
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Tvaṣṭa literally means ‘the shaper’.

According to the Ṛgveda,[1] Tvaṣṭā is an artisan of the gods. Later, he was identified with Viśvakarma.[2] He is counted among the twelve Ādityas born to the sage Kaśyapa in Aditi. Racanā, the daughter of Prahlāda, was his wife. Triśiras or Viśvarupa was his son who had been chosen by Indra to be the priest of the gods. He was ultimately killed by Indra. Sañjñā, the eldest wife of Surya[3] was his daughter.


  1. Ṛgveda 1.20.6
  2. Viṣṇupurāṇa 3.2.11
  3. He is the Sun-god.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore