilā. (2)Janamejaya retaliated against Nāgas, called (nāga-yajña) and their region turned into mass-graveyard, now called Moin-jo-daro[43] and Harappā[44]. (3) Śatānīka, and his son (4) Aśvamedhadatta arranged revision of purāņas at institute (mahāśālā) of Śaunaka at Naimişāaraņya. (5) Adhisīmakŗşņa, (6) Nichakśu-In his period there was a great natural upheaval which submerged Hastināpura in Gangā due to which capital had to be shifted to Kauśāmbī. Probably this was at the same time as drying up the great river Sarasvatī in west India. The kingdom remained for name sake only and King of Kāśī had to take charge of managing the country. Probably, he was also named Yudhişţhira, but after 5 years of rule, he took sanyāsa as Pārśvanātha (23rd Jaina Tīrthankara) in 2634 BC, when Jainas take start of Yudhişţhira śaka. (7) Ūşņa (Bhūri), (8) Chitraratha, (9) Śuchidratha, (10) Vŗşņimāna, (11) Suśeņa, (12) Sunītha, (13) Nichakśu-2, (14) Rucha, (15) Sukhabala, (16) Pariplava,(17) Sunaya, (18) Medhāvī, (19) Nŗpa (Ripu-) ñjaya, (20) Durva, (21) Tigmātmā, (22) Bŗhadratha, (23) Vasudāna, (24) Śatānīka, (25) Udayana (Hero of plays by Bhāsa, in time of Pradyoota, mentioned in epic Meghadūta of Kālidāsa), (26) Vaśīnara, (27) Daņɖapāņi, (28) Niramitra,(29) Kśemakaended in 1634 BC by Magadha king Mahāpadmananda. (2) Magadha line- Sudhanvā (3999-3919 BC) Suhotra (3919-3826 BC) Chyavana (3826-3788 BC) Kŗmi or Kŗti (3788-3751 BC) Uparichara Vasu (3751-3709 BC) (Pratīpa or Chaidya) Bŗhadratha (3709-3637 BC)-capital at Girivraja (Rājagŗha=Rajgir now)Kuśāgra (3637-3567 BC) Ŗşabha (3567-3497 BC) Satyahita (3497-3437 BC) Puņya or Puşpavanta (3427-3394 BC) Satyadhŗti (3394-3351 BC) Sudhanvā (3351-3308 BC) Sarva (3308-3265 BC) Jarāsandha (3222-3180 BC) Sahadeva (3180-3138 BC).

Magadha kings in Kali[edit]

1.Bārhadratha vamśa : It started with Somāpi, son of Sahadeva killed in Mahābhārata war.

  1. Somāpi (Mārjāri)-(3138-3080 BC)
  2. Śrutaśravā (3080-3016 BC)
  3. Apratīpa (3016-2980 BC)
  4. Niramitra (2980-2940 BC)
  5. Sukŗta (2940-2882 BC)
  6. Bŗhatkarman (2882-2859 BC)
  7. Senajita (2859-2809 BC)
  8. Śrutañjaya (2809-2769 BC)
  9. Mahābala (2769-2734 BC)
  10. Śuchi (2734-2676 BC)
  11. Kśema (2676-2648 BC)
  12. Aņuvrata (2648-2584 BC)
  13. Dharmanetra (2584-2549 BC)
  14. Nirvŗtti (2549-2491 BC)
  15. Suvrata (2491-2453 BC)
  16. Dŗɖhasena (2453-2395 BC)
  17. Sumati (2395-2362 BC)
  18. Suchala (2362-2340BC)
  19. Sunetra (2340-2300 BC)
  20. Satyajita (2300-2217 BC)
  21. Vīrajita (2217-2182 BC)
  22. Ripuñjaya (2182-2132 BC)

Total-22 kings ruled for 1006 years[45]

2. Pradyota vamśa : Last Bārhadratha king was Ripuñjaya killed by his minister Śunaka (or Pulaka) and made his son-in-law Pradyota, as king[46]

  1. Pradyota (2132-2109 BC)
  2. Pālaka (2109-2085 BC)
  3. Viśākhayūpa (2085-2035 BC)
  4. Janaka (2035-2014 BC)
  5. Nandivardhana (2014-1994 BC)

Total 5 kings ruled for 138 years.

3. Śiśunāga vamśa : (Kaliyuga Rāja Vŗttānta 2/2, Bhāgavata purāņa 12/2/8 etc.)

  1. Śiśunāga (1994-1954 BC)
  2. Kākavarņa or Śakavarņa (1954-1918 BC)
  3. Kśemadhanvā (1918-1892 BC)
  4. Kśatrauja (1892-1852 BC)
  5. Vidhisāra (Bimbisāra) or Śreņika (1852-1814 BC)
  6. Ajātaśatru (1814-1787 BC)
  7. Darśaka (1787-1752 BC)
  8. Udāyi (1752-1719 BC)
  9. Nandivardhana (1719-1677 BC)
  10. Mahānandi (1677-1634 BC).

In this period Siddhārtha, son of Śuddhodana became Buddha, who was incarnation of māyā and moha.[47] He was 5 years younger to Bimbisāra and died in 8th year of Ajātaśatru’s rule in 1806 BC. Udāyi in 4 year of his rule established Pāţaliputra on confluence of Son and Gangā.[48] Ten kings of this dynasty ruled for 360 years.

4. Nanda vamśa : Mahā-Padma-Nanda was the son of last Śiśunāga king Mahānandi by his śūdrā wife. After death of his father he became the king. 1500 years (more accurately 1534 years after birth of Parīkśita in 3138 BC) stated in all purāņas as a landmark of history. He won most of India by exterminating all kśatriya kings like second Paraśurāma.[49] He ruled for 88 years followed by 8 sons for 12 years[50] a total of 100 years from 1634 to 1534 BC.

Maurya and Śunga vamśa[edit]

Maurya vamśa : Kauţilya Chāņakya made Chandragupta as king. His family belonged to Murā town (in Sambalpur of Orissa, now submerged in Hirakud reservoir) which was the center of iron ore called mura (murrum). So the family was called as Maurya. 12 Maurya kings ruled for a total of 316 years.[51]

  1. Chandragupta (1534-1500 BC)
  2. Bindusāra (1500-1472 BC)
  3. Aśoka (1472-1436 BC)
  4. Supārśva (Suyaśa, or Kuņāla) (1436-1428 BC)
  5. Daśaratha (Bandhupālita) (1428-1420 BC)
  6. Indrapālita (1420-1350 BC)
  7. Harşavardhana (1350-1342 BC)
  8. Sangata (1342-1333 BC)
  9. Śāliśūka (1333-1320 BC)
  10. Soma (Deva-) śarmā (1320-1313 BC)
  11. Śatadhanvā (1313-1305)
  12. Bŗhadratha (Bŗhadaśva) (1305-1218 BC)

There was another Aśoka in Gonanda-vamśa (43rd king) in (1448-1400 BC) who had become Bauddha due to which Bauddhas from central Asia destroyed the kingdom. Many of the inscriptions in name of Aśoka are by him (Rājatarangiņī , 1/101-102). No inscription including one at Hathi-gumpha mentions that had become Buddhist. It is only mentioned in Bauddha text Divyāvadāna (chapter Aśokāvadāna) that Aśoka was a good Bauddha because he had killed 12,000 Jaina monks on victory over Kalinga. This is too high a figure for a normal war. There is no basis of figure of 1,50,000 killed, 350,000 injured and 550, 000 arrested. This exceeds the population of the Kalinga and was more than current strength of Indian army. Alexander Army was only 120,000 with 20,000 horses, which was afraid of Magadha army of 600,000. Only possibility maybe that Jainas might be powerful in Kalinga administration which was lost after war. Another fallacy is spread that Magadha empire was destroyed due to adoption of non-violence by Aśoka. Actually, non-violence is feature of Yoga-sūtra and more stressed in Jainism. Rather, Bauddha themselves including Siddhārtha Buddha himself were strong opponents to vegetarian food even for Bhikśus. It is surprising as to how Buddha was moved by sacrifice of animals in yajña, which is for food, not for God. Maurya kings were never against Brāhmaņs, minister of Last king Puśyamitra was himself a Brāhmaņa who killed king and became king himself. Śunga-Vamśa-10 Śunga kings ruled for 300 years (Kaliyuga Rāja Vŗttānta, Matsya, Vāyu purāņa). Puśyamitra (1218-1158 BC), (2) Agnimitra (1158-1108 BC), (3) Vasumitra (1108-1072 BC), (4) Sujyeşţha (1072-1055 BC), (5) Bhadraka (1055-1025 BC), (6) Pulindaka (1025-992 BC), (7) Ghoşavasu (992-989 BC), (8) Vajramitra (989-960 BC), (9) Bhāgavata (960-928 BC), (10) Devabhūti (928-918 BC).

Kaņva and Āndhra Vamśa[edit]

Kaņva-Vamśa-4 Kaņva kings ruled for 85 years ((Vişņu purāņa 4/24/39-42 etc). (1) Vāsudeva (918-879 BC), (2) Bhūmimitra (879-855 BC), (3) Nārāyaņa (855-843 BC), (4) Suśarmā (843-833 BC). Āndhra-Vamśa-33 Āndhra kings ruled for 506 years. During that rule, saptarşi-cycle of 2700 years started in time of kingYudhişţhira (saptarşi in Maghā from 3176 BC)-(Matsya purāņa chapter 270 etc.). Detailed list is in Kaliyuga Rāja Vŗttānta, list in other purāņas miss some names. Śimukha (Sindhuka or Sumukha)-(833-810 BC), (2) Śrīkŗşņa Śātakarņī (810-792 BC), (3) Śrīmalla Śātakarņī (792-782 BC), (4) Pūrņotsanga (782-764 BC)-In his time Kalinga king Khārāvela became independent from Magadha which was suffering under attack from west Asia. He repaired Prāchī canal in 5th year of his rule (Prāchī inscription) which was 803 (Tri-vasu-śata ) years after coronation of Nanda (1634 BC), thus his rule started in 1634-(803-4) = 835 BC. (5) Śrī Śātakarņī (764-708 BC), (6) Skandha-stambin (Śrīvasvanī)-(708-690 BC), (7) Lambodara (690-672 BC), (8) Āpilaka (672-660 BC), (9) Megha-Svāti (660-642 BC), (10) Śāta-Svāti (642-624 BC), (11) Skanda-Svāti (624-617 BC), (12) Mŗgendra-Svāti-Karņa (617-614 BC), (13) Kuntala (614- 606 BC), (14) Saumya (606-594 BC), (15) Śata-Svāti-Karņa (594-593 BC), (16) Pulomāvi-1 (593-557 BC), (17) Megha (557-519 BC), (18) Arişţa (519-494 BC), (19) Hāla (494-489 BC)-author of Gāthā-sapta-śatī, contemporary of Śankarāchārya. (20) Maņɖalaka (489-484 BC), (21) Purandara-Sena (484-463 BC)- saptarşi- cycle completed in 476 BC in his period. (22) Sundara- Śātakarņī (463-462 BC), (23) Chakra-Vāsişţhī-Putra and Mahendra (462-461 BC), (24) Śiva-1 (461-433 BC),(25) Gautamī-Putra-Śātakarņī (433-408 BC), (26) Pulomāvi-2 (408-376 BC), (27) Śiva-2 (376-369 BC), (28) Śivakoņɖā ( 369-362 BC), (29) Yajñaśrī (362-343 BC), (30) Vijayaśrī (343-337 BC), (31) Chandraśrī (337-334 BC), (32) Pulomāvi-3 (334-327 BC)-He was a child son of Chandraśrī whose queen had links with commander Chandragupta who killed the king and kept his infant son as namesake king. His father Ghaţotkacha-Gupta was commander to 2 kings-(30) Vijayaśrī and (31) Chandraśrī. Finally, Chandragupta killed the son also and became the king himself.

Gupta Kings[edit]

Gupta-Vamśa-They have been called Āndhra-bhŗtya also, as they were serving as commander under them (Matsya purāņa 273/17). Their place is called Śrī-Parvata which should be Śrī-śailam of Andhra Pradesh as the kings were from that area, not of Nepal as surmised. At start of this rule, Alexander attacked India in 326 BC. His historians have mentioned last kings of Āndhra and first 2 kings of Gupta clan as well as strength of army of Āndhra kings. Names as mentioned by Megasthenes are- Ghaţotkacha (Ghaţa = head, Utkacha = remover of hairs) - barber, Chandraśrī. (Chandra-Bīja)—Agrammas (Xandrammas)-31st. Āndhra king Chandragupta-1-Sandrocottus, Samudragupta-Sandrocryptus, Chandragupta-2 was famous as conqueror or Amitrocchedas (=wiping out enemies)-Amitrochades. This was known to R.C Mazumdar, who quoted Megasthenes in –”Ancient India”-page 135 to give strength of army of Āndhra kings. But, he had to retract it in his later book in collaboration with K.K. Dutta and H.C. Raychaudhary. For obedience to British fraud, he was made General editor of 12 Vol. Indian History by Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. Usmania university also keeps both contradictions-For culture of Andhra Pradesh, Megasthenese had come in Gupta period. For history purpose, he was in Maurya period. Gupta kings adopted titles of earlier great kings of Maurya period- Chandragupta-1-Vijayāditya. Samudragupta-Aśokāditya, Chandragupta-2-Vikramāditya. This was only a title. Famous Paramāra king of Ujjain of this name was later on.

                              Śrīgupta-Ghaţotkacha-Chandragupta-1 (327-320 BC)-Founder

Kacha (320 BC) Samudragupta (Aśokāditya (320-269 BC)

Rāmagupta Chandragupta-2 (Vikramāditya) (269-233 BC)

                                                   Kumāragupta-1 (233-191 BC)

Skandagupta (191-175 BC-Issueless) Puragupta (guardian of Budhagupta)

Vainyagupta (175-174 BC) Kumāragupta-2 (174-172 BC) Budhagupta (172-166 BC) Narasimhagupta (Bālāditya-1)- (166-126 BC) Kumāragupta-3 (126-85 BC) Vişņugupta (85-82 BC)

Mālvā Kings[edit]

After Mahābhārata war, Paīkśita was killed by Nāga Takśaka of Takśaśilā in 3042 BC. His Son, king Janamejaya retaliated against Nāgas in 3089 BC in his Nāga-yajña. Many persons were killed, giving names of Moin-jo-daro (=place of dead) and Harappa (heap of bones). India became safe for 2200 years from invasion. But in 833 BC, Mauryan empire broke after fall of Śunga and Kaņva eras and attacks started from tyrants of Assyria, called Asura In India. Khārāvel of Orissa (835 BC as per his inscription) checked their incursion up to Patna. But that was in-sufficient and Vişņu-incarnation Buddha, son of Brāhmaņa Ajina of Magadha united 4 leading (Agri=Agni) kings of India-Paramāra, Pratihāra, Chāhamāna, Chālukya under Mālvā king Śūdraka at mount Abu in756 BC (Śūdraka -śaka). For uniting 4 clans, he was called śudra as honour. Paramāra, and Pratihāra checked Asuras for a while, but they were routed by Chāhamāna of Delhi. Bible has stated that king of Medes of east of Indus wiped out Nineve, capital of Assyria in 612 BC (Era as per Bŗhat-samhitā 13/3 of Varāhamihira). His goddess Śākambharī is Indicated in Durgā-saptaśatī (11/58). King Sudhanvā was 6th from him who setup 4 Pīţhas of Śankarāchārya in 483 BC. Last descendant was Prithviraj Chauhan, defeated in 1192 AD by Mohammad Ghori. Gardabhilla king Darpaņa of Ujjain had kidnapped Sarasvatī, sister of Jain muni Kālakāchārya (599-527 BC), who went for help to 96 chiefs of Hinduga (Hindukush). Those chiefs had to save themselves from Darius of Persia (550 BC) and with help of Balamitra, king of Saurāşţra, captured Ujjain. Śaka king Nahpāna or Nahasena was made ruler of Ujjain. The Śaka kings and descendants were wiped out by Śrī-harşa in 456 BC (Harşa-śaka). After that Paramāra king captured Ujain. As per Bhavişya purāņa, pratisarga (4/1), they were- Pramara (197-191 BC), (2) Mahāmara (191-188 BC), (3) Devāpi (188-185 BC), (4) Devadūta (185-182 BC), (5) Gandharvasena (182-132 BC), (6) Śankha (132-102 BC), (7) Gandharvasena (102-82 BC)-after sudden death of his son Śankha. (8) Vikramāditya (82 BC-19 AD)-He started Vikrama samvat in 57 BC at Paśupatinātha in Nepal from Chaitra and at Somanātha from Kārttika month. He ruled up to Arab in west and his astrologers certified Jesus as a great man.. He revised Puāņas and had 9 Jewels of men in his court. His son (9) Devabhakta (19-29 AD ) could not control the empire and it was divided into 18 parts. It was attacked from all directions by Tatars, Shakas, Hunas, Chinese etc who looted, raped and kidnapped in mass scale. Finally, grand son(10) Śālivāhana (29-89 AD) chased them west of Sindhu river. Jesus Christ took shelter after resurrection in his kingdom at Shrinagar in Kashmir. His 2 disciples also took shelter in south India. Then 10 kings ruled for 50 years each (11) Śālihotra (80-139), (12) Śālivardhana (13) Śakahantā (189-239), (14) Suhotra (239-289), (15) Havihotra (289-339), (16) Indrapāla (Indrāvatī) (339-389), (17) Mālyavān (Mālyavatī) (389-439), (18) Śambhudatta (439-489), (19) Bhaumarāja (489-539), (20) Vatsarāja (539-589), (21) Bhojarāja (589-639)-He had gone to Balkha with his army, and was contacted by Mohammad, who sought his help in establishing Islam. This is indicated in Islamic history also. Kālidāsa-3 was with him. 10 generations after him was the famous king Bhoja (1018-1060 AD)-Author of Samarāngaņa-sūtradhāra etc.

Kings of Kashmir-Taranga-1[edit]

This is given in Rājatarangiņī. Taranga (chapter)-1, describes Gonanda-vamśa from 3450 BC. Names of first 5 kings are not known. 6 Gonanda-1 (3238-3188 BC), (7) Dāmodara-1 (3188-3140 BC)-He was killed just before Mahābhārata war, then his queen Yaśomatī ruled. (8) Gonanda-2 (3138-3083 BC)-He was killed by Pāņɖava king Parīkśita 20 Pāņɖava kings-( 9) Parīkśita who became 9th king and ruled from (3083-3041 BC), (10) Harnadeva was second son of Parīkśita , (11) Rāmadeva, (12) Vyāsadeva, (13) Droņadeva, (14) Simhadeva, (15) Gopāladeva, (16) Vijayānanda, (17) Sukhadeva, (18) Ramaņadeva, (19) Sindhimāna, (20) Mahānadeva, (21) Kamāandeva, (22) Chandradeva, (23) Ānandadeva, (24) Drupadadeva, (25) Haranāmadeva,(26) Sulakhānadeva, (27) Senāditya, (28) Mangalāditya. Another Kashmir dynasty-(29) Kśemendra, (30) Bhīmasena, (31) Indrasena, (32) Sundarasena, (33) Galagendra, (34) Baladeva, (35) Nalasena, (36) Gokarņa, (37) Prahlāda, (38) Bambru, (39) Pratāpaśīla, (40) Sangrāmachandra, (41) Lorikachandra, (42) Bīramachandra,(43) Babighena, (44) Bhagavantī-with these 16 kings-a total of 36 Pāņɖava kings ruled for 1331 years (3083-1752 BC) Gonanda-vamśa again-(45) Lava (1752-1713 BC), (46) Kuśa or Kuśeśaya, (47) Khagendra, (48) Surendra (Issueless). One relation (44th in Gonanda line) became king named (44) Godhara in 1596 BC. (45) Suvarņa, (46) Janaka, (47) Śachīnāra died issueless in 1448 BC. (48) Aśoka was grandson of Janaka’s brother. He became king in1448 BC. Under influence of Lokadhātu Buddha, he became Bauddha and was named Dharmāśoka. He made many vihāras and stūpas, many of which are thought to be by Maurya Aśoka. Bauddhas of central Asia captured his kingdom. By grace of a śaiva saint, he got back his kingdom and got a son named Jālauka. He ruled up to 1400 BC and established Śrīnagara town. (49) Jālauka (1400-1344BC), (50) Dāmodara-2 (1344-1294 BC), Again, Bauddhas of central Asia ruled the state for 60 years,3 kings- Huşka, Juşk,a Kanişka (1294-1234 BC). Gonanda-vamśa (52) Abhimanyu (1234-1182 BC), -52 Gonanda kings for 2268 years (3450-1182 years. (53) Gonanda-3, (54) Vibhīşaņa, (55) Indrajita, (56) Rāvaņa, (57) Vibhīşaņa-2, (58) Kinnara, or Nara, (59) Siddha, (60) Utpalākśa, (61) Hiraņyakula, (62) Vasukula, (63) Mihirakula (704-634 BC)-These 3 were kashmiri śaivas, not foreigners. (64) Baka, (65) Kśitinandana, (66) Vasunandana, (67) Nara, (68) Akśa, (69) Gopāditya (417-357 BC)-He built Śankarāchārya temple in 367 BC which is now called Takhta-e-Suleman. (70) Gokarņa, (71) Kinakhila, (72) Narendrāditya, (73) Andha-Yudhişţhira-he was short-eyed not blind,-73+5=78 kings (3450-272 BC)

Kings of Kashmir-Taranga-2[edit]

Relations of Harşa-Vikramāditya-(1) Pratāpāditya, (2) Jalaukasa, (3) Tuşājina, (4) Vijaya, (5) Jayendra, (6) Sandhimati-(272-80 BC) Gonanda-vamśa-Descendent of Andha-Yudhişţhira (80) Meghavāhana (80-46 BC), (81) Pravarasena, Śreşţhasena or Tuñjina (46-16 BC), (82) Hiraņya-(His younger brother Toramāņa made coins in his own name-died in jail)-He died issueless-(16 BC-14 AD), 83-Mātŗgupta (Sent by king Vikramāditya of Ujjain)-(14-19 AD), (84) Pravarasena-2-Son of Toramāņa (19-79 AD),(85) Yudhişţhira -2 (79-118 AD)-contemporary of king Śālivāhana, grandson of Vikramāditya of Ujjain, (86) Lakśmaņa (Narendrāditya) (118-131), (87) Tuñjina or Rāņāditya, poet (131-173), (88) Vikramāditya (173-215), (89) Bālāditya (215-252) - end of Gonanda-vamśa. Karkoţaka-vamśa-(1) Durlabhavardhana (son-in-law of Bālāditya the last king of Gonanda- vamśa)-(252-288), (2) Durlabhaka or Pratāpāditya (288-338), (5) Lalitāditya or poet Muktāpīɖa (431-467), (6) Kuvalayāditya (467-468), (7) Vajrāditya, Vāpyāyika or Lalitāpīɖa (468-525), (8) Pŗthivyāpīɖa (525-569), (9) Sangrāmapīɖa (7 days), (10) Jayāpīɖa, scholar and poet (569-620), (11) Lalitāpīɖa (620-672)-Chinese traveler Huensang had come in this period, (12) Sangrāmapīɖa -2 (672-729), (13) Chipyata,or Jayāpīɖa (729-781), (14) Ajitāpīɖa (781-837), (15) Anangpīɖa (837-840) (16) Utpalāpīɖa (840-845), (17) Sukhavarmā (845-852) Utpala-vamśa-Avantivarman (town Avantipura in his name) and his son ruled in (852-936). Poets Ānandavardhana, and Ratnākara in that period. Grand-daughter of Bhīma-śāhī was Diddā who ruled in name of her son Abhimanyu Gupta for (957-971) and countered attack of Mahmud of Gajani. Then Eka and tyrant Harşa ruled in (1086-1110). Shahmir ruled in name of Shamsuddin in 1318. His family ruled till 1561 when Moghul king Akbar captured Kashmir.

Nepal Kings-1[edit]

This is given because Nepal was always independent and its king list is not distorted. This has important links with other kings of India. Gopāla-vamśa-(1) Bhuktamānāgata Gupta (4159-4071 BC), (2) Jayagupta (4071-3999 BC), (3) Paramagupta (3999-3919 BC), (4) Harşagupta (3919-3826 BC), (5) Bhīşmagupta (3826- 3788), (6) Maņigupta (3788-3751 BC), (7) Vişņugupta (3751-3709 BC), (8) Yakśagupta (3709-3637 BC). He died issueless. Ahīra-vamśa-Three kings of India ruled for 200 years-(9) Varasimha, (10) Jayamatasimha, (11) Bhuvanasimha. Kirāta-vamśa-(12) Yalambarā, (13) Pavi, (14) Skandarā, (15) Valamba, (16) Hŗti, (17) Humati- he had accompanied Pāņɖavas in forest. (18) Jitedāstī-He died in Mahābhārata war on Pāņɖava side. This is also described in Kirāta-parva under Vana-parva of Mahābhārata and famous epic Kirātārjunīyam of Daņɖī. 7 kings ruled for 300 years (3437-3138 BC), (19) Gali (3138-3137 BC). Then 22 kings ruled for 782 years till 2319 BC. (20) Pushka, (21) Suyarma, (22) Parbha, (23) Svānanda, (24) , (25) Stuvanka, (26) Giighri, (27) Nane, (28) Lāka, (29) Thora (30) Thoko, (31) Varmā, (32) Guja, (33) Puşkara, (34) Keśu. (35) Sunsa, (36) Sammu, (37) Guņana, (38) Kimbu, (39) Paţuka, (40) Gasti. Soma-vamśa-(41) Nimişa, (42) Mānākśa, (43) Kākavarman, (44-48)-Unknown, (49) Paśuprekśa Deva-In his period many persons came from India in 1867 BC (period of Buddha and Mahāvīra in Bihar). These 9 kings ruled for 464 years (2319-1875 BC). (50-51)-Unknown, (52) Bhāskaravarman-He conquered India (some adjacent parts) and without any son. He adopted Aramāna of Sūrya vamśa who became king in 1712 BC in name of Bhūmivarman.

