
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Viśvajit literally means ‘conquest of the world’.

Origin of Viśvajit Sacrifice[edit]

The Kathopanisad[1] refers to the Viśvajit sacrifice also known as Bahudakṣiṇa. It was first performed performed by Vājaśravas, the father of the famous Naciketas. It is a soma-sacrifice belonging to the ekāha[2] type, such as Gosava, Udbhid and Vrātyastoma.

Rituals of Viśvajit Sacrifice[edit]

In this sacrifice, the yajamāna or sacrificer has to donate one thousand cows or all his wealth, except the share of his eldest son and land. After this sacrifice he has to live for three days each respectively at the root of an udumbara tree,[3] in a settlement of niṣādas,[4] among vaiśyas and with kṣattriyas in the prescribed manner.


  1. Kathopanisad 1.1.1
  2. Ekāha means spread over one day only.
  3. Udambara tree means fig tree.
  4. Niṣādas means hunters.
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore