
From Hindupedia, the Hindu Encyclopedia

By Swami Harshananda

Yajñacakra literally means ‘the cycle of sacrifice’.

This is a special concept given by the Bhagavadgitā.[1] God created the human beings. Yajña, the system of sacrifice and worship, was the link between the god and the human beings. The human beings were advised to worship the gods through yajña and the gods would respond by giving them what they wanted to lead a happy life. By such mutual help and co-operation both can be satisfied.

This is then followed by a description of how the whole creation is sustained by an interlinking of various factors, as follows:

  • Living beings are produced by food.
  • Food is produced by rains.
  • Rains are induced by the unseen but positive result of yajñas performed by the human beings.
  • Yajña is brought about by the physical and ritual activity of the priests and also the performer of the sacrifice.
  • The basis for the sacrificial system is the Veda.
  • The Veda has emerged out of Akṣara or Paramātman, the Supreme God.

Overall it is the jagat-cakra or yajñacakra, since the Veda is primarily concerned with yajña or sacrifice.


  1. Bhagavadgitā 3.10-16
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram Krishna Math, Bangalore