Nepal Kings-2[edit]

Sūrya vamśa-(53) Bhūmivarman (1712-1645 BC), (54) Chandravarman (1645-1584 BC), (55) Jayavarman (1584-1502 BC), (56) Vŗşavarman (1502-1441 BC), (57) Sarvavarman (1441-1363 BC), (58) Pŗthvīvarman (1363-1287 BC), (59) Jyeşţhavarman (1287-1212 BC), (60) Harivarman (1212-1136 BC), (61) Kuberavarman (1136-1048 BC), (62) Siddhivarman (1048-987 BC), (63) Haridattavarman (987-906 BC), (64) Vasudattavarman (906-843 BC), (65) Pativarman (843-790 BC), (66) Śivavŗddhivarman (790-736 BC), (67) Vasantavarman (736-675 BC), (68) Śivavarman (675-613 BC), (69 Rudravarman (613-547 BC), (70) Vŗşadevavarman (547-486 BC)-In his period Śankarāchārya had come in 486 BC for debate with 12 Bodhisattvas. Due to his blessing the king got a son who was named after the saint. (71) Śankaradeva (486-461 BC), (72) Dharmadeva (461-437 BC), (73) Mānadeva (437- 417 BC), (74) Mahideva (417-397 BC), (75) Vasantadeva (397-382 BC), (76) Udayadevavarman (382-377 BC),(77) Mānadevavarman ( 377-347 BC), (78) Guņakāmadevavarman (347-337 BC), (79) Śivadevavarman (337-276 BC), (80) Narendradevavarman (276-234 BC), (81) Bhīmadevavarman (234-198 BC), (82) Vişņudevavarman (198-151 BC), (83) Viśvadevavarman (151-101 BC). After him his son-in-law became king. Ţhākurī-vamśa-(84) Amśuvarman (101-33 BC)-Paramāra king Vikramāditya of Ujjain came in 57 BC and started his Vikrama-samvat at Paśupatinātha from Chaitra śukla 1st. (85) Kŗtavarman (33 BC-54 AD), (86) Bhīmārjuna (54-147 AD), (87) Nandadeva (147-172 AD), (88-89)-Unknown (172-299), (90) Vīradeva (299-394),(91) Chandraketudeva (394-450), (92) Narendradeva (450-516), (93) Varadeva (516-570)- Avalokiteşvara and one Śankarāchārya (of a Pīţha) came in 522 AD. (94) Naramudi (570-615), (95) Śankaradeva (615-627), (96) Vardhamānadeva (627-640), (97) Balideva (640-653), (98) Jayadeva (653-668), (99) Balārjunadeva (668-685), (100) Vikramadeva (685-697), (101) Guņkāmadeva (696-748), (102) Bhojadeva (748-756), (103) Lakśmīkāmadeva (756-778), (104) Jayakāmadeva (778-798).

Śaka and Samvatsara[edit]

These are two complementary systems of calendar- (1)Śaka is mathematical calendar where calculation is done by calculating number of days from a particular point. (2) Samvatsara is followed by people for daily use, festivals as per lunar tithis and is matched with season cycles. Meaning of śaka -This is derived from 2 root verbs- (a) śakļ śaktau =to be able (Pāņini dhātu-pāţha 5/16), (b) şacha or sacha sechane, sevane cha (1/97) . It is powerful form of Kuśa (reed) which is derived from 2 verbs-(a) Kŗśa tanūkaraņe (41/117)=to become thin or fine, (b) Kŗşa vilekhane (1/716, 6/6)=to plough or to draw a line. Thus, Kuśa is a thin rod and sign of number 1 in all languages (I). This becomes Śaka (powerful) in 2 ways- By being big in size-In north India sal tree is Śaka (Sakhua). Siddhārtha Buddha was born in region of sal tree, so he was called Śākya-muni. In south India, Teak tree is Śaka, so it is called Sāgvān (Śaka-vana). Australia abounds in pillar shaped Eucalyptus trees, so it was called Śaka-dvīpa-stated south east of Jambū-dvīpa (Asia)- Mahābhārata (12/14/21-5) and (6/11/4) Rāmāyaņa (4/10/19-54) and (4/43/12) etc. (b) By joining many thin kuśas-In central Asia including south Europe, many wandering small tribes joined in a Federation, so they were called Śaka. In mathematics (statistics) also, each item is counted by a sign of kuśa (I). After, they become 4, they are bound by the fifth- IIII, IIII, IIII, II ….In any mathematical calculation in astronomy, we count the number of days from a particular reference, called Ahargaņa (day-count). So, the calendar used for purpose of calculation is called Śaka. Meaning of Samvatsara- (1) This is the exclusive zone of sun where light of sun reaches in 1 year= sphere of 1 Light year radius. Like 6 seasons in 1 year, there are 6 zones (Vaşaţkāra) in solar system(Śatapatha Brāhmaņa (1/7/2/11,21) (2) This is the curved orbit of earth around sun (Tsara Chhadma gatau=to move in curve-1/373), time in orbit (1 year). (3) One of 5 type of lunar years in Vedānga jyotişa which matches most closely with solar year. They are Samparidānvita- i.e. pre-fixes sam, pari, idā. Anu, it added to Vatsara. Vatsara is derived from Ut (out, up) + şū (to give birth). Thus, vatsa = son, vatsara means son and year born from sun-its zone or period of rotation. (4) System of lunar year which is equalized with solar year by adding extra months after intervals. (5) The year which is followed by people. Sam+ vat+ sarati = moves accordingly. Thus, Jaina tradition calls anniversary as Samavasaraņa. All major social activities and festivals follow samvatsara-financial year, Educational session, agriculture cycle and all festivals. (6) Time measures of equal measure-Guru, Saptarşi, Dhruva or Krauñcha-samvatsaras. Thus, all texts of astronomy use Śālvāhana Śaka for calculation purpose, but all festivals are fixed as per Vikrama samvatsara.

Calendar of Brahmā[edit]

It started in time of Svāyambhuva Manu (29102 BC) after Glacial floods of 31,200 BC. There are 2 references in Vedas-(1) Taittirīya Brāhmaņa (3/1/1/11,12) and Devī-bhāgavata puāņa (9/12/47, 9/1/46-48). The Rāsa in space is due to precession of earth axis in 26000 years. That period is called a manvantara in Brahmāņɖa purāņa (2/29/19). It starts from Kŗttikā (scissors) and ends with Viśākhā (2 branches). These stars are 2 points of intersection of equator and ecliptic-at first point they start like 2 branches of scissors and at opposite end 2 branches rejoin. In time of Svāyambhuva and 26000 years later at start of Kali-spring equinox (Vişuva sankrānti occurred in Kŗttikā star. However, in all periods, calculation of spherical triangle has to be done from first point of intersection. So, Taittirīya samhitā (4/4/10) tells-Kŗttikātah gaņanā, here gaņanā does not mean counting as assumed by S.B. Dixit, it means calculation. (2) Madhusudan Ojha in Chhandah-samīkśā has explained motion of sun from 24 degree north to south By chhandas. The same has been stated in Āvaraņa-vāda quoting Ŗgveda 1/164/1-3,12,13, 1/115/3, 7/63/2 Explained in verses 123-132. Diagram at end is as per Atharva veda (8/5/19-20) Ŗgveda (10/130/4), Vāyu (Chap 2), Brahāņɖa (part 1, chap. 22) Vişņu (2/8-10)

These are the lanes in which sun remains for 1 month each. The same calendar is described in Book of Enoch, chapter 4 in Ethipoean version of Old Testament. The lanes are further divided into 3 each, called Vīthi and nāɖī used for Melāpaka in astrology. This is followed in Vedānga jyotişa, also, where longest day length is double of night as letters in jagatī are double of gāyatrī. This was the original system of Brahmā in Taittirīya samhitā. Vivasvān revived Vedas which was called Āditya sampradāya, followed by Yājñavalkya later on. Earlier form was called Brahma- sampradāya. That was followed by Guru Nanak continued by his second son-Śrīchanda ji (Udāsīna- sampradāya. Brahmā is called Vahe-guru. Brahmā=Vah=Big.

Kārttikeya Calendar[edit]

Mahābhārata Udyoga parva, chapter 230, Verses 8-10 state that Abhijit Nakśatra had fallen (from pole position) and a new calendar was started by Kārttikeya in consultation with Brahmā as advised by Indra. In this system, year started with entry of sun in Dhanişţhā in stead of Abhijit. Earlier (in 17500 BC) at time of Kaśyapa Brahmā, Abhijit was the pole star, i.e. highest point from equator. Similarly, in diurnal motion, when sun is highest point from local horizon, it is called Abhijit muhūrtta. In Abhijit period (of Pole star) Brahmā was supreme, so lord of this star is Brahmā . From this period, rise of Devas started. 2 brother Asura kings Hiraŋya-kaśipu and Hiraŋyākśa were killed by Varāha and Nŗsimha incarnations of Vişŋu. 2 generations later, Vāmana took kingdom of 3 lokas (Russia, China and India) from Bali for Indra. Many Asuras were dissatisfied with deal by Bali and continued war. Compromised was by Kūrma who suggested co-operation for producing mineral wealth-which resulted in Samudra-manthana. Again war erupted over sharing and finally, Kārttikeya defeated Asuras convincingly by destroying Krauñcha mount (north America) by missile. Language of his navy (Mayūra =peacock) occupying pacific is still spread over all islands spread in largest region. After 17,500 BC entry of sun in Dhanişţhā star will be near summer solstice-to be exact in 15,800 BC. Then year started with month of Māgha which was start of south motion of sun (Dakśiŋāyana). That was continuation of system in Asura supremacy, merely starting point had been shifted. So, South motion of Sun is called Asura day in Sūrya-siddhānta. Since year started with Varşā (rains), it was called Varşa. After victory over Asuras, erected pillar in sea at Koŋārka and started Ratha-yātrā on Māgha-saptamī-that might be exact day of sun entry in Dhanişţhā star. Later on, in new calendar, when year started with entry of sun in Aśvinī star (Chaitra month),the ratha-yātrā shifted to start of rains in Āşāɖha śukla 2, which is first day of seeing moon in rains (Āşāɖhasya prathama divase meghamāślişţa sānuh-Meghadūta, 2). That was in time of Vikramāditya (82BC-19 AD) when Kālidāsa wrote his epics. System of Kaśyapa Brahmā and Kārttikeya continued in Vedānga jyotişa-where year is assumed to start from north motion of sun in 2983 BC. The Brahmā who was consulted by Kārttikeya was Apāntaratamā. He lived on banks of Godāvarī and had gone to Hariŋa-dvīpa (Magadaskar) for Tapa. His Brāhmī script of 63-64 letters still continues with Kannada and Telugu in his region. Tamil by Kārttikeya is in Tamilnadu.

Vivasvān calendar[edit]

Vivasvān means sun-He was one of the sons of Aditi-12 Ādityas are widespread in time. His son Vaivasvata was the last historic Manu. He started the calendar with month of Chaitra at time of spring equinox. Yuga system of 12000 years with ascending and descending periods was started by him, not by Brahmā, so time of Brahmā falls in initial Tretā and not Satya yuga. After Vaivasvata Manu- Satya, Tretā, Dvāpara - of (4800 +3600+2400 =10800) years ended at start of Kali on 17-2-3102 B. Thus, his period was 13902 BC. Vivasvān himself may be in about 14000 BC. Solar dynasties are all over world-In Maya and Inca (Inah=sun), Japan, Ethiopea, Ezypt etc. Places of sun are points of start of time zones in ancient world-at interval of 1 Daŋɖa =24 minutes, compared to modern system of 30 minute intervals. Reference was from longitude of Lankā, at equator, whose time was called Ku-bera =earth time, as the time of current reference Greenwich is called. The same longitude passed through Ujjain at tropic of cancer then. 4 cardinal points at 900 intervals were marked by major structures-Pillar of Hercules at 900 west, Pyramid of Mexico 1800 west (or end of east as called in Vālmīki Rāmāyaŋa, Kişkindhā kāŋɖa, 40/54,64) called Siddhapura in Sūrya siddhānta, and under- Sea pyramid at Yama-koţi-pattana at 900 east. That is south west tip of New zealand, it is pair of islands, so called Yama-dvīpa, at same south latitude as Yama star. Koţi is end of land mass, pattana = port. Other places of sun are Stone-henge in UK (780 west), Hellespont 420 west, Lourdes (Rudreśa-east border of France)) 720 west, Kyoto (old capital of Japan) 600 east, Inca capital in Peru 1500 west. In India itself, Kālahastī (AP) and Lolārka (Varanasi) are 60 east, Puŋyārka (Punarakh) near Patna 90 east, Koŋārka (Orissa) at 120 east, Kālapriya and Mūlasthāna at 00 and 60 west, Puşkara (Bukhara in Uzbekistan) at 120 west (Vişŋu purāŋa 2/8/26). Astronomical yugas also are of 12000 Divya years (of 360 years), Divya year in history is solar year. Next Vyāsa after Vaivasvata Manu was Vaivasvata Yama (Jamshed of Zend-Avesta) in whose period glacial floods occurred for about 2000 years. They followed same system and are brothers in that sense. Political and social systems were destroyed. In addition, day length increased due to extra load of water at equator, which increases angular momentum. Due to that, calendar of Vaivasvata Manu developed errors. It was corrected in international conference at Romaka-pattana, 900 west, place of sun called Rabat (Morocco) or Konakry (New Guinee). It was presided by an astronomer of Maya (Mexico) called Maya-Asura. That was held when Alpa (131 years were left in Satya yuga, ending 4800 years after Vaivasvata Manu, i.e. in 9233 BC. That was after revival in Matsya incarnation (9533 BC) when Prabhava Guru year started in both systems-Pitāmaha, Sūrya (Vişŋu dharmottara purāŋa, chapter 68). After that eleventh Vyāsa Ŗşabhadeva had established new world order. Vaivasvata manu was 16000 years or 43 yugas after Svāyambhuva Manu and after 28 yuga=10600 years after him was system of Parāśara (Matsya purāŋa, chapter 173).

Mahābhārata calendar[edit]

Āryabhaţa-2 in his Mahā-siddhānta (2/1-2) has stated that 2 systems were current at Mahābhārata time-Ārya mata and Parāśara mata. View of Parāśara was more popular. These were slightly after start of kali-yuga- तत्रादौ पराशरमतकथने कारणमाह-कलिसंज्ञे युगपादे पाराशर्य मतं प्रशस्तमतः । वक्ष्ये तदहं तन्मम मततुल्ये मध्यमानत्र ॥१॥ इदानीं सिद्धान्तद्वयस्य समयमाह-एतत्सिद्धान्तद्वयमीषद्याते कलौ युगे जातम् । स्वस्थाने दृक् तुल्या अनेन खेटाः स्फुटाः कार्याः ॥२॥. Āryabhaţa-1 himself tells in Āryabhaţīya, that he was 23 years of age when 6 cycles of 60 years passed in kali yuga- षष्ट्यब्दानां षड्भिर्यदा व्यीतास्त्रयश्चयुगपादाः। त्र्यधिका विंशतिरब्दास्तदेह मम जन्मनोऽतीताः॥३/१०॥ Thus was 23 years in kali 360 = 2742 BC, i.e. born in 327 Kali =2765 BC. This was in all old manuscripts, but such antiquity was not acceptable to British who forged it to 60 cycles of 60 years. Original verse was changed to षष्ट्यब्दानां षष्टिर्यदा व्यीतास्त्रयश्चयुगपादाः। He has not mentioned start of Kali itself, as it was near to is time and no other calendar had started. He has mentioned ‘prior to Bhārata’ interpreted as prior to leaving kingship by Yudhişţhira of Bharata family, at start of Kali. काहो मनवो ढ, मनुयुगाः श्ख, गतास्ते च, छ्ना च । कल्पादेर्युगपादा ग च, गुरुदिवसाच्च, भारतात्पूर्वम् ॥१/५॥ Period of Āryabhaţa in 327-400 Kali is proved by the following- Pāţaliputra was not existing, only the school called Kusumapura (like kindergarten=garden of flowers) existed. Place of observatory was Khagola, which is still a town near Patna. आर्यभटस्त्विह निगदति कुसुमपुरेऽभ्यर्चितं ज्ञानम् ॥२/१॥ (2) He has not referred to any other śaka except Kali, as none had started between kali and him. (3) He has been quoted by Varāhamihira in Pañcha-siddhāntikā twice who was born on 6-3-95 BC (Yudhişţhira śaka 3042 Chaitra śukla 8). He is ancient source followed by Lāţa etc. (4) Āryabhaţa was follower of Pitāmaha-siddhānta (opening and last 2 verses) which was the oldest. (5) Number system of Āryabhaţa is not followed by any of text which were written much later. His 18 digit number system is also used in Mayan astronomy. Difference of is not axial rotation of earth. Earth is taken as fixed merely for calculation and all observations. Real difference is equal division of Kalpa in 14 Manvantaras and equal 4 parts of yugas also. Mahābhārata, śānti parva (301/46) mentions about lost (kśaya) years also which is not found in any of calendar systems now. That occurs only in Yājuşa jyotişa (Vedānga jyotişa by P.V. Holay, Nagpur, 1985) Parāśara mata was dominant because it was followed by Kuru kings. It is given in Vişŋu purāŋa (2/7-8) as teaching of Maitreya (follower of Vivasvāna) that system has been followed by Brahmagupta as claimed by him. That is essentially Sūrya-siddhānta method. Magadha was strong opponent and become dominant after Kali which appears to follow Ārya-mata, which was honored there as written by Āryabhaţa.

Main calenders[edit]

Svāyambhuva Manu -29102 BC- (26000 years or 71 yugas before kali-Brahmāŋɖa purāŋa-1/2/9/36-37 43 yugas of 360 years each before Vaivasvata Manu, 71 yugas before Kali-Matsya purāŋa 273/76,77)

  1. Dhruva death- 27,376 BC-Dhruva samvatsara starts with him as per Bhāgavata purāŋa
  2. Dhruva samvatsara of 8100 years each passed till tart of Laukika era in 3076 BC.
  3. Kaśyapa-17500 BC approx., King Pŗthu-17050 BC-Approx.
  4. Kārttikeya-15,800 BC-Approx.
  5. Vaivasvata Manu -13,902 BC.
  6. Maya Calender-9,233 BC at Romaka Pattana-90 deg. West of Ujjain.
  7. Ikśvāku-1-11-8576 BC –Tamil tradition-Makara sankrānti day.
  8. Paraśurāma-Kalamba samvat (Kadamba is north pole of ecliptic, kalamba is down point and means anchor of

ship or port (e.g. Colombo). Kollam samvat is current in Kerala only and started with 824 AD Vişuva smkrānti by omitting years in 1000’s. Thus Kalamba started after death of Paraśurāma in 6177 BC-(1) He was in 19th Tretā, (2) He was at least 9 generations before Rāma in time of king Mūlaka. (3) He had set up 21 republics-Megasthens gives its period as 120 years. Birth of may be 120+35 years before that in 6332 BC.

