Vācaspati Miśra

From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Vācaspati Miśra lived in 9th century A. D. One of the greatest scholars and writers in the post-Saṅkara period, Vācaspati Miśra lived in Mithilā when the king ruling there was Nṛga. He is assigned to the 9th century A. D. His most celebrated work is the Bhāmatī, his gloss on the bhāṣya of Śaṅkara[1] on the Brahmasutras. This has six sub-commentaries. His interpretation of Advaita Vedānta has given rise to the Bhāmatī School and the avacchedavāda. He was a prolific writer on almost all the facets of religious philosophy.

The following is the list of his works:

  1. Nyāyakanikā on Maṇḍana’s[2] Vidhiviveka
  2. Brahmatattvasamīksā on Maṇḍana’s Brahmasiddhv
  3. Tattvabindu - a discussion of language in its relation to meaning
  4. Nyāyavārttikatātparyatikā - a commentary on Udyotakara’s[3] Nyāyavārttika
  5. Nyāyasucinibandha - a supplement to the aforementioned work
  6. Sāñkhyatattvakaumudi on the Sāñkhyakārikā of īśvarakṛṣṇa[4]
  7. Tattvavaiśāradi, gloss on the Vyāsabhāsya, on the Yogasutras of Patañjali[5]

All these works have been published except the second one.


  1. He lived in A. D. 788-820.
  2. He lived in 9th century A. D.
  3. He lived in A. D. 635
  4. He lived in A.D. 350
  5. He lived in 2nd century B. C.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore

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