User:Vishal J Mehta
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia
- Place of Birth
- Mumbai
- Currently Residing In
- San Jose, CA
- Language Proficiency
- Gujarati, Hindi, English
- Darsana
- Pushti Marga
- Upasana Parampara
- Vaishnav - Srinathji
- Subjects of Study
- electrical and computer engineering
- Interests
- Philosophy
- self help literature
- nutrition and wellness
- Reading
- traveling
- entrepreneurship
- Hindupedia Areas of Focus
- Editor – helping to clean up grammatical and stylistic errors
- Other website related tasks
- Other Socio Cultural Associations & Activities
- Volunteer for BAYVP Vasihnav temple in Milpitas, CA
- Member of local Bhakti Vriksh group (ISKCON - San Jose)
- Education
- MS (Electrical and Computer Engineering) from Univ of Wisconsin – Madison
- B Tech from Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University
- Profession
- working as ASIC Engineer at NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
- building my own home-based business through Amway Global
- planning to start a company someday to serve the teaching profession