  1. Rāma was born on 11-2-4433 BC as per planet position in Vālmīki Rāmāyaŋa, Bāla kāŋɖa. But no era in his name.

10. Yudhişţhira period may be using Kalamba era as Paraśurāma is frequently mentioned. 4 eras started in his time- 1. Yudhişţhira-śaka-starts with his coronation on 17-12-3139 BC-5 days after Bhīşma expired on 22 December on start on north motion of sun. 2.Kali era started 36 years after that on 17/18-2-3102 BC Ujjain midnight when ŚrīKŗşŋa expired. 2-27-30 h/m/s after that Chaitra śukla 1 started. 3. 6 months 11 days (188 days) after that on 25-8-3102 BC, Jaya samvatsara started when Yudhişţhira left for Abhyudaya, so it is called Jayābhyudaya-śaka used by Janamejaya in 2 land grants of Kedaranath and Muni-Brindaraka on Tungabhadra bank in 89 year on Dipavali day. 4. Yudhişţhira expired in kali year 25 when Laukika era started in Kashmir in 3076 C on Meşa-samkrānti.

  1. Bhaţābda of Āryabhaţa is used by some in Kerala (birth in 327 Kali, or death ?). Buddha nirvāŋa on 27-3-1807 BC. Kuazad era in Tamil started just before him-may be from his birth. Mahāvīra was born on 11-3-1905 BC, but Vīra samvat starts in 527 BC on death of Kālakāchārya of Ujjain, guru of Kumārila Bhaţţa.
  2. Śūdraka or Mālava-gaŋa samvat in 756 BC. Śākambharī śaka in 612 BC (Bŗhat samhitā 13/3), Śrī-Harşa śaka in 456 BC (Albiruni). This has been called 300 years of democracy by Megasthenes.
  3. Vikrama-samvat-By Paramāra king Vikramāditya of Ujjain (82 BC-19 AD) on Chatra śukla 1, at Paśupatinātha and on Kārttika śukla 1, at Somanātha. Month started with dark half.
  4. Śālivāhana śaka in 78 AD from meşa-samkrānti. He was grand son of Vikramāditya.

Foreign calendars[edit]

Enoch-Book of Enoch-Ethipoean version of Old testament of Bible, Book 3:Astronomy, chapters 72-81 Chap.72-motion in 6 portals-changes of day length in each portal-these are 3 lanes on each side of equator. Chap 74-4 quarters of 91 days each-1 year of 364 days. Last day appears to be year end leave, making 365 days in 1 year. Genesis 5/21-Enoch lived for 365 years. 2.Egypt-It had 12 months of 30 days each and 5 days added at end. Year started in month of Thoth, with Heliacal rising of star Sirius (called Thoth). In cycle of 1460 years, 1 year was excess. 3. Sumerian-Luni solar calendar with year of 354, 355, 383, 384 days. Extra months were added I two ways- Octateris-8 tropical year=2921.94 days, 99 lunar months=2923.53 days From 383 BC-19 solar years =6939.60 days, 235 lunar months= 6939.69 days. 4. Jewish era-from 7/8-10-3761 BC (midnight between Sunday-Monday) at 11hr11 1/3 mts. In AD 71, Jew State was destroyed in Anno Mundi 3831. 5. Iranian-(a) Darius (520 BC)-12 solar months of 365 days. Month of 30 days added after 120 years.

  (b) Tarikh-i-Jelali by Seljuq Sultan Jelal Uddin Melik in1074-75-8 extra days in 33 years of 365 days.
  (c) Pahlavi-by Riza Shah Pahlavi in 1920-Solar calendar with old Persian names.

6. Nabu Nazir era of Babylon (Assyria) in 747 BC-Its rise was countered by Śūdraka in 756 BC. 7. Seleucideanin 312 BC-Luni solar by Greek copying of Sumerians. 8.Julian-calender of norh Europe was of 10 months of 304 days, as 2 months were frozen periods. Numa Pompius added 2 months in 673 BC-making year of 355 days. January began the year-janus was double faced like Punarvasu, ruled by Aditi-Aditirjātam Aditirjanitvam (śānti-pāţha). 13th month Mercedonius of 22 or 23 days was between february-march after 2 or 3 years. After contact with Ezypt, Julius Caesar introduced calendar in 46 BC. He directed new year to start with north motion of sun, but people started it after 7 days on 1-1-45 BC when Pauşa mnth of Vikrama samvat 11 started. That is only calendar in which month starts with dark half. Planned start of year fell on 25 December called Christmas (kŗşŋa-māsa-longest nights). 9. Islamic-It was originally a luni-solar calendar started on 19-3-622 AD with start of Vikrama samvat and intercalary months were added at end by astronomer family called Qalamma when needed to make it equal to solar year. Accordingly, Hajj was decided. Till death of Prophet Mohammad in 632 AD, 3 extra months were added. Thereafter, the system stopped as there was nobody to enforce it. Month names are in 6 pairs like 6 Vedic seasons of 2 months each. Now it is assumed that Hezira was started on 16-7-622 AD by forgetting 3 extra months in beginning. 10. Gregorian- In 1752, Julian calendar was revised in Britain with 1 leap year in 4 years as before but not in Century years unless divisible by 400. 11 days were omitted by making 3rd September as 14th.

Other Calendars[edit]

1.Anka system-This is used to count years from rule of kings, now used only in Orissa. Years are not counted from coronation but from Vāmana dwādaśī, when Indra became king of 3 lokas. There are 2 systems-in one system, all years are counted. In other system, year numbers ending with 6 and 0 are omitted. That might have been followed in purāŋas, causing different figures of rule by same king. Another reason is that rule of many thousand years has 2 meanings-(a) day is called year, (2) sahasra means 1000 or approximate. 2. Vīra-nirvāŋa-It is actually date of death of Kālakāchārya in 527 BC and starts with Kārttika Ś. 1. 3. Kalachuri or Chedi-Āśvina Śukla 1 in 248 AD. 4. Valabhi bhanga-318 AD Kārttika Ś. 1, when later Guptas in Valabhi were routed. 5. Bengali San-April 14, 1361 AD. 6. Vilayati San -From 16-9-1362 AD. 7. Amali san-From 10-9-1362 AD 8. Newar-in Nepal, from 879 AD, Kārttika Ś. 1. 9. Lakśmaŋa Sena 1104-im Mithilā from Kārttika Ś. 1. 10. Simha-by Siddharāja Jaisimha in Gujrat in 1113 AD from Āśāɖa Ś1. 11. Tārikh Ilāhi in 1555 AD by Akbar from vernal equinox. 12. Rāja Śaka -by Śivājī in 1673 from Jyeşţha Śukla 13-Amānta months. 13. Kapilendra Śaka in Orissa starting with rule of Kapilendra Deva in 1426 AD starting with vernal equinox. To explain the rules, Kapilendra Bhāsvatī was written on pattern of original (Pañcha-siddhāntika) Bhāsvatī of Śatānanda (1099 AD). Actually, Kapilendra deva had ruled from 1435 AD, but his Ankas are counted from 1426 AD

Modern Cosmology[edit]

1. PCP-Perfect Cosmological Principle-It is basic assumption of all theories that the Universe as a whole is homogeneous, isotropic and steady-i.e. same in all places, all directions and all times. The feature with these 3 “Satyas” is called “Satya Loka”. Tri-satya has other meanings also-(a) Nāma, rūpa, guŋa=name, form, actions. (b) 3 modes of truth in verbal logic-yes, no, may be. By combination of these 3, there are 7 fold truths. (c) Similarly, combination of Bhū, Bhuvar, Svah-gives 7 lokas. This is first sentence of Veda

(Atharva) ये त्रिषप्ताः परियन्ति विश्वाः । It is also in Puruşa-sūkta- सप्तास्यासन्परिधयः त्रिसप्त समिधः कृताः ।

Accordingly, Kŗşņa himself has been prayed as 3-satyas and 7 more satyas- सत्यव्रतं सत्यपरं त्रिसत्यं, सत्यस्य योनिं निहितं च सत्ये। सत्यस्य सत्यं ऋत-सत्य नेत्रं, सत्यात्मकं त्वां शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ (भागवत पुराण,१०/२/२६) 2. Universe is not seen uniform, but James Jeans explained in “Mysterious Universe”-1931 that at level of 1000 galaxies, it is uniform. However, recent researches indicate that it is not uniform even at largest scales. Ultimate source of Universe might have been uniform, but it is nowhere seen in created Universe. Thus, no theory based on these assumptions can explain real universe. 3. There is no experimental verification of any theory in astronomy. All mathematical equations and models are conjectures only. In 1931, it was proved by Godel that no mathematical theory can be complete and consistent both. It was expanded by Cohen in 1961. But, All scientists starting with Einstein had craze of Unified Field Theory. Mahesh Yogi also came up with his Unified theory on Vedic concepts. That has resulted in proliferation of theories. Vedas are blamed that their meaning is uncertain. But all human languages are based on physical observations. Similar meaning is assigned to words for cosmic and internal systems. If we analyze text as per cosmic, physical and internal meanings-there is no ambiguity. Currently, there are more than 22 Cosmological theories-none of them explains real universe. 5. We are uncertain about number of dimensions of world. Laplace in his nebular hypothesis assumed 3 dimensional space. Einstein added time to form 4-dimensional space-time-continuum. Before him, Mach made many models of Universe and its observed aspect. There were Thermo-dynamic models by Maxwell and Willard Gibbs. General theory of Relativity (GTR) by Einstein resulted in unstable expanding Universe. To counter that, he inserted an arbitrary constant. But real Universe was explained by 3 models Omitting that constant. Theories of 5, 6, 9, 10.11 dimensions were also developed. 6. Nature of dimensions is not clear. 2 of 10 dimensions are called-Time-like. Some are local and some infinite. 7. Salam, Weinburg etc. developed theories of splitting of 4 fundamental forces from single one, parity aspect and creation of varieties of atomic particles. 8. Ultimate source was assumed primordial strings of 10-35 meter, but next levels are missing and nature of quarks is not clear. 5 types of 10 dimensional string theories were modified by M-string theory-all are guess.

Vedic Cosmology[edit]

Now we can realize solution of these problems by Vedic model. God as ultimate source of matter, energy or consciousness is one, but it is beyond description. Visible created Universe has variety and can be describe, but description can not be single. No object has any geometrical shape. All stars and planets are assumes spherical, but that is approximate only. Orbits are elliptical with several corrections. Finally all are discrete objects, but mathematical equations are continuous. Vedas do not indicate any Unified theory as assumed by Mahesh Yogi-

There are opposite pairs of matters and processes-(a) Agni-soma, (b) Puruşa-Prakŗti, (c) Rasa-Bala, (d) Sañchara –Pratisañchara, (e)Jīva-Māyā (f) Śiva-Śakti etc. (2) World is created by action of 3 Guņas. Their combination is of 8 types called 8 Prakŗtis -so there are 8 alternative theories of Vedānta though it was for unification of diverse sūktas by different Ŗşis in different periods-(a) Śankara, (b) Nimbārka, (c) Rāmānuja, (d) Madhva, (e) Vallabha, (f) Abhinava- Gupta, (g) Chaitanya , (h)Tantrāgama (3) There are 6 darśanas to explain Vedic theories. Veda itself has many types of texts-(a) samhitā-collection of mantras, (b) Brāhmaņa , (c) Purāņa, (d) Āgama, etc. (5) Four types of samhitā-Ŗk, Yajur, Sāma, Atharva. (6) 4 types of Puruşa-Kśara Akśara, Avyaya, Parātpara. The last is beyond description. (7) Nāsadīya-sūkta describes 10 alternate theories and still tells that ultimate source is uncertain.

Definitely, no single theory can explain Vedas or the world. There has to be a combination of theories. How many are needed. At least 2 are needed- Puruşa theory explains sequence of puras (structures) at micro and mega levels. Śrī theory explains field theory about continuous description of space. That is 10 dimensional, but lesser dimensions are sufficient for many purposes. (3) There is a Yajña theory of transformation called creation. It also explains nature of various times. It is doubtful whether this is independent or it can be derived from the earlier 2 theories.

Puruşa Theory[edit]

Pura is a structure within boundary called Chhanda. The whole world is collection of structures and is a Puruşa. Man itself is a Puruşa being image of world in sense that human brain has the same number of cells 1011 as number of stars in our galaxy. Those structures are called Viśva which are complete, closed , and independent. Higher Viśvas (world levels) are successively 107 times bigger- Man-earth-solar system-galaxy-Universe=5 levels Lower worlds are successively 105 times smaller- Cell- (2) atom- (3) nucleus- (4) particles-(5) Deva-dānava, (6) Pitara (7) Ŗşi Thus, there is a cross symmetry-when levels are 5, internal ratio is 7, when levels are 7, ratio is 5- Levels Inner Ratio 5 Gross 7 (power of 10) 7 Micro 5 (power of 10) Since it is with base 10, Universe should be of 10 dimensions. In no theory of modern cosmology, there is relation between any gross or micro structure. They explain only the average features. Similarly, size of micro-levels up to nucleus only are defined-levels below that are smaller than the measuring rod which is wavelength of light. Levels below atomic particles are not known. There are more than 100 types of atomic particles in 3 groups-Lepton (light), baryon (heavy) and Meson (link). These have been called –Chara, sthāņu, and Anupūrva. Level below particle (jagat) is Deva-dānava. Devas are 33 and Dānavas are 99. Creation is from Devas only, so created world is only one-fourth (Puruşa-sūkta, 3,4). Pitar is smaller level and may be prototype for creating higher levels. Smallest level is Ŗşi whose length of 10-35 meters is called smallest length in modern Quantum Mechanics, called Planck’s Length. Strings (Ŗşi =rassi in hindi) of that length are taken as ultimate source in all String Theories. In higher levels, sphere of Moon orbit also is a world level as it is cause of life forms on earth. Including that, there are 5 bigger worlds, 6 is man and 7 smaller worlds-a total of 13, So the number 13 itself is indicated by ‘Viśva’ in astronomy. Viśva is a complete visible structure, Jagat is the invisible action and life in that. Jagat is of 14 levels called 14 Bhūta-sargas. These are 8 higher, called Sattva. These are average Prāņa levels of each loka and one is common for all, called Brahma. Man is intermediate. Tamo-viśāla are 5-3 types of animals of earth, water, air. Plants are semi-conscious, soil is hidden conscious.

Śrī Theory[edit]

It was evident from Puruşa theory itself that Universe should be of 10 dimensions. That is indicated By 10 Mahāvidyā, 10 Gurus (Sikh religion), 10 commandments (Bible) and same words for number 10, State and directions-Daśa, Daśā, Diśā. Śānti-pāţha also is 10 fold- द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः पृथिवी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः । वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः सामा शान्तिरेधि ॥ (वा.यजुर्वेद ३६/१७) 10 dimensions are in many ways-(a) Combination of 3 Guŋas, say-a,b,c, in 10 ways-a,b,c,ab,ac,bc,abc. (b) 5 tanmātrās (mātrā =measures) of Prakŗti in distinct (countable= Gaŋeśa) and 5 in indistinct ways (abstract, non-countable=Sarasvatī). (c) 3 Steps of Vişŋu in 3 ways-(i) Linear measure (pada) of space, (ii) Boundary of space, (iii) Field of Influence (Vikrama), and (iv) Undisturbed original-Rasa. Nature and names of dimensions are- (1) 0 dimension is point space called Chit. In every such space, something can be felt which is sat, and universal ānanda. This is same as dimension 10 called Rasa or Ānanda. (2) Dimension 1 is line-pada, rekhā, measured in yojana, ahargaŋa. (3) 2-Surface-Pŗşţha, (4) 3-Volume-Stoma, āyatana, āyu. (5) 4-Matter-Anna, Brahmā, measured in Aśīti chhandas. (6) 5-Kāla-Perception of change is Śiva. It is 3 types-Nitya-steady decay, janya-cyclic change, Akśaya- conserved. (7) 6- Chayana-ordering in space-Vişŋu, (8) 7-Ŗşi-it is link between any 2 objects by 4 basic forces, (9) 8-Nāga-It is limiting an object in curved surface. (10) 9-Randhra-Deficit of any matter or energy at a place is cause of change. For different purposes, 5 to 10 dimensions are sufficient, so there are 6 Darśana (Philosophy) and 6 Darśa-Vāk (scripts). Mechanical world described by Physics is 5 dimensional in the sense that 5 basic units are needed for measurement (5 Mā chhandas). Next are 6 levels of consciousness. It is called Chetanā as it does Chayana=ordering. Ordering in space is dimension 6, Link among them is 7, curved boundary is 8, and difference of density is 9. Finally, unique original source is dimension 10. 6 scripts are-(1) 5x5-elements of Sānkhya-Roman script, Avakahaɖā chakra, (2) 6x6 elements of Śaiva- Latin, Arabic, Russian, Gurumukhi. (3) 7x7 Maruts-Devanāgarī, (4) 8x8-Kalā-Brāhmī, (5) (8+9)2 letters in Vijñāna-vāk of Vedas-36x3 vowels, 36x5 consonants and one unclassified ॐ. (6) 103 to 104 letters in Chinese beyond Vyoma =Tibet. These divisions of Vāk are indicated in Ŗgveda (1/164/25)- गौरीर्मिमाय सलिलानि तक्षत्येकपदी सा द्विपदी चतुष्पदी अष्टापदी नवपदी सा बुभूवुषी सहस्राक्षरा परमे व्योमन् ॥

Yajña Theory[edit]

Yajña in space is creation of 5 levels of world-(1) Svāyambhuva (=Self created, Universe), (2) Parameşţhī (=Largest brick, Galaxy), (3) Saura (Solar system), (4) Chāndra (Sphere containing moon orbit), (5) Pŗthivī (Earth planet). This chain of creation is reverse tree (Gītā 15/1) . This chain remains constant called Avyaya Aśvattha or Avyaya Puruşa. Individual structures are enclosed in a boundary and are always decaying. They are Kśara Puruşa. Despite decay they have same hidden identity (Kūţastha) and function till they remain-it is Akśara Puruşa. Formless homogeneous source is Parātpara. As there are 5 levels of creation in space, there are 5 daily rituals and active Brahma (Ka) has 5 forms symbolized by 5 Kakāras in Sikhism. Rudra-yāmala gives 5 daily rituals, same as 5 daily namāja in Islam. There are 5 mahā-yajña (Manusmŗti 3/70) in daily routine-1.Brahma-yajña = study, 2. Pitŗ-yajña =paying back source (predecessors, society, surroundings), 3. Diava-yajña=Strengthening external and internal Prāŋas whose energy is used by us, 4. Bhūta-yajña = Feeding animals and others helping us, 5. Nŗ-yajña = Serving guests etc. Taittirīya upanişad (1/7/1) tells that yajña is 5x5. Brahma-sūtra calls it Pañchī-karaŋa. These 5x5 are- Pŗthivī, antarikśa, dyau, diśā, avāntara-diśā, 2. Agni, vāyu, āditya, chandramā, nakśatra. 3. Āp, Oşadhi, vanaspati, ākāśa, ātmā, -These 3 are Adhibhūta group. 3 Adhyātma groups are-4. Prāŋa, vyāna, apāna, udāna, samāna, 5. Chakśu, śrotra, mana, vāk, tvak, 6. Charma, mānsa, snāva, asthi, majjā. From first 3x5, second 3x5 are fulfilled. Aitareya Brāhmaŋa (1/5) indicates 5x5 classification of yajña- 1. Anna-pankti-1. Pāka- yajña (guhya=hidden), 2. Işţi, 3. Paśu, 4. Soma (2-4 are Vitāna=spread, sutyā),

   5. Agni-Chayana- yajña or Chityā.

2. Haviş-pankti-1. Dhāna, 2. Karambha, 3. Parivāpa, 4. Puroɖāśa, 5. Payasya. 3. Akśara-pankti-1. Su=ānanda, 2. Mat=mana, 3. Pat = Vijñāna, 4. Vak =Vāk, 5. De = Prāŋa. 4. Narāśansa-pankti-(use of residue product)-1. Prātah-savana-2 narāśansa, 2. Mādhyandina savana-

   2 N, 3. Sāyam-savana-2N=total 5 Narāśansa.

5. Savana pankti-1. Upavasatha Paśu (Agni-somīya paśu), 2. Prātah-savana, 3. Mādhyandina savana,

  4. Sāyam-savana, 5. Anubndhyā Paśu (controlled by Maitrā-Varuŋa)

These classifications are as per-1. Available materials, 2. Process of consumption, 3. Completion of desires, 4. Consumption of products, 5. Times of using men and materials.

Notes and References[edit]

  1. Bŗhat-samhitā (58/1-2) of Varāhamihira
  2. Padma-purāņa, Sŗşţi khaņɖa (40/2-3) Or Ŗgveda (6/16/13-14).
  3. Bhāgavata purāņa 5/21/17
  4. 60 AU average in Bhāgavata
  5. Sūrya-siddhānta 12/86
  6. Sūrya-siddhānta 12/80
  7. Sūrya-siddhānta 12/90
  8. त्रिंशद्धाम वि-राजति वाक् पतङ्गाय धीमहि । प्रति वस्तोरहद्युभिः ॥ॠक्(१०/१८९/३)
  9. सदृशीरद्य सदृशीरिदु श्वो दीर्घं सचन्ते वरुणस्य धाम । अनवद्यास्त्रिंशतं योजनान्येकैका क्रतुं परियन्ति सद्यः ॥ (ऋक्, १/१२३/८)
  10. मा छन्दः तत् पृथिवी, अग्निर्देवता .. (मैत्रायणी संहिता, २/१४/९३, काठक संहिता, ३९/३९)
  11. द्वात्रिংशतं वै देवरथाह्न्यन्ययं लोकस्तং समन्तं पृथिवी द्विस्तावत्पर्येति ताং समन्तं पृथिवीं द्विस्तावत्समुद्रः पर्येति..... (बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद् ३/३/२)
  12. Nakśatra-kakśā in Sūrya-siddhānta (12/80)
  13. Sūrya-siddhānta
  14. Pitāmaha-siddhānta
  15. कलिः शयानो भवति सञ्जिहानस्तु द्वापरः । उत्तिष्ठन् त्रेता भवति कृतं सम्पद्यते चरन् । (ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण, ७/१३)
  16. Vedānga jyotişa by P.V. Holay, Nagpur, 1985
  17. Ŗk 3/9/9, 10/52/6 त्रीणि शतानि त्रीणि सहस्राण्यग्निं त्रिंशच्च देवा नव चा सपर्यन् । (ऋक्, १०/५२/६)
  18. आदित्याश्च ह वा आङ्गिरसश्च स्वर्गे लोके ऽस्पर्धन्त-वयं पूर्वे एष्यामो, वयमिति । ते हाऽऽदित्याः पूर्वे स्वर्ग लोकं जग्मुः, पश्चेवाङ्गिरसः षष्ट्यां वा वर्षेषु (ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण, १८/३/७) आदित्याश्चाङ्गिरसश्च सुवर्गे लोके ऽस्पर्धन्त …त आदित्या एतं पञ्चहोतारमपश्यन् (तैत्तिरीय ब्राह्मण, २/२/३/५)
  19. षड् विंशति सहस्राणि वर्षाणि मानुषाणि तु । वर्षाणां युगं ज्ञेयं….. (ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण,१/२/२९/१९) तस्यैकसप्तति युगं मन्वन्तरमिहोच्यते (ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण,१/ २/९/३६,३७)
  20. Bhavişya purāņa, 3/3/1/2-4
  21. त्रीणि वर्ष सहस्राणि मानुषेण प्रमाणतः । त्रिंशदधिकानि तु मे मतः सप्तर्षि वत्सरः (ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण, १/२/२९/१६, वायुपुराण, ५७/१७) सप्तविंशति पर्यन्ते कृत्स्ने नक्षत्र मण्डले । सप्तर्षयस्तु तिष्ठन्ते पर्यायेण शतं शतम् (वायु पुराण, ९९/४१९)
  22. Brahmāņɖa purāņa, 1/2/29/18
  23. Vişņu-dharmottara purāņa, 82/7,8
  24. Milankovich Theory, 1923
  25. Brhma-sphuţa-siddhānta, Madhyamādhikāra, 60-61 and Bhāskara-2 Siddhānta-śiromaņi, Bhū-paridhi, 7-8
  26. Brahmāņɖa purāņa (1/2/6/6-8)
  27. Rāma's birth on 11-2-4433 BC as per horoscope in Vālmīki Rāmāyaņa
  28. Mahābhārata udyoga parva, 230/8-10
  29. Brahmāņɖa purāņa, 2/3/63/119-120
  30. Rājatarangiņī (1/50-52)
  31. 37902-33102 BC
  32. Dik-pāla = Ruler of a region)
  33. Brahmāņɖa purāņa (1/2/36/65)
  34. Purāņon men Vamśānukramika Kāla-krama, and Purāņon men Aitihāsika Parivarta Yuga-Itihas Vidya Prakashan, Delhi, 1990
  35. It is referring to the time in 17,050 BC.
  36. It refers to the period 8,140-7,780 BC.
  37. This belongs to the period 7,780-7,420 BC.
  38. It refers to the period 13902 BC.
  39. It is different from famous Nala character of Nişadha.
  40. It refers to 3139 BC.
  41. It belongs to the period of 1887-1806 BC.
  42. Tāņɖya-mahā-brāhmaņa 24/18/6, Mahābhārata, udyoga parva 147/3)
  43. It is believed to be the place of dead.
  44. This is believed to be the place of bones.
  45. Brahmāņɖa purāņa 2/3/74/121, Vişņu purāņa 4/23/12 etc
  46. Brahmāņɖa purāņa 2/3/74/122, Skanda purāņa 12/2 etc
  47. Vişņu purāņa 4/23 etc
  48. Vāyu purāņa 119/318
  49. Vişņu purāņa 4/24/104, Bhāgavata purāņa 12/1/10
  50. Matsya purāņa 270/20, 273/23
  51. Kaliyuga Rāja Vŗttānta 3/2, Matsya purāņa 270/32, Vāyu purāņa etc.